
Chapter 78 Body Transformation

Running, using all the strength on his body, he burst out and flew out quickly without seeing the way ahead. At this moment, the chaotic mind made Jun Luoyu unable to perfectly control the strong internal force that broke out of his body. The rushing breath was like a cow hitting his heart, making his body surface bleeding, suppressing the leakage of true qi, and can only be constantly released. In order to relieve the pain from the muscles and veins in the body!

The feeling of cracking made him at a loss. It seemed that if he didn't pay attention, he would collapse. If he didn't have a firm mind, Jun Luoyu might choose to give up himself and collapse at once.

He didn't know how long he had been running aimlessly. Gradually, he felt that the true qi in his body was weak and his internal force was exhausted, but he was still blown off by the wild blood. Wow, he spit out a large mouthful of blood. Jun Luoyu finally couldn't hold on. He was powerless, and his face turned red and white. The cold and hot breath alternately appeared on his body. Blood stained his clothes and fell to the ground, trembling slightly. His violently undulating chest was stained with his blood. Suddenly, he felt so tired and sleepy. Those chaotic thoughts interfered with his thoughts, making it difficult for him to settle down to heal his wounds. Looking no longer The warm sun found that he had been running for three hours!

Ha ha... Jun Luoyu smiled miserably: "I didn't expect me to fall into this field!" There was a lot of bitterness in his eyes, and he felt uncomfortable even by pulling off the corners of his mouth. He turned his head with difficulty and looked at the strange environment around him. He felt very desolate and unno one.

In that case, he can only choose the most uninhabited place to fly. People are good or bad in his eyes. If a person accidentally meets his enemy, it is really a sheep into the mouth of a tiger. After running for so long, he doesn't know where it is and how far away from home. This is the last thought in his mind when he fainted.

There was a man lying in the grass in this desolate countryside. His long silver hair covered his face, and the dusk sun shone on him through the vegetation, leaving him a trace of tenderness.

He is too tired and has exerted all the functions of his body to the extreme. Fortunately, he only broke one vein. If all of them are broken, Jun Luoyu, not to mention that his martial arts are exhausted, may even be in danger to his life. In the case of going crazy, he still forcibly used his internal force, and has to admire his courage. He also did such a compound thing. The injury almost broke down. Fortunately, his physique was different from ordinary people.

It was all because Jun Luoyu didn't understand and why such a sudden qi and blood surged out. He was eager to destroy his meridians. His mind was in the case of controlling his anger. He failed to calm down his tyrannical blood in the first time. This was his biggest mistake, and he finally tasted the consequences.

If it hadn't been for his extraordinary talent, different from ordinary people, strong muscles and veins, and the perfect body cast by the hard practice of Chinese ancient martial arts, he would have returned to heaven long ago, and it would have been impossible for him to persist for nearly three hours, so that all the chaotic internal forces of his body could be waving out of his body. He was already just a corpse. , the muscles and veins were broken, and the blood exploded and died.

The night comes quietly, and the summer night sky is dotted with countless stars, shining with silver light. Those stars like eyes look very different tonight. As for the difference there, that feeling is very difficult to say. By the way, it is a spiritual feeling. Only telepathy can you find their strange changes. .

The quiet suburbs are litter and wider by the stars in the sky. Only the sound of wind and grass is rare, and the summer insects sing at night, surrounded by the fainting Jun Luoyu. Unfortunately, now he is like a dead man and can't hear anything.

Hula, the airflow is piling up. If someone is present now, he will see a faint red light on Jun Luoyu's chest. The amulet that has been worn by him for more than ten years is the stone sign that came to the mortal dust at the same time as it. Because it is stained with his own blood, it sneered and sneered. There was a dazzling red light, which was unprecedented. Since childhood, this brand has not been stained with a trace of blood. Now Jun Luoyu's blood has made it so incredible, which is really incredible.

The red light kept flashing. Suddenly, when the red light was in full bloom, the silver and purple brand shot out two light silver and black lights, wrapped in red light, which seemed to be fused together. A strong red light burst out from Jun Luoyu's chest. It was blood. The silver and black brand was swallowed up by blood light and disappeared on his chest. When the silver and black sign disappeared on his chest, Jun Luoyu's whole body ejected purple-gold brilliance, and the light flowed on him like a relative. His whole body was wrapped in the dazzling purple and gold light, and a trace of essence was absorbed by Jun Luoyu's body for more than five hours before it became thinner and thinner.

He is still unconscious and seems to be digesting the strange energy absorbed. The stars in the sky, pulled by the purple and gold brilliance, also gathered a trace of silver light visible to his body and penetrate into his pores. The silver light swam around him like a spirit snake before it gradually disappeared on his body, most of which They all disappeared in his chest, and suddenly his body emitted a great heat. It seemed that the exhaust gas that had just been fused with energy was generally forced out of the body. The dusty gas was blown away by the wind until it disappeared, and the silver starlight continuously penetrated into his body until the sky was gray and the starlight was bright. Gradually disappear and stop.

After a night, the baptism of all kinds of unknown energy, Jun Luoyu's face returned to the previous blood color.

The faint morning glow shone on his face, as warm as the spring sunshine seemed to wake him up. His eyelids trembled a few times, and finally slowly opened. The silver purple essence radiated in his eyes, more dazzling than the sun, straight to the sky, as if the whole person had taken too much tonic and nosebleed, releasing the excess energy of the body. Ensure that the harmony inside and outside of your body is more perfect.

Hera, turned over and jumped, moved her muscles and bones, and suddenly found that her body was no longer painful, and even felt better than before. She was surprised and didn't know why.

Although my resilience has always been amazing, it is impossible for such a serious internal injury to heal so lightly.

Jun Luoyu shook his head hard and covered his forehead with his hand. He no longer thought about this incomprehensible problem. He tried to operate the internal force in his body and found that there was still a little bit, barely enough to support it a few times. His body clearly felt very powerful, but why couldn't he use it? However, the internal force cultivated by Longquan was not exist. If this is for What, question?

Well, it can clearly sense the strong power swimming in the veins of the body. The incomparable power is not its own internal force. It is a strange internal force that has never seen before. The domineering power is full of the whole body, but it can't be used, which makes Jun Luoyu a little depressed. The feeling of staring at Baoshan, don't It's unbearable.

However, when I think about it, I was seriously injured yesterday, but I just became alive after sleeping, much more fierce than the prawns, and it was lucky that I could recover, and I no longer sighed how my internal strength suddenly disappeared.

Jun Luoyu smiled happily and ran the only remaining internal force to swim through the meridians of his whole body. He felt that his body was warm and comfortable. Although now there is a layer of gray film on his body, he really looks more like a beggar than a beggar, simply a prince among beggars, dirty.

I stabilized my mind and practiced the dragon fist from beginning to end. I felt that although it was not as powerful as before, it was smoother in movements than before. The body was penetrated by the silver and purple essence of the stars last night as if it had been reborn.

I thought that it might be because I went crazy and broke out of my internal force. I didn't recover for a while, so I didn't have the previous power!

Thinking about this, he also feels much more reasonable. After all, it is impossible to release the internal force of his whole body at once and return to the previous level in a short time, and he doesn't know what happened last night at all!

Maybe one day he can guess it by himself, but it must not be now. Now he doesn't understand the unknown field, and that dazzling brilliance is not the so-called internal force, so he can feel it but can't help it.

After a little activation, I felt that my body was fine. Although my body was still a little weak, I was still mentally good. Jun Luoyu couldn't help thinking of the current problem. How long did he sleep here? If it was too long, the old man, father and mother would die anxiously and remembered that he was very strict with himself. Long Yunye couldn't help feeling that he gave himself the best in everything and was jealous of his own grandson.

Jun Luoyu thinks it's funny when he thinks about it. How can he... He shook his head and muttered to himself, "Now I can only find someone to ask the way."

He chose the direction he came yesterday, but now he doesn't use his internal force to rush on the road. After all, he has little internal force left. Not to mention using internal force, he can't achieve the effect he wants. Let's go slowly.

While walking, thinking about your own strange changes, where did that unparalleled power come from?

After walking for more than an hour, he couldn't see a ghost, which made Jun Luoyu feel that the way he chose was too remote. When he fled, of course, he went in the direction where he felt at ease. Even if his thoughts were already chaotic at that time, he just ran blindly and fled the scene based on his own feelings.

Jun Luoyu uncovered the sticky film on his face, and the exposed skin became smoother, stronger, and as white as a newborn baby. He reached out and touched it a few times, and muttered to himself with a proud smile on his face: "Ha ha, now he has really become a veritable white-faced man. It's a sin to be too handsome. ."