
Chapter 82 Handsome men are not all stars

According to the satellite map displayed on the mobile phone, according to the intelligent guidance, Jun Luoyu can easily find the direction of the urban area, and there are some things in his mind that need to be dealt with as soon as possible. He can't help but speed up the pace and slightly run the internal force to rush the road. In this way, the speed is really extraordinary.

Now Jun Luoyu's clothes are stained with the blood of himself and the killer. He was ignored by him because he was in a hurry. Now it seems to be a wrong decision, and his whole person looks extremely embarrassed. An hour later, he finally returned to the city with his two legs and was surrounded by the passers-by all the way. Pointing out, he is regarded as a star actor.

Jun Luoyu's appearance is really outstanding, and the blood stains on his clothes are so conspicuous that many people gather around and ask,

"Brother Shui is filming. He is full of blood and very dedicated. You look very familiar with him. Uh-huh, but I forgot your name for the time being. I must have seen you act before. Are you playing a good man or a bad guy? If you play a bad guy, do you have any of that more famous actress? Let's have a ** play, you know, the plot is quite attractive now"

This Jun Luoyu, who usually loves to appear, also feels that the power of the masses is unparalleled. Sweating profusely and a little can't resist it. What should I do if you watch? Hey, I'm speechless to ask the sky. God, you have a grudge against the handsome man. Isn't all handsome men a star? He, who suffered a lot from it, shakes his head tirelessly. Yu, hurry up. You look at me like a monkey. I ignore you.

Jun Luoyu's physical function was seriously consumed due to the fire. Although there was an inexplicable thing that happened last night, his body did not fuse those strange forces, so the effect is not obvious now. Then he was injured by a sneak attack by a killer and forcibly urged the little internal force left in his body. Now he is said that he has reached the end of the strong bow. It's not a big deal...

As the well-known king of appetite, Jun Luoyu is now so hungry that his stomach is dry and he keeps screaming. This pain is also extremely unbearable. He is afraid of being disturbed again. He even saves himself from finding a restaurant on the road to avoid being chased for his signature.

Jun Luoyu was so helpless that he could only stop a taxi on the roadside with a unique shape. Although some people thought he wanted to rob and rushed over crazily when they saw it, he was too lazy to see these people. Otherwise, he would make a phone call at will, and there was a large group of people easily. The car came to pick him up, and he was also a man full of pride in his bones. He thought that he did not need to ask anyone, including his relatives, to solve the problems he could solve. Otherwise, he would have cultivated to such a level at such a young age. He stopped more than a dozen cars and finally met a better one. The talking driver, Jun Luoyu, said bluntly and asked for a ride and go home to pay.

Otherwise, the blood stains on his body are enough to scare away those knowledgeable people. They all know that this is human blood, and the smell of blood smelts people's eyes and noses. They deeply know that good things are difficult to do. Now there are porcelain parties in the world!

Many young people are curious, but at most they only think that he is an actor. They don't know the danger of this society, so it's hard to believe that this bloody teenager had a fight with five killers not long ago.

He now remembers that it is delicious food at home. With this beautiful wish, he has been rushing for several hours in a row. In his heart, he just hopes to go home quickly, and the food at home is waiting for him. This is his current motivation. He quickly got out of the taxi and explained to the driver. One voice: "Wait here and I'll ask someone to pay."

Jun Luoyu flew home like a gust of wind. When he saw that the house was full of people, he was a little moved, but he was moved. He had more urgent things to do in his heart. Then he ignored the anxious eyes of everyone and shouted, "Don't ask me yet. Go out to pay alone and don't say anything. Take and pay, hundreds of thousands of yuan, whatever you want. Mom, please hurry up and bring out what you can eat. I'm starving to death.

Jun Luoyu said that the whole person fell on the sofa and gasped. He was really tired. He half-opened his eyes and glanced at the people who wanted to stop talking. He felt that he seemed to have gone too much and could only say, "It's better to wait until I'm full. Now it's really boring."

is really boring. He has overdrawn all the energy of his body to maintain the normal operation of the body. Otherwise, how could he return home, but this is very harmful to the injured body.

He also didn't care who the tea on the table was. He picked it up and poured it into his mouth. One cup was not enough for his throat. Another cup swept all the water-related things on the table. The speed could be said to be unprecedented, and no one reacted it.

Li Lin, Xiaolong, Xiaoyu, paused slightly, and Ji Qiu ran out of the villa first. He knew that someone must have helped the boss, otherwise he would not mention a word according to his personality.

The remaining few people looked at the Regal, who was a little depressed, hurried into the kitchen, rummaged through the boxes and cupboards, and all the food in the refrigerator was moved out.

As soon as he saw the food on the table, Jun Luoyu secretly swallowed his saliva. No matter how many spectators were watching, like the hungry wolf in the legend of the hungry wolf, he devoured it as if he was hungry and unscrupulous it was. It was simply challenging the visual impact of human beings, and everyone was afraid of disturbing him. They looked at it quietly and didn't worry at all that he would be swallowed to death by food. It seems that they have been used to it for a long time.

Eating is a kind of enjoyment, but I don't know how to eat it. Is it enjoyment or suffering? It may be his freak, so he is gifted...

In a word, his resistance to food is basically zero. He can't resist that kind of **. He can't stand them appearing in front of him, and it's really difficult for him not to put them in his stomach. He swallowed with a hula...

Huhu... Taking a sigh of satisfaction, Jun Luoyu finally cheered up and said, "Everyone has seen it. I can eat and drink, so you don't have to worry about me. I feel extremely powerful now. Well, it would be better if there were some more steaks or roast goose."

Everyone almost thundered him. Fortunately, he was used to his sometimes crazy appearance, which at least proved that he was in a good mood. He joked.

Jun Luoyu looked at everyone with a little anxious and worried look and felt hot in his heart. These are the people who really care about him.

Long Yunye finally couldn't help saying first, "Xiao Yu, what's wrong with the blood stains on your body?"

Jun Luoyu pulled the corners of his mouth awkwardly: "Some of them are my own, but most of them are sprayed on me by those killers." He doesn't like to deceive his relatives, so he chooses to tell the truth. At least there is nothing wrong now, and he is not afraid that they will be afraid of any more.

"Ah... Xiaoyu, what's your body? Mom, look." Li Lin screamed and looked very anxious.

"Well, everything is fine now. There's nothing wrong with me. I'm fine. Don't worry about it." Jun Luoyu touched his nose and said comfortingly without blinking.