
Chapter 84 Epiphany Breakthrough

Jun Luoyu's face followed what he thought involuntarily showed a bad smile and said, "Woman, you can't ask for it." Shake your head and stop thinking about this ability that has made people fuss since childhood!

Jun Luoyu stretched out his hand and opened his head. The cool water surged out, washed his dirty body, and rubbed off the black and gray layer of sticky paste on his body. Now his mood has also become better because of playing with Xiaoyu just now. As soon as he is in a good mood, he feels better. His body and mind feel extremely comfortable at this moment, as if The fatigue on his body was also washed away by the water. As his mind slowly relaxed, his thoughts began to drift...

"Is this hurt for you? Can't I get any other feelings except being injured when I meet you? Is your heart made of ice, or do you disdain to care about my feelings at all? Kong Junluoyu, who touched the bullet on his body, muttered to himself in a low voice.

Ha ha... Jun Luoyu smiled miserably, "Damn emotions, no one has ever been able to control me. In the past, it will be the same in the future, including you Ling Hanxue."

Hum, his fierce eyes were full of sadness, a cold smile, and a trace of coldness appeared at the corners of his mouth. He made up his mind not to be emotionally weak in the future, raised his head slightly, and let the cool water cool his sudden hot heart.

At this moment, Jun Luoyu's state of mind has been sublimated and transformed again. A person needs to experience it to gradually mature. No one can master love without a teacher. His mind has also been precipitated again with the transformation of his state of mind. In the future, he will no longer be so easy to get angry because of strong emotional fluctuations. Demon!

After a while, his face looked waveless, plain and indifferent, and his heart was like water. No matter how the wind blew, he could not raise any waves and ripples on his current waveless lake.

The water situation is as follows, flowing freely. At this moment, Jun Luoyu perfectly controlled his mind, sinking into the water, and rotating his power. The condensation of his mind has made him have a great development of mental control.

At this moment, he also peeped into the natural way of heaven and earth. These mysteries of heaven and earth are unavoidable for practitioners...


Suddenly, Jun Luoyu, who had fallen into his own world, laughed extremely proudly and said to himself, "The arcuistic meaning of martial arts is originally understood in this way. The body and spirit enter the Tao is like nature. Heaven, earth, people and the three talents will integrate into the Tao, which is like a person's mind and body, which is inseparable. That is to reach martial arts. Above the innate, haha, martial arts can't beat me. I will completely control you, haha..."

Taking advantage of his clear understanding, he immediately carried out the little internal force left in his body. At this moment, his momentum surged, but his face was waveless. His bright eyes unconsciously closed, and his heart was as excited as a flood. Time slowly passed!

Jun Luoyu's mind gradually sank into Dantian with his own perception. The god moved at will, and the mind restrained Dantian's internal force and began to gather, so as not to be impacted by other reasons in the circulation, resulting in the collapse of the internal force. Then slowly let the internal force gather in his Dantian, and the qi returned to one yuan, and the spirit rate of vitality.

Now he can effectively control the natural smooth circulation and aggregation of internal forces in Dantian, most of the reason is that the body's meridians and acupuncture points have been opened, that is, it is often said in the world to open up the two veins of the body, the treasure is opened, and the body's magic skills are completed,

The meridian acupoint of the whole body was suddenly impacted by the internal force. I have to say that fortunately, his body has already been sublimated once!

Last night's power of heaven and earth completely transformed his body and was reborn. Coupled with his own talent, his eight meridians were already relatively strong, and it happened to be opened up by the power of the stars last night. Otherwise, he would not have entered the innate realm so easily. At least he should have gone through it. You have to sharpen your body.

Otherwise, with the few remaining internal forces left, how could he survive the impact of such a surging internal force? In the past, martial artists called this process 'Fight to God' meaning to break through the shackles and achieve supreme martial arts!

Jun Luoyu tried his best to control the internal force and quickly accumulate in Dantian, as if he was hoarding all the power of his body. He let his internal forces keep rotating in Dantian, generating an absorption force. As the absorption power grows, he attracts others scattered in the meridian acupoints of the body. The internal force is stored, and the internal force accelerates the circulation, thus generating an airflow channel in Dantian!

It absorbs the internal force emitted in the veins of the body better and faster. As time goes by, it turns stronger and stronger. The internal force rotates at a certain level in Dantian, and finally brings the energy of heaven and earth free in the outside air.

Unfortunately, the aura of heaven and earth in this world is too thin. At this moment, Jun Luoyu alone understands innate martial arts and breaks into the innate realm. Of course, only in this way can he communicate slightly with all kinds of energy between heaven and earth, but the time is too short, and his body has not changed too obvious...< /P>

What he needs now is that the aura of heaven and earth replenishes the body, further changes the body's meridians and acupuncture points, the bones and flesh are tough, and the more true qi he absorbs. This discovery makes him excited, but he still dares not be careless, restrains excitement, and uses his senses to stabilize his fast-jumping mind. This also allowed the cyclone to maintain a stable speed in Dantian.

When all the true qi of the body converge and circulates in Dantian to form an increasingly absorbing force. Jun Luoyu can clearly feel that the suction in his body increases. Although the earth's aura is thin, he can still feel the unparalleled pleasure that the aura quickly flows into the body and wanders through the meridians.

Martial cultivation, the eight veins of strange meridians, the sublimation of the body to break through the shackles of the mortal body, swim naturally, seize the aura of heaven and earth, and create the real body, this is the real martial arts mystery...

A trace of light reappeared on the way Jun Luoyu practiced martial arts. In the past, he was blind and touched elephants. For something difficult to understand martial arts, he relied on his own courage to wander. Now he is also looking for his direction. That is a new road he has created. At this moment, it is in front of him...

Haha... he couldn't help but be overjoyed. There is nothing more exciting for him than this. The thing that has been distressed for months has been solved like this. The opportunity is indeed unavoidable.

Life is so wonderful. It is not a blessing to lose a horse. It is the mystery of life to have gains and losses.

The unhappiness brought by Ling Hanxue has long been forgotten by him. Now he is happy, proud and excited because he has peeped into the mystery of martial arts.