
Chapter 86 I can't help it

Jun Luoyu didn't want to be entangled in this matter, so he opened the topic and said, "Old man, do you know why I washed for so long today?"

Well, Long Yunye suddenly had the impulse to roll his eyes. Isn't the child shocked? Ask me such a question and looked at him inexplicably and said, "Who knows how you have washed for so long? Everyone thinks you are too tired to rest in it first."

Jun Luoyu looked at Long Yunye and felt that the old man was very boring and had no sense of humor at all. He wanted to take the opportunity to be majestic and tease him.

However, he thought that he was usually serious and did not like this set, so he dispelled the idea.

Hey... I couldn't help touching my nose and pretending to smile mysteriously. I felt very unnatural. The excitement in my heart has not subsided yet. When I really took it out and shared it with the old man, I felt that I seemed to have done an earth-shaking event. In thousands of years, I was probably the first to rely on self-understanding. Break into the innate realm.

I tried to calm down the excitement in my heart and tried to keep my mind calm and said, "In fact, today in the bathroom, I suddenly realized the way to break into nature."

"What," Long Yunye shouted, thinking that he had heard it wrong and couldn't believe it. His whole body suddenly rushed up and grabbed Jun Luoyu's arm, with excitement and anxiety. He was afraid that what he had just heard was hallucinations, but he was very excited, and even his voice trembled slightly: "Xiaoyu... You just What did you say? Say it again..."

Seeing the old man like that, Jun Luoyu was both expecting and afraid that he had just heard the wrong one. He couldn't help but smile and smiled secretly. I thought you could pretend to be calm! Ha ha.

"I said that I have understood the way to break into the innate way, and I am already a congenital strong man. Haha, old man, are you excited, haha..."

"Xiao Yu, what you said is true." Long Yunye couldn't help drinking excitedly:

The whole person stood upright stimulated by the thunder-like shocking news.

Hey, um... Jun Luoyu can only smile proudly, and then nods and admits that it is really rare to see the old man who has always been pretending to be cool so excited.

Long Yunye was confirmed by Jun Luoyu that he lost his mind for a moment. When his wish comes true, he often has an unreal feeling and seems to be afraid of dreaming.

He muttered to himself in a daze: "Xiaoyu, I really didn't misread you. You are a martial arts genius. You have never let me down since you were a child. Ha ha, you are really a child who loves to create miracles. I can finally see the legendary innate realm with my own eyes in my lifetime. It's worth this life. I really can't imagine. Thousands of years later, I really saw it, and it's Xiaoyu, the innate realm, haha..."

After Long Yunye finished speaking, he laughed ecstaticly. The internal force of his body rushed out wildly and seemed to be uncontrollably, shaking the tables and chairs around him. Long Yunye's internal strength was profound.

Well, Jun Luoyu patted his forehead and looked at Long Yunye's ecstasy. He curled his lips as if he was worried about the study. He also raised his internal strength and shouted, "Well, old man, the house is going to collapse with your smile. Why is it similar to the earthquake! ~”

Jun Luoyu couldn't help making fun of the ecstatic Long Yunye. Anyone would be shocked by a sudden surprise. After all, this was his wish that he had been looking forward to for decades, and one day it was finally realized. Maybe it was just a slight laugh.

Some people with poor heart tolerance may die of excitement directly because of the stimulation of great joy. That's really joy and sadness. There are some in the world.

He was shouted by Jun Luoyu, as if he was drinking with a headbutton. Long Yunye was smart and came back to his senses and said, "It's so close that I almost went crazy. The internal power of more than one armor can't be underestimated. It's an accident every minute!"

Long Yunye tried his best to set his mind, exhaled gently, and said with a slightly embarrassed smile, "It's really happy to let your boy laugh. Fortunately, you remind him in time, otherwise it's really dangerous."

The greatest wish in life has been realized. Long Yunye, who is already 80 years old, is also inevitably lost his composure.

In fact, Jun Luoyu is also very excited now, which is even more excited than when he learned that he had explored the innate realm alone. This is because he shared his highest achievements with his relatives, and his relatives are also proud and excited.

This mentality made him unable to calm down for a long time. Although his appearance looked indifferent and could pry into the innate situation so quickly made him lose his state. However, with tonight's experience, his mental control has been significantly improved. Looking at the excited red face, Long Yunye couldn't help smiling and gratefully: "Old man, without your cultivation, I couldn't have reached the innate realm so quickly."

Long Yunye shook his head and laughed, "Xiaoyu, don't disgize me. All I give you is the dragon fist, and you rely on your own understanding to break into the innate realm, as if the old man has lived for 80 years and can't break into the innate realm. This is your own great opportunity. How can I make you like this? It's almost congenital, hehe, it seems that I haven't had it yet, haha... I'm very gratified and really gratified to prove that I have never misread you. You are a martial arts wizard. I'm proud to have such a grandson. Haha, the best thing I've done in my life is to recognize a grandson like you.

Ha, Long Yunye's comforting eyes were hot, and he couldn't help leaving two lines of excited tears and said vaguely, "Old man, I'm very happy tonight. The happiest thing in my life is tonight..."

Looking at Long Yunye, who was crying with joy, Jun Luoyu was also hot in his heart: "Old man, I know very well that you are good to me. Without your help me, suddenly no matter how talented I am, I can't force people to be innate so quickly. Dragon Fist is a top martial arts skill. It is because of its existence that I can be like That's a lot of understanding."

Oh, I felt that tears were about to pour out in my eyes. I grinned and blinked hard, trying to drive my tears back.

Luo Yu, who received his heart, returned to his smiling face: "Okay, old man, don't be too emotional. Since I have reached the congenital first, I will tell you the situation so as to help you break into the innate realm as well."

Well, Long Yunye also stopped sighing when he heard this. His persistence in dreams made him have an obsession with martial arts. It seemed that it was his life. He nodded slightly to Jun Luoyu to show that he was ready.