
Chapter 92 Avenue Category

I don't know how long he has been immersed in it. Jun Luoyu's whole body was full of silver light, and the brilliance rotated several times on him and silently disappeared into his body. Jun Luoyu slowly opened his eyes, and a silver-purple bright light flashed in his left and right eyes. At this moment, his pupils slowly became clear and rhinoceros. Li.

Jun Luoyu got a wonderful epiphany because he unconsciously entered the unity of heaven and man. This unattainable opportunity made his own mental state of mind suddenly rise to a point that he didn't understand!

In addition to feeling that his body seems to be about to fly, Jun Luoyu doesn't know why. The unknown realm always makes people infinitely curious and distressed.

Jun Luoyu doesn't know what his state of mind is. He only feels that he knows more about all living things in this world, and everything he sees is clearer, as if transparent, and the things are full of order of dots and lines!

Jun Luoyu doesn't understand why his sudden epiphany will change like this, because he lacks advanced cultivation methods and the supplement of the essence of heaven and earth. When one day he can do this, he will understand why he has such a magical change.

His mood is strong, but it's a pity that the internal force in his body now, oh no, now it should be transformed into Zhenyuan power or Zhenqi.

What is true power? All creatures rely on some way to absorb the essence of the aura between heaven and earth, absorb it into the body, and then rely on the body to produce strength [that is, internal force]. The power transformed by a specific practice method is called true qi. This true qi is stronger, more wonderful, and closer to the category of Tao.

The qualitative changes in the realm of mind and their own strength make him sensitive and natural. With the evolution of the body, the practitioners will get closer and closer to the nature of heaven and earth, because heaven and earth are the highest existence in the eyes of all living things, and the more people approach the natural state and attack of Taoism, the more impeccable it is to understand Taoism and monastery.

Now Jun Luoyu can only touch the natural things between heaven and earth. If one day he can understand all the laws in the nature of heaven and earth, then he will really enter the forest of the strong men of heaven and earth, the kind of strong man who destroys the world with his hands and feet.

The road of the strong is still far away. What's more regrettable is that he has not found the most correct direction of cultivation now. At this moment, he has no clue, which makes him feel very frustrated. This feeling is deeply buried in his heart by Jun Luoyu. Where is the road to the strongest, and how should he go? Unheard, but he also brought many unknown problems, which must be searched and explored by him.

Wow, Jun Luoyu, who sat cross-legged in the study, stopped his sleepwalking thoughts and sighed gently and muttered to himself, "The more powerful people are, but they feel small between heaven and earth. Ha ha, there are still too many secrets to explore in this world, so that they will not be bored in the future. I thought I would break through the innate The world is invincible. I didn't expect to touch the threshold. Haha, it's really fearless.

The only thing that makes him happy is that as long as he closes his eyes, he can clearly see the changes in the veins of the body, and the true elements contained in the veins of the body are also larger than before. This strong power that is ready to move also makes Jun Luoyu feel shocked. He estimates that a single blow now is enough to break the sky and powerful, as long as he grasps the most Strong power can make him excited. He is a proud genius and was born to challenge.

Now, according to the understanding of the practitioner, Jun Luoyu has really embarked on this road of monstroy at this moment, but now he is a martial arts person. With his own talent and opportunity, he has stepped into this martial arts realm that he does not know how long, which can be called a miracle.

In ten years, he has understood martial arts. It is too difficult to imagine the road he has groped for. He is proud enough to be a person who can understand Taoism by his own talent. That person is not a genius.

What makes him uncomfortable now is what to do next? Thinking hard about his future, as well as the cultivation of martial arts after the innate future, Jun Luoyu should have a direction to find the so-called peak of martial arts.

With his talent, great blessing and great perseverance, Jun Luoyu experienced the baptism of the unity of heaven and man, broke through the state of mind and broke a road, but it was just the beginning. In the past, he entered the innate realm by touching the threshold of martial arts. Now he is considered to enter the door, but he feels that there is darkness in front of him. He does not know this road. How far and unreachable is, and the most annoying thing is how to grasp the correct direction of practicing martial arts. Since Jun Luoyu created a new Dharma, he inevitably needs to improve the Dharma and become a complete Dharma.

This is also what every talented genius must face in their proud life. Jun Luoyu is just the beginning now.

As long as he thinks of those ancestors who founded the sect overcame the thorns and walked forward looking for footprints step by step, Jun Luoyu will be excited and feel that he is full of motivation. He should be the ancestor of the sect.

[Here let's talk about the realm of practitioners in this book: Peiyuan period, Kaiyuan period, condensation period, gas gathering elixir formation period, broken baby period, divine orifice period, aggregation period, disaster period, Yuancheng period, nine realms are limited, divided into three stages after junior high school. The Yuancheng period is the realm of great perfection after the disaster, which is already the primary realm of immortals. As for the realm setting after the immortals, it will be announced later to avoid too much confusion}]

Now Jun Luoyu has crossed the Peiyuan period and entered the early stage of Kaiyuan. According to the practitioners, the foundation has been built and entered the innate without the assistance of any elixirs. Then the speed of his future cultivation is not the same, and he relies entirely on the real physical strength ** body shackles, which is called congenital. Breakthrough!

The people who rely on the elixir to enter the Kaiyuan period are called the acquired breakthrough. Although they also enter the innate realm, the spiritual power of the elixir only helps the taker build their own foundation breakthrough but does not open the meridian acupoints of the whole body. Compared with the innate warriors, they rely on their own strength to break through the shackles and open 108 big acupuncture points in the body. That's far apart.

The spiritual power of the elixir will be lost over time, and it will not be absorbed by the body. When the congenital warriors open up the body acupuncture points, the natural true qi will have 108 more places to store. These true qi will always exist in the 108 acupuncture points of the body to enhance the body.

In this way alone, we can see the gap between congenital and acquired.

Because Long Yunye has been practicing for a long time, the internal force of Yijiazi is naturally profound. The true spirit transformed by the internal force made him directly break through to the late Kaiyuan period. I have to say that the moral of the state of mind is his own realm divine consciousness, which represents his own control power and can perfectly control that realm. The development of strength.

Most people are forced to break through with the fullness of the body, and others' own strength does not exceed their own mood cultivation, so he only needs enough time to absorb the energy that is completely in line with that realm, so he can naturally achieve this. The state of mind cultivation.

Because of the control of the new realm, he will no longer be restricted by the old realm.

The tempering of the mind is particularly important when it comes to the profound realm. If you want to break through the true qi value when you increase the deeper realm, even if you use time to calculate it, it will be a hundred years, a thousand years, or ten thousand years. Although the true spirit of these people is very powerful, the mental cultivation is not so easy to break through, which also shows that a cultivation An important reason for the qualification and talent of Taoists.

Therefore, apprentices are those talented geniuses, and they will not accept a fool who can only practice hard and don't know how to change.

In the later period, many strong people understand that it is particularly important in the cultivation of the state of mind, so there is a saying that they want to take a shortcut and make rapid progress. When the mood is reached, they can only have a strong control to plunder the essence of heaven and earth.

And being able to jump to its own realm is an opportunity to meet.

Epiphany, a saying that enters the wonderful realm of the unity of heaven and man, to feel the nature of heaven and earth, and everything in the world, so as to feel the proximity to the Tao, and the road will take you to understand everything in heaven and earth.

The road is the root of everything, in which you can understand the wonders, understand the mysteries of the nature of heaven and earth, and then have the opportunity to understand everything you can understand, those that you can control in your current realm.

To give full play to the level of his own realm, this thing is really too mysterious, so his mood control will rise rapidly like a rocket.