
Chapter 139 Dark Tide Surging

This time, Fusang's big move led by Jincheng. It can be said that it is the first strong cooperation between the four hidden forces of Fusang and the six secular families of Fusang. The wolf's ambition can be seen. Black stone alcohol wood is ready to swallow up the secular forces of China to prepare for all the hidden forces of Fusang to invade China, and the main purpose of the secular family is to compete for strategic resources.

As the longest ancient country on earth, China has a background that foreign devils can't understand. The country of etiquette is regarded as a big white cat and a mermaid.

Maybe it's too brilliant and too resourceful. The resource power of a great country is definitely much stronger than that of Fusang in the land of bullets, all of which has made the devils jealous since ancient times!

And Fusang has more than once with the idea of China's large land and resources. From which dynasty such aggression began, although it was finally resisted by Huaxia, China also lost a lot of vitality, resulting in the pace of progress being dragged to death again and the decline of national strength. Fortunately, it was in the next few decades. Only with all-out development can we catch up!

After all, the development of China is not comprehensive enough, and there are still many shortcomings, so the degree of advancedness is barely reaching the international upstream, not the top.

However, although China's progress is fast, it has also made the world's powerful countries more worried. China's development momentum is strong, and the powerful countries are afraid that it will become another big tiger in the world. Therefore, these powerful countries have never stopped suppressing China, suppressing China's foreign trade and raising export taxes, and some of them treat the Chinese prime minister. For bad, even stop buying.

Today, science and technology in various fields on the earth were developed in 2026, which has changed much more than a decade ago. Oil is one of the most commonly used resources, which has caused some tension in relations between countries due to oil shortage. Although other new energy sources can be replaced, the cost it generates is several times more than the use of oil, which undoubtedly adds a heavy burden to ordinary human life.

And all kinds of resources improve efficiency with the excellent development of high mobility of science and technology. However, the earth's resource reserves are limited, and even regeneration takes a long time. In just more than ten years of high-speed mining, it has almost been excavated, resulting in reports of resource disasters all the world.

More than ten years after the world entered rapid development, the ranking of the world's powerful countries has not changed much, but there is only one more China. The momentum has made some powerful hawks have been secretly staring at them, as if they are looking for opportunities to suppress them at any time. In fact, they have been suppressing them, but it is not obvious.

This is also what Long Yunye said that the international world situation seems calm but is brewing a big crisis and the dark tide is surging. He has always advocated that China's secular forces are consistent with the outside world, and internal conflicts can be avoided, otherwise he would not let go of the provocation of the Ye family so easily.

Jun Luoyu practiced alone at home and suddenly received a message from Zhang Xiong. According to the eyeliner of the Killer League lurking into Kinmen, Jincheng suddenly went out this afternoon, and there were not many people around him, so he was in a hurry. This news made Jun Luoyu very confused. Normally, when he knew that the killer alliance revoked the pursuit order, he should have known about me. Is he so bold? Aren't you afraid that I will take revenge on him?

Jun Luoyu ordered Zhang Xiong to closely monitor all the high-level officials in Kinmen. Jun Luoyu decided to infiltrate the Golden Gate first to investigate the reason. In fact, Jun Luoyu still has another plan in his mind. Jinmen has a lot of wealth. These Jincheng can make a lot of money in smuggling business. This time, I want the direct line of the Jin family to finish it. Hey hey, these Jin family are dead and the money can't be taken away. It's better to take me. I'm still wearing patched clothes and my hair is not long. Take care of the money. Hey, it's really sad that I don't have money to spend. I can't say that I can borrow some money from his rich Jinmen.

Jun Luoyu used this particularly simple but extremely far-fetched reason to prepare to seize the property of the Jin family.

Jun Luoyu came to the Jinmen headquarters building and whispered, "How can I do it unconsciously?"

Jun Luoyu observed the geographical location of the Jinmen headquarters with the eyes of a golden mountain and muttered in a low voice, "Hey, the young master of this territory wants it."

The more Jun Luoyu looked at it, the more excited he couldn't help cursing: "Jincheng, this dog, mother, and thing, has a poisonous vision. The location chosen by this headquarters is really a feng shui treasure. The most prosperous section in the city is too valuable." In fact, the Kinmen headquarters building cannot be described as an inch of gold. Both the geographical location and decoration are top-notch, which is much more valuable than the Villa Manor in City A of the Killer League.

Jun Luoyu is now determined to seize the property of the Golden Gate. The star's eyes glowed and looked at the Golden Gate headquarters and roared, "This building alone is enough to give it to his father to run. I think it's right for him, hehe."

Jun Luoyu was stubborn and couldn't pull back nine cows. He thought fiercely, "Come up with an idea, or you will be killed first and make wedding clothes in vain. I also did this for nothing. Many people in this society are good at fishing in troubled waters. These damn social insects should be stripped alive. Let the young master see one and destroy one.

Jun Luoyu is very witty. In a short time, his starry eyes bloomed, his eyebrows raised, and he was happy. I heard that there seems to be a confidant named Jin Ming around Jincheng. Hey hey, as long as I control him and help him stand up as a puppet, everything about the Golden Gate will fall into my hands, hahahaha. Young master, I'm going to make a lot of money.

Do whatever you think. It has always been one of Jun Luoyu's codes of conduct. Jun Luoyu entered the Golden Gate headquarters building with a malicious smile. Yingying, a smiling face, approached a member of the Golden Gate. With Jun Luoyu's three-inch tongue and the 'gentleman' eloquence offensive, he learned the whereabouts of Jin Ming from his mouth in five minutes. Jun Luoyu stretched out his hand and patted the member of the Golden Gate on the shoulder and said, "Brother, your face is ruddy, and you must have a bright future in the future. He said that it will take you to make great contributions to the Golden Gate. Hey hey, don't forget to do it then."

"That's, that's, who told you to be so close to me! Why can I give you a team leader to do it then? This member of Kinmen was teased by Jun Luoyu, as if a bright future was in front of him, and his nose spewed out a sense of bullishness.

"Hey, thank you very much. By the way, the senior management has something to tell me to do, so I'll go first and come to you for a drink when I have time." Jun Luoyu had an excited smile on his face and sneered in his heart. You did make contributions, but you made great contributions to the overthrow of Kinmen.

And Jin Ming is dealing with things in a branch office in the Kinmen Building. After getting the information, Jun Luoyu left the daydreaming member of Kinmen, flashed into the high-rise special elevator like a ghost, and found a dead corner to avoid the detection camera.

In the headquarters of Kinmen, Jincheng is divided into two important departments, which mainly manage various businesses of gangsters. Jinming is responsible for smuggling. The important departments of Kinmen have a unique floor, and even there is only one elevator. You can't reach the two important departments of Kinmen without taking this elevator. Kinmen is engaged in trade and export business on the surface, and many inside lines have been buried in the docks of various countries.

Jun Luoyu glanced left and right at the moment the elevator opened and rushed out. On the 30th floor of the Kinmen Building, he showed his light and clear rain, coming and going like the wind. He turned into a shadow and kept searching for the correct position of Jin Ming in dozens of houses.

Jun Luoyu learned from Zhang Xiong that Jin Ming is a very ambitious person with fierce means. Jincheng appreciates him very much. Many important undertakings have been handed over to him, which can be called the second leader of the Golden Gate.

Jun Luoyu sneered and said, "Jin Ming, young master Jin Ming is afraid that you are ambitious, and it will be easier for me to use if you are ambitious. Means, in the face of absolute power, your conspiracy is really worth mentioning. Unless you will fly away, you can't escape from the palm of my hand.

Jun Luoyu was a little excited and thought that he would own this building soon, full of energy. Jun Luoyu wandered around on the 30th floor and found that the department was deserted everywhere, emitting a strange atmosphere.