
Chapter 156 Extermination Operation 15

Of course, Jun Luoyu knew that they were curious and doubtful about themselves. The good impression is definitely not talkable now. The killer is relatively cold and rational. It is impossible to flatter because Jun Luoyu is now their leader. Jun Luoyu just couldn't help but make fun of this lovely female killer.

"Ha ha... Everyone, get ready. It should be suppressed inside. Zhang Xiong, you ask your brothers to leave an opening, and you two teams should stay behind." Jun Luoyu smiled softly.

"Yes, young master." The team led by Xiao Jian replied respectfully.

"Well, yes, young master." The little fox's face was red and strong and shy, and she tried to look up at Jun Luoyu's joke face and replied.

After saying that, Xiaohu quickly avoided Jun Luoyu's hot eyes like a stove. She only felt that her heart was beating very hard. This was a different feeling, not because of running, but because of the good or evil feeling in the face of this evil beautiful teenager? In fact, she is really a little confused now. She can only be angry and shake the long red hair tied up by her.

Her little mouth kept saying silently: "Bad man, he is a bad man. He must be a big bad man. He is too bad to bully me alone."

Jun Luoyu was immediately happy when he saw her mouth shape. He was really in a good mood. A big event was about to come true. There were girls making fun of him. What else is there any dissatisfaction with such a life! Although the ghost warrior's affairs are stuck in his throat, this does not prevent him from being happy at this moment.

"Then let's go now! Little fox, you should pay special attention to safety! Do you know that I'm very worried about your current state? Your heart beats so fast. Are you sick? Hahaha... Jun Luoyu said with a smile.

"Well, I know the young master." The little fox could only mutter and be teased by him in front of so many people, and the person who teased her was still the big leader. What does that make her do?

He has a keen sense of spirit and wants to explore a person's reaction, which is really a piece of cake.

"Be safe and let's go." Jun Luoyu said lightly.

However, there is a majesty on his body. It makes everyone feel awe-inspiring and willing to respect him. The strong man is eye-catching at all times!

When a strong man appeared in front of them, they naturally focused on him, as if we all believed in the ability of the person we admire, not blindly. This is a natural thing. There is no need to force it. It is a kind of trust, trusting yourself, and trusting the strong.

Jun Luoyu stood in front of everyone with a cold face and established momentum. The battle needs to be as powerful as a tiger. Jun Luoyu's purpose was to improve everyone's morale. His star eyes flashed with a fierce murderous spirit, and his hands unconsciously clenched and filled his body with a thin white gas, covering the whole person and rushed out like a bullet.

Zhang Xiong secretly praised that the young master's air was much more powerful than that devil. And the devil naturally refers to the Honda bluestone that has been extinguished.

"Everyone keep up." Everyone's eyes were colorful, staring at Jun Luoyu shooting like a lightsaber. Zhang Xiong turned his head and couldn't help shouting, and then rushed out quickly.

Everyone came to their senses and used their real efforts to follow closely behind the day.

Jun Luoyu rushed into the hall with several big steps and saw that there were no more than 30 people ambushed in the hall. He used his erratic movements to avoid the bullets fired at him, swung his fingers forward, sneered and rushed forward, and his fierce anger scattered out to hit ten relative ratios. Unlucky members of the Golden Gate.

"Wow...Wow, what kind of weapon is this man using? It's so fast." The wailing in the dark hall kept ringing, and some people shouted angrily. These people don't understand what weapons can be launched from any angle! Hands, if human flexible hands are well trained. It can be flipped from an all-round angle.

Some people were shot on their shoulders, stomachs, and thighs, and fell to the ground and scolded painfully. Jun Luoyu has no time to pay attention to these people who have lost their combat effectiveness. Now he must seize the time to rush in when Jincheng is not aware of it.

Jun Luoyu's body also jumped out with his fingers, cleverly approaching the members of the Golden Gate to remove obstacles for later generations.

Zhang Xiong rushed in one after another during the day and looked up to see Jun Luoyu like a man who fell to the ground with a wolf entering the sheep. Excited, killers rarely kill so openly. The two also joined the sweeps and hit them one by one, killing them completely. The methods are different, and the efficiency is a little worse than that of Jun Luoyu, which is also because there is a huge gap between them.

Little sword, Xiaoyue, little fox and others are very straightforward to solve the chaotic people rolling on the ground. In this way, the super killer can only pick up the tail of his hand in front of strong people such as Jun Luoyu.

The power supply of Jinmen headquarters has long been cut off by Jin Ming, the insider. Otherwise, hundreds of people in Jinmen would not have been cleaned up by dozens of killers at once. If they are unintentionally, Jinmen will always suffer a big loss, otherwise they will be sorry for Jun Luoyu's calculations.

It was really said by Jun Luoyu that the state of the little fox was much more unstable than usual, and he couldn't help looking at Jun Luoyu's erratic figure.

Jun Luoyu took advantage of the opportunity to get close to him and strode into a leg, banging... crackling... Those members of the Golden Gate who raised guns in their hands and were ready to fight back were directly swept out of more than ten meters away by the thighs like a big axe, smashing a lot of furniture.

Jun Luoyu swept out his leg at will, kicked some Jinmen members who still had enough strength, looked back at the little fox, and said, "I said little fox, you will be hit by a bullet later, and I will deal with you fiercely."

Everyone looked back at the little fox, and then continued to clean up the waste. Everyone couldn't help thinking, "This young master seems to care about the little fox!" Is there any secret? The young master didn't like the little fox...

The little fox looked at the crowd shyly, but when he saw their curious faces, he couldn't help staring at them: this young master is really true. Why can I secretly observe him and be found? Humph, bad guy, he is so bad that he likes to make fun of others.

"Little fox knows." The little fox quickly joined the ranks of picking up the waste materials. He pouted his little mouth aggrievedly and responded to Jun Luoyu, venting his resentment on these unlucky waste materials, but his eyes sparkled with joy. He thought to himself: I will definitely not give you a chance to clean up me, hee hee...

"Zhang Xiong, you order the peripheral brothers to attack and blossom everywhere." Jun Luoyu smiled faintly and ignored what they would think, and rushed directly into the depths of the hall with his toes.

"It's the young master." Zhang Xiong answered. Press the headset to convey the order, looking at the little fox who is constantly angry, with a faint smile on his face. Maybe the young master may really be interested in the little fox? Maybe you can transfer the little fox to the young master, which can also create a little opportunity for the little fox!


Zhang Xiong couldn't help laughing in the depths. Everyone had already subdued more than 30 people, looked at Zhang Xiong curiously, and then turned to look at a man crazily kneading those members of the Golden Gate who had long lost their ability to resist. Everyone suddenly realized that they looked at the little fox, and everyone's eyes were full of envy. If you can win the favor of Jun Luoyu, it will obviously be much easier on the road of martial arts.

The little fox suddenly found that the atmosphere was a little strange. He couldn't help looking up at the crowd with doubts: "What's wrong with everyone? Why did they stop? These people are not dead yet."

"Congratulations, little fox is lucky today." Ah Cheng said laughingly.

Little Fox looked at Zhang Xiong, who smiled at him, and begged, "Lead, what's going on? It seems that you all know that I don't know anything about it. Tell me!"

"Ha ha, let's wait until the task is completed. Let's move forward quickly." Zhang Xiong said.

"Well, even the leader wants to bully the little fox!" The strange little fox obviously guessed a little and couldn't help saying shyly. She quickly rushed out and followed the upright figure that made her curious. She didn't know why she wanted to look at his back in a daze, which made her feel very happy and relieved.