
Chapter 167 Unexpectedly

The Oriental Dragon Organization is the most mysterious and powerful organization in China. The Oriental Dragon Group has such a shocking power, but it must become the existence of the dragon, because they cannot become the mainstream in modern society.

Even Xiao Zheng, the commander of the military region, has only met him a few times by chance. And when you see these magical practitioners who exist in the legend, they are sealed by the relevant departments above, which must be strictly confidential. This can see how much the above attaches importance to the existence of the Oriental Dragon, but it is not allowed to reveal anything to the public, because good steel must be used on a good blade.

Xiao Zheng and his party of more than a dozen people mysteriously received all the members of the Oriental Dragon Group 3 at A City International Airport. Under the leadership of Kuang Han, eight people of He Jun came to a very hidden military base. When the group stepped into the conference room, they did not talk and laugh. Except for Lin Xiuzhen, who was very strange to look around, everyone seriously discussed some important clues about the Kinmen incident.

When the main leaders of these powerful units saw that the personnel they received were so young, they were obviously shocked and puzzled why they only sent this special action team.

The young action team is so small, although the heads of various powerful units can be seen from them that they are all well-trained people. However, they did not know the existence of the Oriental Dragon, and they would not directly explain the existence of the Oriental Dragon Group to them, so they also felt a little strange when they contacted He Jun's group. The name is the special operations team, and all units must follow their command and arrangement.

The heads of each unit know very well what kind of enemies they are facing now, and there are a large number of opponents, so it is inevitable that they have some doubts about what it means, but since they don't have much command, some words can't be understood.

At the same time, both other parties are secretly discussing how to face the Kinmen incident. Jun Luoyu had just come out of the Long family villa. He took a long breath and looked up at the sun that was about to sink into the west. Suddenly, there was a very inexplicable feeling in his heart.

He narrowed his star eyes, frowned slightly and thought about this feeling of coming and going quickly. It's like a person who is basking in the sun and having a cold war for no reason. This is a rare thing for Jun Luoyu. He feels keen and understands that it is not because of physical discomfort, but a kind of telepathy.

"It's strange. Why on earth do I suddenly have a sense of crisis? What's wrong..." Jun Luoyu whispered to himself as he walked in the direction of his home.

Jun Luoyu returned home and came to the practice room and saw Xiaoyu Xiaolong very attentively practicing the secret of cloud and clear rain. There was a slight smile on his face and quietly stood behind them and carefully observed their practice. The family can take cultivation seriously, which makes Jun Luoyu feel the trust and warmth of his family.

When he found that there was no problem with their practice, Jun Luoyu quietly withdrew from the practice room. He took the communicator to the small garden on the top floor of his villa.

He has been recalling the sense of astonishment an hour ago for no reason. He doesn't think it's ordinary. He doesn't know his current state, but it's obvious that his feeling is not for no reason. It convinced him that something must have happened secretly and had a great relationship with him.

Jun Luoyu's eyes are deep, and his dark pupils are like a bottomless ocean, which makes people easy to fall into it. This sense of mystery gives people a mature and decisive leadership temperament, thus ignoring his age.

Jun Luoyu couldn't grasp the strange information in his stunned feeling. He gently exhaled and looked up at the gradually darkening sky. He felt that he was too confident enough to behave so indifferently. While he was debating whether he had done something wrong, suddenly his communicator vibrated a few times, and he took out the communicator from his trousers pocket, which showed Jin Ming's figure.

Jun Luoyu nodded gently and motioned Jin Ming to speak.

"Hello, young master, I have some information to report."

"Say, what makes you so anxious." Jun Luoyu said lightly with a trace of strangeness in his eyebrows. Sometimes, just so suddenly, even a calm person like Jun Luoyu has become a little cautious. Maybe it has something to do with his sudden sensation.

"Young master, here's the matter. Not long ago, Li Ou, the police chief of A City Police, came to the Golden Gate Building with a group of people to check the battle site and other clues. Originally, I didn't think it was strange, but I saw that Li Ou was very polite to this group of young people and spoke cautiously. I suspected that it should be sent by the powerful department above to deal with this matter.

"Go on." Jun Luoyu saw that Jin Ming wanted to stop talking and didn't know what to do. He felt that things should not be as intuitive as they said on the surface.

"Yes, I feel that these people put a lot of pressure on me. Although they look very young, their temperament makes me feel very similar to that of you, young master. I don't know if I'm too**."

"Well, is my temperament similar to me? How similar is it?" Jun Luoyu knew that the problem was here, and narrowed his eyes and quietly stared at Jin Ming.

"Young master, to be honest, I think it's very strange and difficult to make it clear. The only thing I feel the deepest is that I'm under great pressure! And when they act, they have a momentum, overwhelming momentum, and their eyes are particularly sharp. Whenever they look at me, I feel like the young master is looking at me.

Jun Luoyu, the "cultivator" frowned and couldn't help saying it. Well, I see. Do you think they have any other unique characteristics? And have they found any clues or clues?

"Young master, it's hard for me to say this, because they just asked me a few words and won't let me follow, so I didn't find out if they had found any clues or anything suspicious. Because each of them went to check a place and quickly left the Golden Gate Building. Their intuition told me that these people were very special, so Jin Ming thought of informing you at the first time.

"Well, you did a good job this time. I know these things. Ha ha. You'd better do your own thing and ignore these people, otherwise it's easy to reveal flaws and make him suspicious! Another point is that if these people come back to the Kinmen Building, you must tell me as soon as possible. I'm going to see how powerful they are.

"Yes, I understand that if they come to Kinmen next time, I will inform the young master as soon as possible."

"I believe you have no problem with your subordinates, but your subordinates are still a little worried. Be careful about everything and let them stay in Kinmen and not go out.

Jun Luoyu turned off the communicator directly after saying that. After a moment of meditation, his eyebrows gradually relaxed and whispered to himself, "Ha ha, things are getting more and more interesting, but everything is out of control. Now it is finally found that there are really special practitioners in China, so there is no need to worry too much about ghost warriors who can cure them in China. These people should be here to investigate the killer alliance. I hope they don't collide head-on with them, otherwise it will be too troublesome and become more and more difficult to deal with, hehe...!"

Although Jun Luoyu felt that these mysterious practitioners brought a lot of pressure, he was not so depressed that there was nothing he could do, because he did not intend to confront them head-on at all.

Jun Luoyu stood quietly in the garden, and the wind blew his long silver hair. He seemed to be fixed and motionless. Many messages turned around in his mind and slowly sort out the best and worst results of things.

Jun Luoyu felt that things had developed unexpectedly. You must be prepared to be passive. You can't help pressing the communicator in your hand and call Zhang Xiong directly. A minute later, the video flashed a few times, and Zhang Xiong's figure appeared on the communicator video.