
Chapter 180 Step by step

Koizumi Dalang's whole heart was smashed by a fatal blow by Jun Luoyu in mid-air. At the same time, Jun Luoyu's legs were slightly open and clamped Koizumi's body.

"Crackling... A few bones sounded gently between the lightning, and others had long been staring at Jun Luoyu's ultra-highly difficult martial arts skills and forgot other behaviors. When Jun Luoyu was about to land, the silver light gas suddenly bloomed at his feet, flashed and disappeared, and directly burst into all parts of Koizumi's body. Hanged all of a sudden.

When He Jun shouted, it was natural that all three groups of members watched Jun Luoyu's every move. But when Jun Luoyu suddenly burst out, they couldn't help raising their hearts.

The members of the Dragon Group have always been relatively low-key! This is because they have been strictly trained to learn an order from Oriental institutions, and they are the people who maintain order, and they can't destroy it. And the discipline of the Dragon Group is very strict. When Jun Luoyu passed by Chen Xun, their hearts fell from the sky again.

As Koizumi's opponent, Lin Xu originally chased him with a sword. When he looked at Jun Luoyu's elegant and flexible body, fierce moves, he was really stunned. This was completely beyond the cognition of each member of their three groups of Oriental Dragons, a practitioner in the secular world, and how Young, how can it be...

This severely hit the arrogant dignity of the so-called genius practitioners of the three groups of Shenlong.

"It's vulnerable."

Jun Luoyu gently pulled the corners of his mouth and snorted coldly, shrugged his shoulders and glanced at Lin Xu casually.

Lin Xu was a little stunned by Jun Luoyu's sudden intervention. And that silent look seems to have many languages. Lin Xu was very uncomfortable. As the vice captain of the three groups, Oriental Dragon is the best one of several geniuses. Lin Xu felt ashamed and despised by a young and so many practitioners.

Jun Luoyu threw out a high-pressure leg and crushed the remnants of Koizumi Dairo. The fierce ghost wanted to escape because of the death of the host. Jun Luoyu waved his silver shining claws and tore the fierce ghost to pieces.

Jun Luoyu slowly turned around and looked at the stunned He Jun, Chen Xun and others, with a high look in his starry eyes! At this moment, silence is better than sound. Is there any other word that is more effective than now?

He Jun was shocked: This young man's force value is more than ten times stronger than him. He will not be a cultivater in the condensation period!

Each member of the three groups has a strange feeling. If they fight with this silver-haired teenager, they will definitely lose the battle if they can't stop the three moves.

There is no other than Long Yunye. Long Yunye has long known the strength of Jun Luoyu, and he is more and more straightforward in the face of the battle of life and death. The form of competition is not suitable for Jun Luoyu, and he can't play the level of martial arts he should have.

Jun Luoyu's straightforward action clearly expresses what he wants to say.

You are not qualified to be my opponent. Jun Luoyu's single move is enough to deter the whole audience.

Strength must also have the strength to match it. Although Long Yunye was just a little worried that Jun Luoyu would not know the general situation and cause trouble, this expression also showed that Jun Luoyu's wisdom was smart enough. Jun Luoyu believes that it is not the same to be afraid of the strong side and blindly tolerate it. Compromise does not mean that he will definitely get the self-esteem he deserves.

Sometimes showing weakness is not a solution to things. On the contrary, it is despised. Only by establishing a strong prestige can the other party pay attention to it and be timid. Things often change slowly in complexity.

If anyone thinks that Jun Luoyu can only rampage, that person must have died miserably, and it is inexplicable to die.

Yoshikawa Gouno and Miyamoto Kusuke are the only two remaining ghosts. They have been completely desperate. Seeing that Koizumi Dairo was broken into pieces so quickly, they felt chills and the means were much more fierce than their ghosts.

More than 20 of their ghost practitioners came to China for missions and fell one by one. They felt chilled. China was not as simple as they thought before, and there were no mysterious practitioners. If they all understood at that time, maybe they would not dare to be so unscrupulous when they came to China on a mission.

"If you still need me to solve these Fusang miscellaneous things for you, I don't mind at all." Jun Luoyu glanced at He Jun and reminded him leisurely.

Yoshikawa and Miyamoto, who are surrounded in the middle of the battle circle, can't wait to commit suicide immediately. If this silver-haired teenager is allowed to do it, he really can't find a complete bone.

"Thank you, sir. We will solve the rest by ourselves." He Jun looked back and said. He Jun's voice was strong and powerful. He did not feel embarrassed because of Jun Luoyu's strength, but showed high quality.

"You two can now choose to surrender or resist stubbornly. If you surrender, you will live. Although you don't have a chance to return to Fusang, I guarantee your lives." He Jun asked Yoshikawa and Miyamoto, who needed to carefully investigate the clues of the Kinmen incident, so he hoped to catch the two ghosts alive.

Jun Luoyu, standing on the periphery, frowned and thought to herself: If these two Fusang bastards are caught alive by them, it will be very unfavorable to me.

"What do you still need to catch these bastards alive? Do you want to get the clues of their sect from these evil practitioners? It's just a joke. Are these inhuman things possible to surrender? Jun Luoyu felt that he should take the initiative to attack, otherwise they might really find out that the Kinmen incident was not caused by these Fusang devils.

"We need you to interrupt our special operations team! Naturally, there are reasons for what we do." Lin Xiuzhen came over from behind and said softly.

Although she has just been shocked by Jun Luoyu's momentum of staring at the world, she still thinks that there are many people and there is no need to be too afraid of Jun Luoyu, but she can't break the prestige of the Oriental Dragon in any case.

Lin Xiuzhen actually doesn't want the team members to make disciplinary mistakes because of her relationship.

Jun Luoyu turned around and looked at Lin Xiuzhen, who looked at her. He was a little curious about this strange-tempered girl. Unexpectedly, she would not be ambiguous at all in the face of major events. The quality of people who have been strictly cultivated is indeed different. Jun Luoyu couldn't help but look at Lin Xiuzhen with a little new eyes.

"Ha ha, ha... well said! I hope you can conscientiously fulfill your responsibilities. I don't want to see innocent civilians brutally killed by these Fusang bastards, and these bastards must accept their due retribution, otherwise it will be difficult to give an explanation for the dead innocent civilians. I hope you can do what you must do. Jun Luoyu said in a cold voice.

He thought about it and thought that it was not a good idea to kill Yoshikawa and Miyamoto directly. He could only put a trace of ruthlessness and put pressure on the side.

He Jun frowned slightly. He didn't think that Jun Luoyu seemed to have an endless feeling about the existence of Fusang ghost practitioners. Why is that? Is there a secret to such a hard hatred? However, as a mysterious power organization, they naturally have their obligations and responsibility to maintain the security of the country, but it is not Jun Luoyu's turn to dictate.

"Sir, I hope you don't interfere with our special operations team and carry out tasks. We know that we have responsibilities and don't need to worry about you.

"Ha ha, did I interfere? I just hope that if my suggestion is unacceptable to you. Haha... It depends on your own love. I can't command you, haha... Of course, you can't command me." Jun Luoyu suddenly laughed wildly and glanced at the three groups of Shenlong.


Lin Xu, Chen Xun, Lin Xiuzhen and others have many negative thoughts about Jun Luoyu. Why is this person so courageous and confident because of his achievements in cultivation? Even if you are a genius, how can you go against a powerful sect? The members of the three groups are very strange. Jun Luoyu, his origin? Why does he have to kill all these ghost practitioners?