
Chapter 186 Mission Failure

Long Yunye was stunned. He looked at the big pit motionlessly, as if he had been crushed by a big stone, and he couldn't say a word. It turned out that the bright tiger eyes also suddenly lost all their glory, and the majestic face became old and sad at this moment, and tears couldn't help sliding down on his face.

"He Army Chief... Captain Lin Xu... Sister Xiuzhen... Chen Xun... Where are you!"

"Ah, ah..." The other four members of the Dragon Group III also looked here, looking at the big pit in front of them with a stunned face, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Ah... It's impossible. Xiaoyu, you must have nothing to do, right? Answer me, Xiaoyu, speak quickly and don't scare the old man. The old man has a bad heart... You answer me... Answer me quickly... I don't believe you are like this... You said that there are still many wishes that have not been fulfilled! You can't just leave!" Long Yunye suddenly got up on the ground and shouted Jun Luoyu's nickname sadly.

"Xiao Yu... Where on earth are you hiding? Xiao Yu, can you respond? Xiaoyu...Xiaoyu" Long Yunye was like an old man who suddenly lost his best friend, dragging his tired body and jumping into the big pit with a trace of hope.

He still didn't believe that Jun Luoyu would explain here. He kept comforting himself that Xiaoyu would have nothing to do. Deep at the bottom of Longyun's ambition, he was still afraid that Jun Luoyu did not dodge when the big-headed skeleton exploded, and was bombarded into powder by the self-explosive airflow.

Long Yunye felt the pain of his heart being torn when he thought of such a scene. This boy was worried about his safety not long ago, but now he is gone...

Long Yunye's face was stained with dust, and his clothes were ragged and dark. He seemed to be an old man who had just come out of the disaster area, indescribably haggard. His voice was sad, hoarse and hard, shouting Jun Luoyu's nickname, and tears kept sliding down one by one, forming two clear tears on his face. He forced himself to believe that Jun Luoyu would have nothing to do, because he was a demon-like existence. He was the creator of miracles. God would not be so mean to him and let him come to this world in just ten years.

When the members of the three groups of Shenlong saw Long Yunye looking for the silver-haired teenager like crazy, they knew that He Jun and others might also be more or less lucky, their hearts suddenly panicked and followed them around looking for their traces.

At this time, it was already dawn. The other four members of Long Yunye and Shenlong's three groups scattered along the big pit to look for Junluoyu Hejun and others. The East gradually dyed a touch of red, revealing a white fish belly. This sweep of City A planned by the Blackstone Volcano and other ghost practitioners lasted for more than four hours and ended in failure. He was the only Fusang devil of 22 ghost practitioners who escaped from the scene.

Blackstone Volcano racked his brains to escape from Jun Luoyu's palm. At first, he was not in a hurry to escape. He had been waiting for the opportunity to temporarily hide on the edge of the residential area of the new city. He did not kill another person, because he was worried about causing chaos to attract Jun Luoyu.

He originally wanted to meet with Heishi Yuri and then escape together. When he found that Yoshikawa and others met Jun Luoyu in the back, he didn't think well. He and Jun Luoyu had killed and deeply knew his sharpness. He sighed that his brother was unlucky and dodged out of the residential area of the new city and robbed a car outside the residential area of the new city. The car drove directly to the villa in the suburbs.

Blackstone Volcano did not expect that the price paid by Blackstone and other families in this Chinese sweep operation would be so great. Even the fierce ghosts that had been raised for decades were used as escape tools, so the realm has dropped to a level, which can be said to the extreme.

This trip to China didn't get anything and lost a large group of ghost practitioners. How can I explain to the families of various sects? This problem has been drilling in the brain of the Blackstone Volcano, making him a little timid to return to Fusang. He can't bear the responsibility of this team. He is just a representative of the Blackstone family. How can the other five families easily let him go? But if you don't go back to Fusang, you will be found by Jun Luoyu and others sooner or later when you stay in China.

Blackstone Volcano was worried about how to explain this failure to the family school all the way. He racked his brains and couldn't think of a good way. His chaotic mind made him deeply understand the taste of beating people crossing the street.

Finally, after the Blackstone Volcano entered the Jincheng Villa, he was a little more peaceful, took a long breath, pressed his chest to slowly calm himself down, and his tight body gradually relaxed. He felt that he could escape from this crisis to prove his strength. He seemed to have figured it out, and a cold-blooded strange smile appeared on his face and thought to himself, "Hey... The responsibility for the failure of this mission can only be pushed on other ghost practitioners! My Blackstone Volcano is still the biggest victim! I think the sect and family should help me get through this difficult time.

"Wow..." Blackstone Volcano sat in the car, pinched his mouth and roared, and summoned the two left-behind ghost practitioners at the gate. When he waited for the two ghost practitioners to appear, he thought about whether to clean up the two ghost practitioners? Later, I thought that one of them was Mr. Hirata's family named Hirada Kuano, and the other was the ghost of the Miyamoto family named Miyamoto Utsu, and the Hirata family has always had a deep friendship with the Kuroshi family and should be able to make use of it. The Miyamoto family is the wall grass, and the strength of that side depends on that side.

Blackstone Volcano deliberately pretended to be overwhelmed, and its whole body collapsed in the cab, with air coming out of air, which was a little like a fast-hanging person.

"Ah...ah...Captain Volcano, what's wrong with you! What about others? Why are you the only one who came back? Captain Volcano, what's going on!" A ghost repairer in black and wearing a black hat came to the side of the car first and looked at the dying black stone volcano and asked anxiously.

"Uh... our mission failed." Blackstone Volcano was forced to take out a mouthful of blood with some realistic force, and said intermittently with a seriously damaged appearance. Grass field, crow, get in the car quickly. We must hurry back to Fusang! Ah... Er... Er... And Yoshikawa-kun, Ito-kun, Koizumi-kun, Miyamoto-kun, Hirata-kun, my brother Yuri and other ghost practitioners all died at the hands of Chinese practitioners. Let's go quickly. If those practitioners hadn't stopped us, we would never have thought of supporting Sangguo.

"Ah... it's impossible... How can it be... Eight-grid tooth road, ah... Captain Volcano, are you sure you're kidding! There are such powerful practitioners in China who can destroy Jichuanjun and others!"

"Do you think I'm joking! Caoye, you come to drive. We must help Sangguo as soon as possible and prepare early. I don't think the practitioners of China will give up this time.

"Ah... Is the volcano captain really like this? Then let's go now. But what should I do after I go back? Hirata Kuano and Miyamoto Raven were so scared that they almost peed their pants when they heard the alarmist remarks of Blackstone Volcano. He rushed into the car as if he lost his soul.

"What should I do if I go back now!" Blackstone Volcano whispered.

"Yes! Captain Volcano, we will definitely be heavily punished by the sect if we fail to go back like this, and the ghost practitioners of other families have died in China, and we will be suspected by them. Captain Volcano, you have to find a way to save us!" Hirata Kuano turned his head while driving and asked!

"Yes, Captain Volcano, our lives are in your hands. You can't abandon us!" Miyamoto Raven echoed.

"Well, we are in the same boat now. You let me think about it quietly. There will be a way. In the future, you will all obey my orders of Blackstone Volcano, and I can keep you alive." Blackstone Volcano whispered, with a strange smile on his face and flashed away.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes. In the future, the captain of the volcano will be our leader, and we swear that we will obey the captain of the Blackstone Volcano..." Hirata Kuano and Miyamoto Raven looked at each other, nodded hurriedly and hurriedly said that they would be loyal to the Blackstone Volcano in the future.