
Chapter 189 Life Fluctuation

As time went by, people have been sleeping day and night to search the whereabouts of Jun Luoyu in an all-round carpet 30 kilometers of the residential area of the new city. Although this distance seems to be a little far away, they still try some things with a trace of joy. Everyone is unwilling to believe it and unwilling to Give up hope.

The mentally relented Li Lin and Chen Minghua returned to Longjia Villa to rest under the comfort of Long Yunye. Others have been sticking to the big pit. With the passage of time, the excavation project has become larger and larger, and the forces of all departments have been passively used, but the situation is becoming less and less optimistic.

Another day later, the big pit was once again expanded ten times as before, and the nearby houses were acquired by Long Yunye for demolition. Just as everyone supported their tired bodies for all-round detection in the big pit, Xiaoyu girl did not listen to Long Yunye's comfort and stayed on the front line. She hoped that she was the first person to see Jun Luoyu.

Three days after the massacre in the residential area of Xincheng, the relevant departments above have ordered the proper resettlement of the trapped residents, and various departments in City A have also suppressed the incident to avoid external panic. Long Yunye originally wanted to comfort Huang Fen and go back to the Oriental Academy to restore her life.

In fact, she was very worried about the safety of He Jun and others, but Jun Luoyu's disappearance should bear part of the responsibility of the Dragon Group, so she chose to stay. Long Yunye had no choice but to promise Huang Fen to stay and help.

Three days later, Ji Qiu and Zhang Mengru also learned that Jun Luoyu's whereabouts were unknown, and they all rushed to Long's villa one after another. When Zhang Mengru came to the big pit, she felt as if she had lost all the power of life and cried. Ji Qiu and the three of them looked sad, and their tears couldn't help but fall straight down. Their most beloved brother, the eldest brother who had been guiding them forward, suddenly evaporated from the world. They and Jun Luoyu's relatives seemed to be dreaming. Generally, I can't believe that this happened.

There were many people who came to help search, but most of them were persuaded by Long Yunye to return or ask them to search on the periphery, because he didn't want too many people to know Jun Luoyu's secret. Zhang Xiong was instructed by Long Yunye to look for it carefully on the periphery.

In fact, he doesn't even know whether all the ghost practitioners have been eliminated. The only thing he knows is Jun Luoyu, who is now nowhere to be found, so now the Long family villa is heavily guarded to prevent further ghost practitioners from attacking.

Jun Luoyu disappeared for three days, and the whole city of A seemed to have turned upside down. Cars with the logo of the Long family could be seen searching everywhere. Many people don't know what happened, but with the cooperation of various powerful departments in City A, everything seems so natural.

In the evening, Zhang Mengru accompanied the little jade girl in the mud. The two were no longer beautiful and refined. Their faces were covered with black soil, and their eyes looked sad. They held a wave detector in their hands to search for biological fluctuations under the ground.

Today's big pit is more than 30 feet deep, and the detection department reported that it can no longer be excavated. Because if you dig again, the whole pit will collapse, and everything will be ruined. Long Yunye did not dare to take this risk, so he could only stop the excavation troops and let the Long family's personal guard go down to the pit and use scientific and technological instruments to detect biological fluctuations.

In fact, the people who go down the big pit now are very dangerous. Maybe the big pit will suddenly collapse if they can't stand the pressure, so Long Yunye also wants innocent people to die in vain, so many people withdraw from the big pit. But some people have the courage to take this risk, just because they have hope in their hearts, that's all!

But Zhang Mengru Xiaoyu Jiqiu and others have the same hope in their hearts, that they can be the first to find the whereabouts of Jun Luoyu. With their eager eyes, they begged Long Yunye to go to the big pit to search for it.

Long Yunye originally didn't want to agree, but Xiaoyu tried her best to disagree. In the end, Long Yunye was persuaded by Chen Minghua and Li Lin. After all, his parents agreed, and Long Yunye could only try to enter the big pit as few people as possible, and provide protection for Xiaoyu and others as soon as possible.

At this moment, the pit was expanded to more than ten times as before, but there were only a few people inside. Long Yunye persuaded all the unrelated personnel to retreat and fell into the pit. At night, more than a dozen of them had been searching for hours, but nothing was found. Gradually, they were a little upset, and the restless atmosphere had been spreading in the big pit. Suddenly, the wave detector in Zhang Mengru and Xiaoyu's hands sounded together.

This sound is like the sound of nature, making everyone's spirit seem to have been injected with stimulants, and suddenly rise. Long Yunye was supposed to detect on the other side, but he was the first to arrive at Xiaoyu's side.

"Woo...Woo... Xiaoyu found her brother's fluctuation, woo... We finally found Luo Yu's life fluctuation." Zhang Mengru and Xiaoyu shed tears in disbelief. They were so moved that they couldn't help crying.

More than a dozen people in the pit are practitioners. When they turn their heads sharply, they see the two people crying in the center of the pit. They clearly hear the unclear words with exciting messages in their excited sobs. Jun Luoyu's life fluctuated, and after three days and nights of hard search, he finally got the first result they got.

"Xiaoyu, dream like you two little girl, now you can promise grandpa! Go and have a good rest! Don't wait for Grandpa to find Xiaoyu and let him see your current appearance will scare him out! Ha ha, he doesn't like to see his two babies become like this. Ji Qiu, come and take care of them. Don't let them faint here!" Long Yunye was so excited that he couldn't help making a little joke. His eyes were full of tears, and his voice choked and said.

Long Yunye comforted Zhang Mengru and Xiaoyu for the first time. Looking at them crying, I was worried that they would faint at this time.

"I will, Grandpa Long. Grandpa Long, I think it's better to dig up and find the boss!" Ji Qiu said calmly.

"Well, Longyi, you guys came here looking for excavation tools, and the detector showed that life fluctuated three feet deep." Long Yunye got the data on the detector, and he was much more at peace and began to deal with things in an orderly manner.

After more than an hour of careful excavation, he finally dug down another three feet. When they saw the hole, Jun Luoyu was wrapped in a layer of silver film and slept quietly in it.

"It's Xiaoyu, brother, boss, Luo Yu, young master Jun," all the population shouted Jun Luoyu's name, dancing Long Yunye and others couldn't help crying when they saw this scene.

Among them, Long Yunye first regained calm. He picked up Jun Luoyu's body with both hands and felt it with his hand. There was also a weak life fluctuation and calmed down: "Let's go back. Xiao Yu needs to be treated now. Long Yi, you told the guard searching outside to go back to Long's house to stand by."

After saying that, Long Yunye picked up Jun Luoyu's body and jumped out of the big pit. Other people's cultivation was not as profound as Long Yunye's, so they could only return to the ground through the iron ladder.

When everyone returned to the Long family villa, it had been crowded, all of whom were the people who had the closest relationship with Jun Luoyu, parents, grandparents and so on...

The first time Zhang Mengru and Xiaoyu came back to Long's villa was not to visit Jun Luoyu, but to clean themselves up quickly. Obviously, they really listened to Long Yunye's words. Women all hope to leave the most beautiful side to their beloved.

Long Yunye held Jun Luoyu and showed them all, so that they could do other things at ease. Long Yunye put Jun Luoyu straight on **, and the silver shield on his body slowly returned to his body after being excavated.

A white light bloomed on the palm of Long Yunye's hand, and he was absorbed in closing his eyes. He meditated on the law in his heart, and the true air ran out at a high speed in Dantian. The white true qi entered Jun Luoyu's body directly through his palm. Long Yunye tried his best to control the martial arts true qi to circulate on Jun Luoyu's upper body for a week, detecting what seems to be a fatal wound on his body, and it can be better treated later.