
Chapter 195 Merchant's true character

Jun Luoyu's expression became solemn, sweeping away the frivolous teasing just now. There was a strong momentum on his body, sitting awe-inspiringly on the black wooden chair, his silver hair was elegant, and his long shiny hair gently swung up as he spoke, looking majestic.

"After this special training mission, those with excellent grades can choose voluntarily. Whether to stay with me or not, so everyone is equally fair in my eyes. As long as you work hard, you will get what you deserve!"

"My subordinates understand" Zhang Xiong's day and night Xiaohu Xiaojian Xiaoyue and others replied in a serious way.

"One more thing, this time the Fusang ghost repairer entered City A through the dock under Jincheng Group! This incident makes me feel that ghost practitioners also have some large forces in Fusang, otherwise these evil ghost practitioners could not enter through secular forces. So Zhang Xiong, you should send someone to collect information about various forces in Fusang. It's better to get the information about large families in Fusang! Anyway, let them pay for their blood. This time, it's clear that there is no good thought for them to make trouble in City A!"

"These damn devils are ready to move again!"

"This counterattack will definitely wipe out these reactionary forces!"

Jun Luoyu's eyes were shining and sent out a fierce cold light to inspect the crowd. Everyone's excited eyes in the hall fell into his eyes one by one, and he nodded slightly.

"Do you have anything else to add? If not. Then start the internship this special training program tomorrow!"

"Young master, we have understood. The killer alliance does not need to be supplemented! Everything is still at the young master's orders! The young master said that he should do what the killer alliance should do! Anyway, Zhang Xiong's life was also given by the young master.

"Old man, this trip to a foreign base will use several large planes of the Long family to transfer halfway. There is no clear meaning for the invasion of ghost practitioners in China, so this mission still needs to be kept secret. Personally, I think it's better not to make too much unnecessary friction with them.

"I agree with Xiaoyu's statement. The special operations team is strong behind it, and we can only try our best to avoid direct friction with them. Therefore, the Long family will fully support this Chinese counterattack.

"What do you think of the second, third and fourth now? Do you want to go abroad with me to participate in training together!"

" boss, you still need to say this! I must go. If you don't let me go, I will go too. When I think of killing devils, I feel excited! The devils should be killed all the time. Every time they are fighting bad ideas! I've been unhappy to see them!" Xiao Peng is still as impatient as ever.

"Big boss, you are finally willing to take us with you! The three of us can't humiliate the boss, right? Ji Qiu looked sven on his face, but there was a strong confidence in his words.

Zhang Xiong and others are also very curious about Ji Qiu and the other three. They will not believe that they can become Jun Luoyu's brothers. But the person who speaks below is the one who really let Zhang Xiong and others see what Jun Luoyu's brothers look like!

Ning Yuecheng told Zhang Xiong and others what a businessman's nature is.

"The devil who killed this day dares to fight against the boss! It's just that Junwei doesn't pay attention to it! I think the boss will find a time to take us to fight back into the Fusang Kingdom, stir up the major families of the Fusang Kingdom, and let them taste how unforgettable it is to be burned, killed and plundered!" Um, hey... Personally, I think the most important thing is to arrest all the women who shoot A and put thousands of people in the pig, dog, cow and sheep ranch together! Hey hey... Let those animals mate and match them, and then we let them suffer, sperm, and send the bastards they give birth to their country! In this way, it not only hit the arrogance of Fusang, but also hit their yellow industry. We can also make a lot of money. Boss, do you think my plan can be counted in one fell swoop!"

In the basement hall, Long Yunye Zhang Xiong and others stared at the talking Ning Yuecheng and talked about this extremely bad but commercially valuable scheme.

Zhang Xiong and others couldn't help taking a cold breath. This talkaty boy's mind is so vicious that it can be said to hit the nail on the head. One blow is enough to paralyze Fusang's economy.

"Hey... Hey... Don't look at me with monster eyes. In fact, I'm a very pure person! It's just that I'm particularly disgusted with the devils. I just want to treat them in their own way. There's nothing wrong with my thinking, isn't it? Think about how many bad things they have done before! Moreover, these bastards actually don't admit it, and they are still ambitious to react to China! We regard us as the sick man of East Asia, I wipe, Fusang Guizi's family of women. As a lesson, we should use the sharpest means to suppress these bastards so that they no longer have the strength to engage in reaction. This is the most important thing. I personally like peace and harmony. So don't look at me like that, because it's a particularly unfair thing. You don't know me too well. I'm a caring young man, so please remember to introduce me when you see a beautiful woman. Thank you. That's all.

After saying these words with a righteous and awe-inspiring face, Ning Yuecheng once again stunned Zhang Xiong and others. This person is also a demon monster, and his ideas are always so forward! They asked themselves that they were not Ning Yuecheng's opponents, and everyone quickly turned their heads and ignored him, which was the best strategy.

"Haha... Lao Si has lived for more than ten years, and today you finally made a constructive suggestion!" Jun Luoyu couldn't help laughing.

"Hey... Boss, it's not right for you to say that. Didn't you have such an opportunity before! If the boss does big business in the future, just remember to bring the fourth brother. I promise to let the boss make a lot of money!"

"Lao Si, you are indeed a thick-skinned ancestor! Boss, I can't stand it when I praise you and start to pretend to be fat!"

"I said the third brother! Don't say it when you are jealous of me, it makes you look too mean!"

"Okay, okay, I said you two guys are still finished! Use this place as a vegetable market! Shame on the boss!" Ji Qiu looked at Ning Yuecheng and Xiao Peng, two people who were ready to fight after saying a few words. They were a little depressed and did not know how to speak on different occasions.

Xiao Peng, Ning Yuecheng can only stop talking as soon as he hears Ji Qiu's mouth to stop. In addition to Jun Luoyu, the four people of Junwei are Ji Qiu's words powerful! Xiao Pengning and Yuecheng have been great figures since childhood. If Jun Luo Yujiqiu hadn't suppressed them, according to their fearless character, they don't know what kind of demon king they have become now.

"Sure enough, people gather in groups and things!" Long Yunye shook his head and laughed, "You two are still so difficult to discipline. I don't think your old men can control you! It seems that Ji Qiu knows the rules best. You two little guys will still learn from Ji Qiu in the future. Young people can't do big things when they are young. Calm is the most important thing.

"Grandpa Long, Xiaopeng, Xiaocheng knows, you must keep it in mind!" Xiao Peng, Ning Yuecheng looked at each other very depressed and said at the same time.

"Haha... Let's see if you two dare to disturb the order regardless of the occasion in the future! Well, that's all for now. Let's go back and get ready! Let's meet at the villa in the countryside tomorrow night!" Jun Luoyu laughed and joked.

"It's the young master, then my subordinates will leave first!" Zhang Xiong and others stood up and replied respectfully.

"Well, Zhang Xiong, you contact the elite members in foreign countries. If you don't have the talent to practice, leave part of it in City A!"

"Don't worry, my subordinates will arrange people to come to the villa area of the new city to protect the lady!"

Xiaoyue gently poked the little fox's arm with her hand behind. Xiaohu turned his head and looked at Xiaoyue doubtfully. Xiaoyue blinked and winked at her! The mouth said silently, "Little fox sister, why don't you seize the opportunity to stay at the Long family! Although the young master said that just now, he is obviously optimistic that you will stay! I'll just go back and prepare your things for you!"

"But... Sister Xiaoyue... I'm afraid of the young master..."