
Chapter 208 contentment

At this moment, the little fox looks like a child who doesn't grow up. Always accept the spoiled by adults and live in a carefree world. For her, Jun Luoyu is now her whole world.

It is a kind of happiness to stay by someone who knows how to love her. Everyone in the world feels and experiences happiness in a different way, but they are satisfied. Obviously, Xiaohu belongs to the kind of woman who is extremely eager for happiness. She knows how to find out what she wants and how to treat herself well. The most important thing is that she is more active in action. In fact, this is called contentment and happiness, and she gets more than others bravely.

"Dead girl... Now come to ** me if you taste a little sweetness! Can't you help the young master sell me like this?"

"Where is... Sister Xiaoyue, you really speak ill of the little fox like this! They just want you to be happy too!"

"Ha ha... Sister Xiaoyue understands your heart! We have been like sisters since we were young. I don't know you, and no one can know you as well as I do! ...Sometimes I really hope my personality is as cheerful as you..."

"Ha ha... Xiaohu also knows Sister Xiaoyue. I know that you are worried that the young master is not the beloved person you expect."

"Ha ha... When you damn girl speaks in front of me, you can't stop changing all of a sudden! However, Sister Yue, the shackles in her heart can't be easily put down! I have to observe for a while! Lifelong events can't be hasty! Otherwise, there will be no chance to repent in the future!" Xiaoyue was amused by the little fox and quickly held the little fox's hand on her, looking a little more uncertain about the future. For Xiaoyue, emotional matters are lifelong things. Once they choose, they will not change again, so it is inevitable to be a little worried and cautious.

"Hee... Sister Xiaoyue! The young master probably doesn't think about this problem now! Then you don't know when to wait!"

"Hey... If the young master really cares, Sister Xiaoyue is naturally willing. Unfortunately, there are more and more women around the young master. I'm afraid he will forget me sooner or later! Sister Fox, Sister Xiaoyue understands your kindness, but I can't do it now. Xiaoyue's face is like a cold jade with a faint sadness.

Xiaoyue learned from the little fox's words that there were actually many women around Jun Luoyu who were treating the little fox covely, Xiaoyue felt more and more uneasy. In terms of personality, Xiaohu and Xiaoyue are like polarized, and they look so well together when they are cold and hot. Xiaoyue came over after a difficult judgment and stayed with Jun Luoyu. Xiaoyue doubted whether she could withstand the cold eyes of others, or whether Jun Luoyu would resolutely love her for her!

Xiaoyue thought to herself: She is not as pleasing to men as Xiaohu.

Zhang Mengru and Ling Hanxue stayed in another room and said other words. In Ling Hanxue's mouth, it is easy to find her unintentional behavior towards Jun Luoyu, which is full of dissatisfaction and rejection. Zhang Mengru shook her head secretly, and there was no way to change Ling Hanxue's impression of Jun Luoyu for the time being.

Jun Luoyu and Zhang Xiong, day and night, Long and others are staying in the cabin to discuss the content of the special training, and first make some arrangements for the special training plan. Jun Luoyu said some of his thoughts and talked with Zhang Xiong and others for more than an hour.

At this time, twelve helicopters had flown out of China, and in the process, Jun Luoyu also contacted some people. Now it is flying fast in the direction of the South Pacific Island. However, long-distance flight is not the strength of helicopters.

Twelve large helicopters formed a triangular square team in mid-air after several hours of flight. Finally arrived at the transit place planned earlier with Long Yunye. Jun Luoyu and they fell halfway at the airport of a relatively poor country.

At this time, it was past 2 a.m., and all the personnel on the twelve helicopters and some members of the Longyunye had arranged to wait here. The personnel who were going to participate in the special training changed to the five large aircraft prepared by Long Yunye for Jun Luoyu.

Large aircraft are several times more than helicopters in terms of performance and flight ability. The interior decoration is luxurious and comfortable, and the rooms are spacious. More than 100 people on each plane will look spacious. These are special planes specially customized by the Longyunye family, and naturally reach the top of today's scientific and technological level in all aspects.

Jun Luoyu, Zhang Xiong, Long Yi and others continued to fly to the South Pacific islands in vast air planes. These five aircraft finally reached their destination at about 7 a.m., which is the south of the Pacific Ocean, where there are many islands of different sizes.

Jun Luoyu's destination is the largest island in this archipelago. When looking down from the plane, people can't help but be attracted by the green islands scattered in the ocean below.

As early as when Zhang Xiong bought this island, he had an idea in his mind to establish a secret base belonging to the Killer League. He spent a lot of money to hire many well-known scientists to build such an easy-to-attack military base for him.

For Zhang Xiong, there are few foreign military bases that really want to surpass him in terms of science and technology. This is something that makes him proud, and the Killer League, as a world-renowned force, should have its foundation. He also spent almost all his effort on the base. For Zhang Xiong, this island base is the headquarters of his killer alliance and also his Zhang Xiong's*.

Five aircraft that slowly began to adjust their speed landed safely with the assistance of the base personnel. Jun Luoyu took Zhang Xiong, a group of key personnel from the Long First-class Killer League and the Long Family Guard, and took the lead in walking out of the cabin.

The main management personnel on the island base received Zhang Xiong's order a few days ago. It is said that the big leader will come to the island base, which makes them a little confused. Originally, they don't know much about the new leader. Although some people have heard of Jun Luoyu's deeds, many times it is true. Zhang Xiong ordered them that all departments must arrange things properly, which should not cause Jun Luoyu's dissatisfaction.

Now they are lined up neatly and cautiously, and some trembling civilian personnel can't even stand up. They are the first to know the means of Jun Luoyu from the execution of the killer outside. Because the contact information from the outside world is this group of civilian personnel. Even top killers such as Zhang Xiong can be convinced, which shows their sharpness.

Jun Luoyu wink, and Zhang Xiong, who stood aside, immediately met. Jun Luoyu used to like this kind of show, but he didn't come here to play. Since it's better to do business, it's better to shorten the time. Zhang Xiong ordered a group of Xiaojian and other men to arrange for other special training personnel of the Long family to quickly move into the base during the day.

At this time, Xiaoyue, Zhang Mengru, Ling Hanxue, Xiaoyu and other girls also came down from the cabin of the plane, among which Xiaoyu wanted to get tired of Jun Luoyu. She hoped that Duoduo and Brother Yu could better cultivate her relationship, but she was stopped by Zhang Mengru. Zhang Mengru knew that now was not the time to play, so that the little jade girl would not be taught a lesson by Jun Luoyu.

Xiaoyue Xiaohu and Xiaohu are extremely familiar with this island base, because they can be said that when they grew up here, they are naturally responsible for leading Zhang Mengru and others to familiarize themselves with the island base. Xiaoyue simply took this responsibility and asked Xiaohu to go to Jun Luoyu's side first.

Xiaohu knew Xiaoyue's kindness and broke away from Zhang Mengru and other girls' teams and came to Jun Luoyu. Jun Luoyu's feelings about the little fox have been changing. The main thing is that the little fox does things decently and knows what she should do and what she shouldn't ask. This left a good impression on Jun Luoyu. Jun Luoyu originally hoped that he would have a confidant around him to help deal with things, but he didn't expect that Xiaohu would become a confidant so soon.

It can be seen that Jun Luoyu's change in feelings for the little fox is a kind of sensory satisfaction for the little fox, and it is also the happiness that the little fox needs most. Jun Luoyu increasingly likes the feeling of the little fox staying by his side. He can not only worry less about trivial things, but also because the happiness and joy of the little fox from the bottom of his heart infected him.