
Chapter 231 Yoshikawa Courtyard

Jun Luoyu, Zhang Xiong and Long Yi are resisting their destination. A large number of people had just come down from the fighter plane to Shizuoka. The news reported by Chen Rui from the communicator on Jun Luoyu's body.

"In Tokushima Prefecture, there are ghost practitioners in the Koizumi family... Humph... Sure enough, you did it!"

Jun Luoyu frowned slightly and whispered.

"Send four more brigades to serve as active troops to support those blocked teams at any time." Jun Luoyu turned around and gave several orders to Zhang Xiong.

Zhang Xiong understands Jun Luoyu's plan. He picked up the communicator and gave orders to several captains at the same time. Once again, two teams of Longyu 100-person troops and two teams of killer troops were sent out to support each department. As long as that side was blocked by ghost practitioners, they would go to that place.

Jun Luoyu's decision is obvious. Only by gathering the power in his hand can he play a sharp role, destroy the dead, and destroy a large number of ghost practitioners.

After Jun Luoyu gave the order, he stood quietly at an airport in Shizuoka and looked up at eight fighter jets flying away from his sight, and his thoughts began to spread.

Jun Luoyu can now be sure that the major families of Fusang State are more or less closely related to ghost practitioners, and even these big families have participated in the last invasion.

Jun Luoyu planned to fight back against ghost practitioners for more than half a year, gathering more than 30 congenital warriors and 1,000 acquired warriors. If such power can't lift you all to the surface, then I, Jun Luoyu, is really a failure.

In order to preserve the power of the killer troops, Jun Luoyu can only release the two Longyu troops of the ace to support other teams, and let them lead these ghosts and snakes first.

Sure enough, Shizuoka was stirred up by the leading troops of the Killer League ten days ago, making Jun Luoyu's large army easily enter Fusang and make great contributions.

The killer team of the Killer League assassinated some key targets on the list as soon as they entered Shizuoka.

Some killers specialized in some terrorist attacks, causing riots in Fusang's powerful department and providing a good cover for the large troops behind them.

Jun Luoyu came to his senses with a cold smile on his face. Zhang Xiong knew that these ghost practitioners surfaced, so the young master must have a better plan and action.

Jun Luoyu led the lord's troops into Shizuoka. It was found that the current Shizuoka was full of thick smoke and devastation. Some of Fusang's underworlds fished in troubled waters and shouted to kill and plundered the ordinary people outside.

This discovery made Jun Luoyu and others have a prank smile on their faces. These guys are really unimaginable. At least this counterattack plan has had some effects. As long as those big families are eliminated, I believe that the whole Fusang will shake the basis and be unable to go to China again.

Jun Luoyu asked the remaining two killer teams to quickly enter all parts of Shizuoka to sweep, meet with the leading troops and wait for orders.

The goal of Jun Luoyu is the famous Yoshikawa family on the list. It is understood from the Koizumi family that these big families must be supported by a sect of ghost practitioners. Otherwise, it is impossible to enter City A so brazenly and commit a heinous crime.

Jun Luoyu took two teams of Longyu, a team of 100-person killers and Zhang Xiong and others to ride in the big truck prepared for them in advance by Long Yunye.

Quickly enter the destination of this trip, Shizuoka Mountain, a large Japanese courtyard with five or six square kilometers.

This very imposing courtyard was heard by the Yoshikawa family in the Tokumaki era. At that time, there was a great general in the Yoshikawa family. It can be imagined that at that time, the Yoshikawa family was also an extraordinary family.

Zhang Xiong sat on the truck and looked at the large courtyard not far away. His face did not change and said lightly, "In front of it is the headquarters of the Yoshikawa family. This Shizuoka mountain is hundreds of miles around the territory of their family. Usually, it is difficult for outsiders to enter, but now Shizuoka is full of chaos. I guess they are shrinking their force, which brings us here.

"This Yoshikawa family, which is unusual, can have such power here. It seems that the potential power of the Yoshikawa family should not be underestimated. Ji Qiu analyzed softly.

"Judging from the data, this Yoshikawa family is still an ancient big family of Fusang. It seems that many of the big forces of Fusang come from these families. Usually, they are not exposed, but the potential forces are enough to control half of the Fusang country. Zhang Xiong turned around and looked at Ji Qiu in surprise and continued to say.

Ji Qiu did not look at the confidential information sent by the killer not long ago, and he could analyze that Yoshikawa had extraordinary potential power in Fusang, which was very simple.

In front of us is an ancient courtyard connected by a new villa. Everyone can think that this Yoshikawa family can have such a large area of land in Shizuoka, a famous tourist resort. Its power is not comparable to that of an ordinary big family.

Jun Luoyu was closing his eyes and listening to Zhang Xiong and Ji Qiu's conversation. Suddenly, he looked up at the courtyard not far away.

In an hour, Jun Luoyu showed an evil smile on his face and said leisurely, "Sure enough, as you said, there is something interesting in this Jichuan family."

"Hey, I'm all ready. Unexpectedly, these big families are very afraid of death!" Xiao Peng stood behind Jun Luoyu and said loudly with red faces. He can't wait to get out of the car immediately to kill him. Looking at the other teams fighting against the devils, he felt boiling all over.

"Ha, Lao San, you are very anxious! Since you are in such a hurry, let everyone kill him!" Jun Luoyu turned around and patted Xiao Peng on the shoulder and smiled.

"Now I will arrange your task. Zhang Xiong, you immediately lead a team of people to attack from the left side and unexpectedly open the gap. Second, third, fourth, you form a small encirclement from the right side. Long Yi, you take some people outside to rob and kill the escaped devils. Start killing the devils and get out of the car!" Jun Luoyu commanded the battle against the communicator with a cold smile and assigned the tasks of each team.

I saw more than 30 large trucks lined up neatly. Under Jun Luoyu's order, the container door was suddenly opened, and hundreds of people in uniforms came down.

Each team member carries a new laser gun and a machete, which is also purposeful. According to the allocation of the captains, they began to surround the ancient courtyard of the Yoshikawa family and pushed them step by step.

In the control room of the Yoshikawa family, several subordinates who were originally responsible for protecting were gathering to discuss where to drink, make holes and play group P at night. Several devils dressed in guard clothes talked about their happiness, and their faces couldn't help showing a trace of **, thirs, smiles,

A guy who seemed to be the leader said, "Eight-grid tooth road. ... Last time I was robbed by several bastards of the Blackstone family. It's better to find a few well-known women and actresses to play tonight to relieve their anger.

"Head. No, there are a lot of cars outside. It won't be the bastard of the Blackstone family who came to make trouble.

Suddenly, a Yoshikawa guard accidentally turned around and saw the big video screen, which made him see a scene that he didn't understand until he died!

He shouted, why did more than 30 large trucks come from outside the courtyard? He also knew that the person who was looking for trouble came for a second. Although he didn't know if it was the Blackstone family, Shizuoka seemed to be in a mess recently, and he didn't know which one was the Malay Yoshikawa family.

"Haha... Ba Ge Ya Lu... Humph, the Blackstone family... Dare to come to die! I will report it to the patriarch and let him decide!"

This news was quickly reported to the four households of Yoshikawa, the head of the Yoshikawa family.

He is also the ghost Taoist who died in City A, the biological father of Yoshikawa Gouno.

When the four households of Yoshikawa learned about it from the Blackstone Volcano and other people who returned to Fusang from China a few months ago. When his eldest son Yoshikawa Gouye died in China, he was furious and roared at the Blackstone Volcano and almost took action.

Yoshikawa Gouye is a genius ghost of the Yoshikawa family. He is close to the realm of ghosting at a young age. This is the pride of the four Yoshikawa households and has always cultivated him as the next generation of family owners.

And three of the first team of more than 20 ghost practitioners came back. He couldn't believe it... He thought there should be secrets in it.