
Chapter 258 The Sad Blackstone Owner

Jun Luoyu's face showed an excited and gloomy smile. He paid great attention to moderation, but did not let him completely faint. Every time the black stone mellow wood passed away, Jun Luoyu would always wake him up directly with a congenital air current wrapped in the air current.

Jun Luoyu feels that this will make the black stone alcohol wood enjoy the 'pleasure' of wanting to die and want his soul to dissipate immediately.

This bad method directly made the black stone mellow wood heart collapse. The originally resentful scarlet eyes gradually lost their luster, as if the whole person was infatuated, allowing Jun Luoyu's countless fists to hit the blood of his limbs.

Jun Luoyu only does not touch the deadblood of his body, which is to torture him severely and make him feel what is better than death.

Jun Luoyu's way to deal with people is like a beast that hates human beings, and he will always find opportunities to revenge.

Let Blackstone Melwood know that some people in the world can't be offended. Once they are offended, unless they kill him, or wait for him to retaliate, then you will know that everything is coming so vigorously.

Five swords and others stood still and were stunned. When they saw Jun Luoyu's thrilling moves, they consciously swallowed their saliva secretly.

Among them, the five swords with the highest cultivation are like shopping on the road, suddenly meeting a peerless beauty, staring at Jun Luoyu's dazzling and dazzling martial arts.

Five Swords feel that Jun Luoyu's cultivation is a little unimaginable. How profound it is. Why did he only disappear for a few hours and a huge transformation happened again! In the past, Jun Luoyu seemed to have been hiding his strength. However, these martial arts are really handsome, and this move is really amazing... I don't know if the young master will teach me one or two of these unique tricks... The five swords are unnaturally daydreaming.

Jun Luoyu has been standing on the huge body of black stone mellow wood, and black stone mellow wood is like a big tree that has been cut down, motionless. Only when it is violently beaten by Jun Luoyu will it involuntarily twitch. In fact, he wanted to move, but Jun Luoyu's thunderous power completely paralyzed his body, as if the ghost body at this moment was not his own.

Jun Luoyu hit it, as if he didn't feel satisfied enough. He frowned slightly and turned an extremely bad technique in his heart, ready to try his hand with black stone alcohol wood.

"Hey... old ghost... Now it's the real play, just a warm-up..." Suddenly, Jun Luoyu said sarcastic words, and his legs violently stamped on the chest of the black stone alcohol wood, and crushed his chest. His people had jumped to the sky and shouted, the dragon fist created by him. A unique trick.

"Oh... Oh... Oh... Oh... Oh... Er... Er... From the outside, there are countless shining silver figures, flashing inside, up and down dozens of times, and mixed with the ghost crying wolf howling of black stone, from high to bottom, from top to bottom, fist and leg shadow, one after another It is continuous and seemingly endless.

Black stone alcohol wood, no matter how numb the body is, even the principle of looking a little indifferent, also makes him deeply feel pain and sadness at this moment. This aggravation of allowing people to abuse makes him want to commit suicide immediately. In the end, he could only open his mouth and hum a few times, but he was unable to resist the pain and fainted directly.

Before the coma, black stone alcohol wood had such an idea in his mind: it turned out that he offended the last domineering and stingy man, but he had to suffer so many crimes. It is better to offend a gentleman than to offend a villain.

And what he wanted to say before he fell into a coma was: You have the guts to kill me directly... Isn't it solved!

Unfortunately, Jun Luoyu made a unique move. The speed was so fast that it could not even be seen by the naked eye. Only countless silver light flashed and exploded around in the center of the battle.

Jun Luoyu's fist with a phantom-shaped thunder electric snake hit out fiercely. The surging electric current made the bottom of the heart of the black stone alcohol.

The continuous qi flooded into the bone veins of his body one by one, causing all his true qi to directly lose control and rage in his body. Finally, he couldn't even ask for death, so he fainted.

"Hum... hey hey, hey... Do you think I will let you go if you faint? You are so naive! There is no such cheap thing in the world. How dare you swallow blood... Hey hey... It's hard for me to make you want to die... Bang, bang, bang..." Jun Luoyu thought about part of his blood and was actually swallowed by this monster, and there was a chill. No one dared to insult him like this. No one, black stone alcohol wood is First, so Jun Luoyu is particularly 'opened' for him.

Jun Luoyu's eyes with a cold light of hatred, looked at the black stone mellow wood that had completely fainted, and finally stopped his crazy action. Standing on the devastated and messy body of the ghost, he looked down at the black stone alcohol wood that had stepped into hell. With a gloomy smile on the corners of his mouth, he whispered, "Between heaven and earth, there must be cause and fruit... Haha... There is revenge!

Jun Luoyu's fist was wrapped in bursting lightning, punched his thigh several times, and then jumped to his arm to break all the meridians on his body to prevent the statement monster from repairing himself. Jun Luoyu also bombarded Dantian, which stored evil and true gas in the ghost's body, and Jun Luoyu walked to the ground leisurely.

"Haha... Don't be stunned..." As soon as Jun Luoyu said, he was blocked by a group of perverts who saw peerless beauties, and the scene was noisy.

Jun Luoyu couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, and said in his heart: It seems that I just behaved too high and shockingly. Hey, I don't need to restrain myself in the future!

"Ah...ah...Young master...what happened to you just now?" There was a roar in the ears of Wujian and others. This is the sound of Jun Luoyu's fusion of true qi, which can compete with people from the heart. Wujian and others finally came to their senses, stared at Jun Luoyu with tongues, and then asked how Jun Luoyu had just used such a superb martial arts skills!

"Oh...Young master, your momentum just now is really scary. You are a little more handsome than that god. It's simply the god of the East!"

"Haha...haha...Xiao Ming, you flatter the young master! What is God in this world? If there is, it must be our young master!"

"Well, I said Xiaoguang, don't interrupt my worship of the young master!"

"In fact, what you said is false. I think the young master just now is like a latent dragon that has just run out of the abyss, majestic, and the young master's move is so fast that we can't even see it... This is simply a miracle"

"Young master, what kind of magic skill do you use?"

"Young master, you are so fierce and handsome!"

"Hey... I knew that no man in the world could compare with the young master! Otherwise, how can the best flower fox of our killer alliance be subdued by the young master!"

"Gaga... I really envy the blessing of the young master..."

"Go, go... You stay, I have something important to find the young master! Ha ha, young master, when will you teach us to practice advanced martial arts? In the end, the five swords looked powerful and rushed the Longyu members who kept flattering Jun Luoyu to one side and whispered what they thought in their hearts.

" can't let me talk first!"

"Five swords are still smart! Ha ha, I can choose a few of these martial arts to teach you in the future! However, your physical strength has no effect for the time being! However, don't be too disappointed. As long as you cultivate the heavenly formula I taught to the high depths, it will naturally have a bursting effect..." Jun Luoyu with a warm smile on his face, quietly looked at the five swords and others around them, as if they had forgotten the pain on their bodies, even those seriously injured Long Yu's members also came to Jun Luoyu with the help of others and made jokes loudly. They were really proud of Jun Luoyu, and only his magic made them temporarily forget their own affairs, which seemed to be human.