
Chapter 268 Forced to be invincible

But today, Jun Luoyu also used the main characteristics of hooligan fights and was ready to break the jar.

Such a fierce look of barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes jumped forward, aggressive and indescribable.

But he knew clearly in his heart that he was completely forced at this moment. In fact, he doesn't want to fight with a hell monster. Such behavior used to be a stupid behavior in his eyes, but he couldn't help but be stupid, with a sense of anger and a little bitterness in his heart.

Jun Luoyu's whole body was covered with a layer of a few inches of qi mask, and his right hand clenched the dragon's sword, and his heart was slightly trembling. He really couldn't figure out what the monster was in front of him.

He stared at the purgatory demon, and his left hand suddenly condensed a more old dragon energy body.

"Stupid X, die! This is not where you should come! Go back to Alaska..." Jun Luoyu roared and didn't know what he meant by this. He quickly approached and cut off the purgatory demon, which was still devouring the power of the soul, and the dragon energy body rushed directly into its big mouth.

In Jun Luoyu's view, as long as it is the power to break evil, it can bring trauma to it! So now he has used what he has learned all his life.

"Oh..." Jun Luoyu's violent sword attack has achieved obvious effects, at least it can break the defense. It brought some small trouble to the purgatory demon and temporarily prevented it from continuing to devour the sacrifices on the Yinwen array.

"Oh...woo..." The purgatory demon stared at Jun Luoyu angrily. It saw three hot flames with the thickness of three buckets in its eyes like big cylinders, and its mouth made a earth-shaking roar. It shook its head and raised the large mace in his hand and waved it out, trying to want Jun Luoyu. This little one was knocked to death as a fly-like stick.

"Stupid x, you're screaming! Look at the young master's flying dragon chopping..." Jun Luoyu is also an arrogant person. At this moment, he is despised by a monster, so he must take good care of it.

Jun Luoyu quickly avoided this wave of strong attacks. Compared with the 70 or 80 feet tall body of the Purgatory Demon, he does look like a fly.

However, Jun Luoyu, a big fly, was not so good-tempered. He burst out with a proud body and kept hovering around the huge body of the Purgatory Demon. He held the Dragon Yin Sword tightly in his hands. The sword was covered with dazzling silver light and cut at the waist of the Purgatory Demon, as if he wanted to cut it into The two halves were the same, but the facts hit him again. He stared at the waist of the purgatory demon, stared dryly, and couldn't help but want to curse his mother.

Jun Luoyu's congenital innocence is indeed good to damage the purgatory demon, but it also depends on the extent of the other party's cultivation.

Jun Luoyu suddenly came to his senses and no longer underestimated this minor injury. Even grinding can grind it to death.

Jun Luoyu only needs to let the silver light on the dragon's sword touch the dark green flame on the purgatory demon. Those dark green flames were immediately suppressed by the silver light and shrank into the body.

"What..." The sharp dragon sword pierced the body of the purgatory demon, and the wound sprayed a lot of dark red fishy blood. The blood was stained, and the explosive silver light on the sword emitted bursts of thick smoke.

"I wipe... you son of a bitch, what did you eat to grow up... what stinks..." Jun Luoyu cursed in a low voice.

This smell of thick smoke after the blood burns from the purgatory demon. It is really difficult to describe what it smells like. Jun Luoyu thought about it for a moment, and it felt like the stench of countless corpses soaked in the ditch.

Jun Luoyu smelled the vigorous smell that rushed straight to his forehead and felt nauseated. His whole body shook a few times and quickly turned his direction.

Jun Luoyu's hand holding the sword sweated coldly, and his heart became more and more bitter. This big fool X is much more difficult to deal with than expected. Even the smell from the body is simply the most poisonous gas on earth, which is cheap to pick up against it.

Jun Luoyu can't waste more time thinking about countermeasures. The overwhelming giant hand is coming to his side. He quickly turned off his breathing function and jumped to the other side again. He couldn't wait to get rid of this stinky monster immediately.

"Bang Bang..." Jun Luoyu's sword in his hand suddenly exerted force, and the silver light soared a few feet again. The dragon Yin sword directly pierced half deep, but in this way, his speed was delayed by the strong physical function of the Purgatory demon.

"Oh... Oh..." The purgatory demon roared in pain and shook his head to get rid of the 'big fly' entangled around it. The mace waved around, but it was always full of a beat, but Jun Luoyu's speed slowed down because the sword was too deep into the body of the purgatory demon. Its other big unarmed hand was like a large bus suddenly falling from the sky and hit Jun Luoyu's back.

"Puff... er...ah..." Jun Luoyu seemed to be a broken kite and was slapped a few miles by the huge big hand. He felt as if he was taking an elevator and fell directly from the first floor of a thousand floors in an instant.

"Oh...Oh!" Jun Luoyu gritted his teeth to resist the pain, but his whole body was about to crack, which made it difficult for him to control. It seemed that his body was no longer his own at this time. He could only be pushed out a few miles and fell on the ground fiercely.

However, compared with the rough skin and thick flesh of the purgatory demon, it seems that Jun Luoyu's circling cutting method can only bring it some relatively small damage. There are countless ghost practitioners' soul power in its mouth, which is enough for it to be repaired quickly.

"Wow..." The Purgatory Demon saw that the big fly was shot a few miles away, and it roared a few times and chased after it.

"Papa... Papa... Bang... Bang... Bang... Bang" The dark green flame on the 70 or 80-foot-told body of the Purgatory Demon soared, and it kept ringing, and it flew very fast. It flew to the ground, and three scarlet flames scanned around. As soon as it saw Jun Luoyu lying on the ground and gasping, it suddenly raised the huge mace in its hand, hula, scratched... and completely swept the more than a dozen seven-storey luxury villas around the blackstone courtyard.

At this time, the black stone courtyard was full of dust, sand and stones were flying all over the sky. That large piece of concrete, like a bullet, can easily knock a person out hundreds of feet.

The sandstone buried Jun Luoyu's whole body on the ground. Before he could stand up, he was trampled on by the huge body of the Purgatory Demon again. At this time, it was difficult for him to turn over.

"You XX..." Jun Luoyu gritted his teeth and roared, used all his strength to breastfeed, held the Longyin Sword tightly in both hands, and chopped the big foot of the Purgatory Demon who stepped on his body crazily. The hot silver light and the dark green flame on the sword collided, and two flames with different attributes collide with each other.

"Oh..." The purgatory demon finally felt pain, pulled out his big foot, and kicked Jun Luoyu's stomach fiercely.

"You...mother!" Jun Luoyu quickly turned over and jumped out more than ten feet away, waved his sword and rushed forward again, just avoiding this 'hemeral foot'. He cursed in an extremely bad voice.

Jun Luoyu opened his thighs, held his sword in both hands and aimed at the ** door of the purgatory demon, and stabbed it up fiercely.

"" A thousand pounds of sword stabbed the ** door. The purgatory demon immediately seemed to have been caught, and the whole huge body trembled violently. It did not care to fight back against Jun Luoyu, and there was no opportunity to fight back, because Jun Luoyu cunningly changed his position and avoided the swing of the big hand, and its mouth made a shocking sad scream.

This sad ghost cried and howled, but it made Jun Luoyu have an idea. He thought to himself, is this big guy's ** door his biggest weakness?

"Haha... I called you rampant... I told you to step on Master Ben! Look, I won't cut your ** door into five pieces this time...!" Jun Luoyu shouted fiercely. He finally seized the initiative for the first time. Why didn't he make good use of it in order to avenge being trampled on the ground by a giant.