
Chapter 272 Changes in the Situation

Xiao Peng and others were extremely anxious, looking at Ji Qiu thinking quietly with their hands around them. Although they were anxious, they did not dare to disturb him.

Now, in addition to Jun Luoyu and Zhang Xiong, the person who can preside over all the members of Longyu is Ji Qiu. The reason is that Jun Luoyu attaches great importance to Ji Qiu at ordinary times and also gives him certain rights.

Ji Qiu's eyebrows were softly analyzed with a trace of solemnity. My heart turned sharply, hoping that I could think of a perfect solution immediately. Well, if the boss doesn't wake up, it may be dangerous! Now the situation in Fusang is chaotic, and all the major ghost schools in Fusang have intervened, which is really beyond expectations. If we don't withdraw from the Longyu base as soon as possible, it will hurt the hard-won Longyu.

After a few minutes, Ji Qiu looked up again and said, "It seems that this is the only way!" Lao San, contact Zhang Xiong immediately and ask them to stop the pursuit of the ghost cultivation sect first!"

"Good! I think Zhang Xiong will think the same! The safety of the boss is the most important... It's not too late to avenge..."

"Little Fox, you contact the air force and ask them to send several fighters to divert some self-defense forces to detect. Send a few more large helicopters, and we will retreat immediately.

"I'll contact you right away!"

"Ji Qiu... That young master, he is at the moment of cultivation, are we like this..." Xiaohu asked worriedly. She didn't want to continue talking about the following words, and she had no choice.

"Little fox, listen to me, we can only move the boss back to Longyu base! Otherwise, if you stay here, you will definitely be hunted down by the ghost sect!" Ji Qiu smiled bitterly and said that there was indeed no better way, otherwise he would force Jun Luoyu to wake up.

"Well, will he be in danger..." Xiaoyue asked gently. She finally put away the cowardice she had hidden since she was a child and did not cry for Jun Luoyu, because he was safe for the time being.

It's just that in Xiaoyue's red and swollen beautiful eyes, with a strong worried look, people can see that she is most worried about Jun Luoyu's safety now. If she moves Jun Luoyu will cause him an accident, she would rather stay with him. Even if she dies for him, she will stay.

"Xiaoyue, don't worry about this. I found that the boss's situation is very special this time! As long as it is not hit hard, it should not be so easy to wake up! The boss once told me that if a trainee has an organic relationship, he can enter a strange state. That state is like an independent world and will not cause trouble with the outside world. I think the boss is completely immersed in it. I think it should be like this.

All things, after Ji Qiu's arrangement, suddenly became much smoother.

Half an hour later, five large helicopters landed deep in the ruins.

Ji Qiu, Xiao Peng, Ning Yuecheng, Wujian, Xiaohu, Xiaoyue and other innate martial arts circles, with their hands facing Jun Luoyu, emitting the true spirit on their bodies.

Ji Qiu came up with a good way to move without touching Jun Luoyu's body directly.

Ji Qiu and others arranged their respective ranges, stretched out their hands to emit a real air wave, and directly carried the motionless Jun Luoyu into the cabin with the powerful buoyancy of true air. When Jun Luoyu entered the cabin safely and there was no accident, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Okay, everyone, get on the plane! Let's get out of here as soon as possible!" Ji Qiu shouted. Yes, second young master..." More than 100 Longyu members quickly entered the helicopter according to their respective teams.

Ji Qiu sat in the conference cabin and began to contact Zhang Xiong and others, and asked them to retreat as soon as possible. He began to worry about the situation in A city, hoping that the ghost school did not send too many masters, otherwise it would be difficult for Grandpa Long to resist. Although Xiaoyu, Xiaolong and Zhang Mengru are already congenital warriors, if something happens to them, it may be more troublesome.

Jun Luoyu's three brothers are now respected as young masters by Long Yu's members. That's because Jun Luoyu, a stinky guy, likes to call himself my young master most. In order to have a good relationship with Ji Qiu, some members of Long Yu also began to call them like this.

Starting from the ranking of the four people of Regal. Jun Luoyu is the boss, Ji Qiu is the second young master, Xiao Peng is the third young master, and Ning Yuecheng is the fourth young master.

At the beginning, Ji Qiu and Xiao Peng were a little unacceptable. This pretentious name made them feel like the son of an ancient rich man.

However, He Ning Yuecheng, a guy who loves to play with treasures, has been complacently agreeing to Long Yu members. Ji Qiu and the two of them are also helpless. If others want you to express their respect, you can't refuse. In the end, you can only let them shout like this.

There are several teams of Longyu members who have created all kinds of troubles in various places in Fusang at the same time under the arrangement of Ji Qiu. This action allowed Ji Qiu and others to successfully leave the border of Fusang and fly directly to Longyu Base.

This battle led by Jun Luoyu to sweep ghost practitioners just had a good start and caught the major families off guard. However, in the later period, in order to speed up the speed of revenge, Jun Luoyu sent all the troops of all teams, which led to be overstretched in the later period.

Although Jun Luoyu and others encountered the resistance of major ghosts and sects and lost some personnel in the later period, each team still gained a lot, which did not make them lose morale prematurely. Ning Yuecheng and others have taken away the treasure rooms of several large families, which is enough for Longyu Group to operate for 100 years without worrying about money.

Jun Luoyu was properly moved to the largest cabin by Ji Qiu and others. When flying, he remained stable, making him still meditate quietly cross-legged.

Xiaoyue and Xiaohu are inseparable, waiting quietly beside him. Their beautiful eyes have never left Jun Luoyu's handsome face. It seems that only by looking at him like this, they will feel much more at ease.

Maybe it was because he had been staring at people. Jun Luoyu seemed to feel the same feeling and felt that his body was extremely uncomfortable. He frowned and slowly opened his eyes.

I only saw countless nebulus chaos rotating at high speed in Jun Luoyu's star eyes. The pupil, which should have been dark, has disappeared at this moment, but it has been replaced by two strange flames. The original pupil is a bright silver flame, and the other is a noble and mysterious lavender.

Little Fox and Xiaoyue wanted to shout something, but suddenly found that they couldn't do anything, as if they had been frozen.

And Jun Luoyu's two mysterious silver and purple flames suddenly flew out of his eyes, swam around quickly on the little fox and returned to Jun Luoyu's eyes again.

"Ah...ah...ah... young master, what's going on..." Xiaohu, Xiaoyue was finally able to move freely and asked with one voice, with a trace of surprise and curiosity in her beautiful eyes, which was really an incredible thing.

This is like Jun Luoyu's unconscious behavior, because he did not speak but closed his eyes again and entered the practice.

"Sister Xiaoyue, did you just see the young master open his eyes... There is..."

"Well... I saw it too, and I thought it was an illusion! So you saw it, but why did the young master seem to be awake?"

"Sister Yue, what you see is that two very powerful flames are burning in the young master's eyes, and the momentum of the two silver and purple flames has never been seen before. I can't breathe and can't even speak. I really don't know why... But the young master clearly opened his eyes. But why didn't he wake up... I... never again..." Xiaohu held Xiaoyue's hand tightly and asked incoherently.

But the little fox's beautiful eyes stared at Jun Luoyu and did not ask anyone's attitude at all. There was a slight coquett in his words, as if he would not wake up and let him touch his body again.

"Okay, little fox, stop talking about the young master. Maybe the young master just sensed our existence, so he specially opened his eyes and told us that we don't have to worry about him. As long as he is fine, everything will not be a problem!"

"Uh-huh! What Sister Xiaoyue said was that I couldn't control myself. It was all caused by the young master. Obviously, she knew that we were worried about him, but he didn't pay attention to us at all, and my heart suddenly felt very uncomfortable..."