
Chapter 280 The Wound of Love

ps two chapters in one

Zhang Mengru's practice is very good. Anyway, Ning Yuecheng is also Jun Luoyu's brother. If she blames Ning Yuecheng too much, it is not good, and it is easy to create estrangement from each other.

Now she just sells a favor to him. Thinking about her sister-in-law's position, so many people are competing, and she also feels a burst of pressure. With the support of Ji Qiu's brothers, she will also be more confident.

Zhang Mengru sold a favor to him. Naturally, Ning Yuecheng was not stupid and could see some things.

In his opinion, at least Zhang Mengru hasn't raised a big shelf to teach people a lesson, which makes Ning Yuecheng feel very appreciative. He hates the kind of woman who is cheap and obedient.

Ning Yuecheng seems to be nonsensical, but his IQ will not be false. Seeing the problem, he will naturally be much more sensible in the future. Although some things have been said, everyone's eyes are bright. Which woman doesn't want to be the wife being married by Jun Luoyu's media?

The ancient and eccentric Ning Yuecheng didn't know that Zhang Mengru showed mercy to him. In my heart, I also feel that Zhang Mengru with such a personality is matched with the boss. It is really a heavenly couple. The boss is strict and the sister-in-law is gentle. Hey hey, when you make mistakes, you also need to beg for mercy. Haha, you must please your sister-in-law well in the future.

Although Ning Yuecheng knew something, he still looked like an amnesty, which scared Zhang Mengru.

Thank you very much, Ning Yuecheng. Isn't this Yuecheng's eloquence a little good? Although it's not afraid of many good words, once it becomes catastrophic, it's really unbearable.

Jun Luoyu stood next to him and watched Ning Yuecheng continue to please Zhang Mengru with a three-inch tongue. He also felt a little speechless. Just thank him. This old four actually thanked me for five minutes and delayed my time. Has he been too indulged recently?

Zhang Mengru felt very happy when she listened to Ning Yuecheng's praise and asked herself if she had been recognized by the Luo Yu brothers.

Jun Luoyu finally felt a little impatient. If he didn't thank him any more, it would be dark. He couldn't stand it and said, "Okay, okay, it's really endless. Lao Si, don't show your eloquence here. Do whatever you like, like a big fly."

"Ha ha, what did the boss say? What did I say? I said it's true. My sister-in-law is really a good person. It's really a match for the boss to meet his sister-in-law!" The person who was thanked by Ning Yuecheng is actually suffering from his ears. He keeps buzzing around your ears like a fly, and he is bored to death. But they are not swearing, but expressing gratitude to you. What can you do to him? You can't beat the person who expresses your gratitude to you!

Jun Luoyu drove Ning Yuecheng away like a fly. Dragging Zhang Mengru's hand and strolling around the campus, Langqing's concubine only envies but not immortals, but one of the barriers has been formed not long ago. Everything seems beautiful, but with a trace of pretentiousness.

As soon as others heard the bell ring, they were afraid of slowing down, but Jun Luoyu leisurely visited the campus, and no one said a word. Many people in Yunao High School looked at the golden boy and jade girl group with envy. Many girls thought to their hearts, how happy it would be if Jun Luoyu was holding me.

Jun Luoyu's strong power made Yun Ao school have to turn a blind eye. Jun Luoyu dragged Yun Ao school beauty through the market, swaying everywhere and showing off. The meaning is obvious. This dream is like my Jun Luoyu's woman, and male animals are all this demonstrators.

Few people dare to use Yun Ao High School as a back garden to fall in love. Yunao High School is an aristocratic elite school established by several of the most powerful families in the south, which means to train a variety of elites for the country. The unique teaching philosophy makes everyone who comes out of Yunao much more mature than other schools.

Jun Luoyu gently hugged Zhang Mengru, and his slender fingers passed through her waterfall-like hair, showing a mischievous smile and licking it gently in her ear. Moved, the tip of her nose and smelled the faint orchid fragrance on her body. Since he felt the taste of women in Xiaohu, he will occasionally remember that there is no one around him, and he is too busy, and he has no chance to experience that kind of **.

Zhang Meng trembled like a body, and a bird snuggled into Jun Luoyu's arms and felt his gentleness. Jun Luoyu was in a happy mood and stared at Zhang Mengru's delicate and bright face. He felt that he should be satisfied with such a lover, but he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Ling Hanxue, this stubborn woman, is really difficult to understand. Did she miss it like this? But what can I do now? I can't give up my dreams as much as I can. Hey...Xiaohu, where are Xiaoyue and the others? Each has a unique temperament, and each temperament deeply attracts me...

Jun Luoyu restrained his free thoughts and whispered, "Mengru, Junwei is going to participate in the National Youth Music Creation Competition. Maybe I will rarely come to school during this period. Come to my house to see me in the future."

Zhang Mengru looked at Jun Luoyu in surprise and said, "Ah, Luo Yu, you are really going to participate in the music creation competition. I thought you were only focused on practicing and no longer engaged in creation! I'm a little sad! I'm looking forward to your performance, and I will definitely support you then."

Zhang Mengru hugged Jun Luoyu with joy, with a trace of love in his eyes, and he was excited to perform on the stage again.

Zhang Mengru opened his memory, as if it was his first performance on the stage at that time. He showed his personality, held an electric guitar in his hand, and his long silver hair floated in the wind, making him look so unique. Zhang Mengru couldn't help staring at him at first sight. The man performed so well that his musical talent gave him the reputation of talent. Zhang Mengru was shy and felt uneasy about treating a boy like this. She often asked herself what was wrong. Was she confused by him like this? At that time, his handsome figure remained in his heart, and the man's figure often appeared in his dreams, disturbing her original calm mood.

Jun Luoyu couldn't help laughing at Zhang Mengru's human eyes: "Mengru, you support your people to me, I think I will be more motivated, hey."

Of course, Zhang Mengru knew what Jun Luoyu meant. He blushed and stretched out his hand to squeeze his weak abdomen. The meat rubbed a lot and pouted with a dissatisfied face and said, "Well, no, I don't give it. Now we have been dating for a long time and want to hit me. Why do I want to do it myself, hum."

"Well, this is not good! Now the flowers are blooming, and the flowers will be gone by then!" Jun Luoyu is depressed, and there is no solution to this problem. The physiological reaction is unbearable, especially when there is a beautiful woman around him. He can only look at it from a distance and can't be blasphemed. The vulgar point is that the duck that is about to his mouth has been flying around in front of his eyes, which evokes the surging desire in Jun Luoyu's heart.

"Well, don't you want to wait!"

"Okay, okay, if you don't give it, I won't give it to you. I won't force this kind of thing! The twisted melon is not sweet!" Jun Luoyu could only show his position with a smile when he saw that Zhang Mengru really had signs of an outbreak.

Jun Luoyu found that he had been attacked by Waterloo for the first time. He thought that Zhang Mengru would think about it, but now he knew that her personality also had such a tough side. Such a strange woman is a great blessing, but it is a kind of torture to see and can't eat. Life is really everywhere. Place the cups.

The depressed Jun Luoyu stopped talking. As soon as he opened his words, he saw that his desire was so strong for the first time. Why did he like them? Why did they feel lost when they refused? Is the cold snow? Is the dream really so important in my life? Now that you have a flawless dream, why do you often want to go to another tough Ling Hanxue?

Jun Luoyu quietly thought about the problem. In Zhang Mengru's eyes, he had another thought. Zhang Mengru saw that Jun Luoyu didn't say anything and thought he was angry because he refused. I can't help feeling wronged, gently shook Jun Luoyu's arm, and finally woke up Jun Luoyu: "What's the matter? What's the problem?"

Zhang Mengru's eyes were red and said grimly, "Yu, are you angry that I won't give it to you?"

"Well, do you have it?" Jun Luoyu is a little embarrassed. Can you say this kind of thing?

He smiled and eased the embarrassing scene and said, "Ha ha, why are you thinking nonsense? How can I be angry about this little thing!"

"Then why didn't you talk to me just now? You're not sulking. What's the expression?" Zhang Mengru said anxiously.

When Jun Luoyu was forced to ask such a question by his favorite woman, he was a little embarrassed. He gently pulled the corners of his mouth and said, "I was thinking about something just now. You really regard me as a lustful person. Maybe it's really true, hehe."

Hearing Jun Luoyu say this, Zhang Mengru was a little flustered and said, "I'm sorry, Luo Yu, I don't miss you that much. Don't get me wrong. I didn't know you were thinking about anything else just now."

Jun Luoyu's words were a little questioning. He felt that Zhang Mengru had always been a little distrustful of himself, which made him sink to the bottom.

"Don't be angry, Luo Yu? I, I really don't miss you that much.

"Ha ha, men are already lustful, otherwise they won't pursue women. Even if you think so, it's normal." Jun Luoyu reluctantly smiled and whispered. I sighed in my heart: Women are troublesome creatures.

Suddenly, Jun Luoyu was frustrated and lost his mood to continue to shake. Jun Luoyu finally took time to go to school, but he couldn't get the reward of the application, which made him feel as if he was looking for fun.

He was still sensible, and he was confused for a while. Jun Luoyu was disappointed for a while. Emotional things were much more troublesome than cultivation, and he still couldn't control it.

"I still have something to do. You go back first." Jun Luoyu looked into the distance, exhaled hard, and walked away quietly. He felt that he should think about the future problems. If he had been focusing on his feelings, it was obviously not a wise choice.

Zhang Mengru, who was suddenly released, couldn't help but feel a burst of fear and inexplicably afraid. It seems that it is safest to stay by Jun Luoyu's side.

Jun Luoyu is always sincere to close people, and even lies are completely kind. He treats his family, Long Yunye and Ji Qiu in exchange for trust from them with sincerity. There is no doubt at all, and there is no sense of trust mixed with external factors, which makes him feel very reassuring and warm.

He thought that he could also gain trust in his lover, but he found that he was wrong again and again. They don't know him well enough. The misunderstanding was misunderstood just because of his different personality. He thought it was really boring. When the person you value misunderstands you, everyone will feel very lost and even fail.

Zhang Mengru's eyes were red, and she knew that she really made him angry this time. She followed closely, hooked Jun Luoyu's big hand, and looked at him pitifully, hoping to be forgiven by him.

Jun Luoyu has never said anything. He believes that if his intimate lover can make the other party understand by saying a few words, then he doesn't mind saying it several times, but trust is from the heart, not verbally.

He was regarded as a lustful person four times. Jun Luoyu couldn't laugh or cry. This person is really not easy to do. Jun Luoyu's heart is not very good. He can't ignore these. If he says that he is unruly, lustful people are not what he values. He said that he can't be severely repaired and suffer from this bird's anger.

Jun Luoyu felt that Zhang Mengru was very sad and didn't know what to say, so let her reflect on it. Sometimes this woman is really troublesome. If she is good to her, she takes herself seriously. Women can't spoil them too much, otherwise she doesn't know how much she will suffer in the future. In this case, Jun Luoyu dares to say that at most, others will turn around in their hearts and disappear without a trace. Well, new humans still need to learn to respect their wives.

Zhang Mengru found that Jun Luoyu didn't look at her and completely ignored it. Her heart became more and more wronged, and her beautiful eyes appeared fog. But he looked cold, but he also knew that he had done something wrong. He didn't scold himself for being a lot of him. Zhang Mengru's heart is like a knife: Why did you misunderstand him again? Jun Luoyu is willing to teach Zhang Mengru, who has only known each other for a few days, which is undoubtedly an unreserved trust. Unfortunately, Zhang Mengru can't understand and doesn't know the preciousness of the secret of light rain.

Of course, when measuring feelings with any substance, this is a quite shameful thing, which also means that this relationship is mixed with many external factors, which is not what Jun Luoyu is happy to see. Of course, Jun Luoyu is qualified to say that he is not short of material and power. He certainly does not need to look at the problem in this way. So he won't be so tacky, and he won't be caught in the cliché of this era.

He believes that his feelings are the most precious, and he believes that meeting him on the road of life is fate. He can give the predestined person any material, including the most precious feelings. But these people don't know him, which makes the evaluation of Jun Luoyu so bad.

When Zhang Mengru was scared by Jun Luoyu's cold face, he could only hold his big hand tightly and beg him for forgiveness.

If it is changed to Ling Hanxue now, she will definitely not dump Jun Luoyu. After all, she knows Jun Luoyu less than Zhang Mengru.

All the way, Jun Luoyu stopped taking Zhang Mengru to the classroom and looked pale: "Okay, you go back!"

After saying that, he walked away without waiting for Zhang Mengru to speak. The sense of loss in his heart made him not want to speak at all. When Jun Luoyu is stubborn, no one can persuade him. He can only let him solve the knot by himself. Many talented people are easy to get into the horns because of their pride.

Zhang Mengru looked at Jun Luoyu, who turned around and left, and her heart was extremely wronged. The tears that had been in her eyes finally couldn't help flowing down. She felt that Du Junluoyu suddenly became very indifferent, like treating strangers, without the previous verbal doting and care.

Zhang Mengru's face was white, her heart was like a knife, and her voice of opening her red lips trembled a little: "I'm sorry, Mengru should not have misunderstood you again and again. It's all my fault. I didn't mean it. I really didn't mean it. Don't be angry, okay?"

"Ha ha, I'm not angry with you. I'm angry with myself. Why am I so good to you? Ha ha, it's true that there is usually no good end to be cheap." Jun Luoyu didn't look back and laughed at himself.

Zhang Mengru was stunned. He really didn't expect to make Jun Luoyu so angry because of an angry word. Tears came out of his eyes and shouted, "Luo Yu, I'm sorry, Mengru knew it was wrong. I shouldn't be angry with you. I shouldn't misunderstand what you mean. Mengru is spoiled and proud. Mengru will change it in the future and will change it."

Jun Luoyu shook his head and sighed. Was he too demanding? When he turned around, a face with pear blossoms and rain appeared in his eyes. The bitterness at the corners of his mouth was very complicated. The higher the expectation, the easier it was to be disappointed. Hey, the star eyes gently closed.

When I opened it again, a bright light flashed and looked at Zhang Mengru and said, "Mengru, I'm not angry with you. Really, I won't be angry with you. Some of the faults are not all you. I'm also wrong. Maybe I'm asking too high on you. You have your reasons for everything. I won't blame you, because I know you.

"Lo Yu, Meng Ru knows that everything is for my good. Meng Ru loves you and is willing to change for you until you are satisfied. You are my support in this life, and I will not give up." Zhang Mengru whispered with tears in his eyes.

"Maybe we should all be quiet and think about the future. I'm really strange to our feelings. I don't know how to deal with it, so let time deal with it!"

"Faluo Yu, you can't think so intuitively that Meng Ru already knows that she is wrong. Do you know that your words hurt people?"

The only thing that surprises me is why do you all think I'm a lustful person? Just because I'm promiscuous and frivolous, haha, how can I stay with me for a lifetime? Ha ha, a man's true nature seems to be a man's instinct. You should also think about whether it's suitable for me. If you get together, get together. If you don't, you can break up.