
Chapter 282 Yuanji Xuanshi Chapter

Jun Luoyu's face is extremely complicated and constantly changing. Even he doesn't know why he feels so excited. His slender and powerful fingers dexterously plucked quickly on the six strings of the electric guitar, and the melody poured out.

The more talented and gorgeous a person is, the more strange his temper is. The proud Jun Luoyu now has a kind of embarrassing feeling of self-binding. He doesn't know why he can't remember the reason that affects his mood! Or he has been trying to forget embarrassing things in his heart. He really doesn't want to remember it again. He is wrong. This is not a happy thing for him. Once his mood is overthrown, he will be doomed.

Fingers sweep faster and faster, point, and slide the strings to vent the helplessness and distress in your heart.

He just wants to be a generation of peerless strongman, but in the dark, a magical force has blocked him from some things.

He must put down his good emotional life. Weakness will only make him indecisive. Jun Luoyu, who has been strong to the end, can't accept the feeling of being influenced by others. He doesn't want to be influenced by others. This is not his person.

Jun Luoyu's fingers are messy, and there is no accurate way to sweep the strings. He urges the sharp electronic sound to the extreme unpleasant level, which also represents his mood at this moment.

He was like a crazy burst of harsh gorgeous electronic music, sharp electronic music, piercing his brain like a steel needle, and his mood was depressed and numb.

"The roaring and waves are surging, the landslides are cracking and the music is flying, the golden iron horse breaks into the world, the epitaph is on the king is proud, the domineering and unrestrained all over the sea, the pride rises to the sky, ignoring the power of the world, and the talent Ling Yunzhi in the sky." Jun Luoyu shouted frivolously, which made all his thoughts in his life. Jun Luoyu's voice was extremely hard, as if unmoved, and his eyes burst out bursting with sharp silver light, as if crossing the time and space of the universe.

Unconsciously, his consciousness became a little trance. He raised his head and stared out of the window at the sky and was speechless for a long time. His face was cold, and his solemn look made people feel a strong sense of oppression. The power emanating from his body easily disturbed the clouds in the sky, but it was dozens of times stronger than before.

This intangible momentum continues to disperse with his Jun Luoyu as the center. The momentum rushed straight to the sky, and the golden light of the sun suddenly burst into light, making people dazzling, and the sky and earth suddenly surged.

"Ah...what is that... ah... how can it be..." The strange mysterious vision in the sky immediately aroused various speculations of human beings in various regions. Some people say that this is a harbinger of the end of the world, because the vision is sudden and particularly strong, which makes these people panic. Their countless eyes are staring at the sky, the hotter and hot sun.

"Ah...ah...ah... Is the sun going to fall from the sky! Why is it getting closer and closer to me..." Soon there was a riot in the crowd, and the crowd randomly guessed that the reason for the explosion of the sun, their frightened discovery has long been beyond their cognition. This is not a vision that they can understand, but something that makes them more frightened and unknown. It is easy to bring people a sense of crisis.

Suddenly, a strong purple-gold flame flashed through the colorful sky and rushed into China at a speed that could not be seen by the naked eye. This strange flame suddenly disappeared into Jun Luoyu's body and disappeared. All this came quickly, and even Jun Luoyu could not react.

The change just now is that Jun Luoyu unconsciously bursts out a momentum beyond his own realm and aroused the resonance of heaven and earth. In the realm of madness, he inadvertently touched some mysterious prohibitions on the silver and purple amulet in his body. The origin of these prohibitions is extremely mysterious and far away.

Jun Luoyu never thought that there would be such a huge fluctuation. He seemed to lose his original mind and became a little dull.

He unconsciously stimulated the silver and purple amulet in his body, plundering the ultimate original energy of heaven and earth, and the ultimate spirit.

Jun Luoyu was suddenly entered by Yuanji's gas, and immediately had a feeling of explosion and death. His whole body was stiff and unable to move. A few strands of silver-purple smoke flowed out of his face, and his expression quickly changed a few times.

It was difficult for Jun Luoyu to react. His body twitched slightly and fell to the ground stiffly and completely lost consciousness.

The Yuanji Qi entered Jun Luoyu's chest and abdomen, where the silver-purple amulet was hidden, and the silver-purple Yuanji Qi covered it all over.

These silver-purple rays are like exquisite and dazzling crystals. It is the genji qi. It looks so mysterious and strange that they tremble slightly around the silver-purple amulet, as if they were living things.

Seeing only these extreme spirits, it seems that he really wants to enter the silver and purple amulet in Jun Luoyu's body. Constantly surging around it, there seems to be a feeling of impatient. The silver and purple amulet wrapped in the qi of Yuanji emits two bright enough light, which penetrates the package of the qi of yuanji.

The penetrated air mass gradually became less impetuous, quietly shrouded on the silver-violet amulet, gently swinging, tame like a lamb that touched its mother.

The vision of the sky came and went quickly. In a moment, the sky returned to its original appearance.

Many people didn't know why they thought that they suddenly had hallucinations and shook their heads one after another to ask each other. In the end, there was no clue, so they could only return separately, completely treating this matter as a joke with them by God.

But this strange thing gives some profound practitioners on the earth a strong premonition of the explosion of divine power in heaven and earth. What does it mean... They all secretly guess in their hearts.

This momentum is enough for them to worship. This momentum alone suppresses them on the ground and can't move. Looking at the sky, there is a burst of horror. What will happen in this world? Why did the vision suddenly come?

The silver-purple yuanqi, like meeting a relative, immediately becomes extremely tame. They quietly wrapped around the amulet. As if calling for relatives, it suddenly met their relatives,

Jun Luoyu passed away unconsciously. Because of the special light of Yuanji, it entered his body and accelerated the operation of the power of stars in his body.

The power of the stars that penetrated into Jun Luoyu's body last time has now begun to become very active. They have oozed out of his limbs and bones, circulating around his body and rushing straight to the vitality. However, the energy of Yuanji flowed in his body under the action of the silver purple amulet. In this way, the power of stars could only follow behind and penetrate into Jun Luoyu's blood and blood to accelerate the transformation of his physical function.

The last time Jun Luoyu was transformed by the power of the stars, of course, it was only a very preliminary stage. Therefore, the fusion of the power of stars is also extremely slow, otherwise Jun Luoyu's body does not need to practice enough to reach the realm of immortals.

This sudden and extreme spirit has accelerated these a lot. Because it is the ultimate source power between heaven and earth.

The qi of Yuanji contains the most original component of all things. It has the opportunity to create all things, destroys the power of all things, and leads the momentum of all things. It dominates all things.

As soon as the Yuan pole comes out, the sky will shake. It can drive all kinds of circular original forces between heaven and earth. You can imagine how horrible the power of Yuanji is.

The power of the stars is also because of the attraction of the yuan spirit that it can penetrate into Jun Luoyu's body. Otherwise, how can he get such a quintessential star essence without practicing any skills?

The power of the stars is more powerful than the power of immortality, which belongs to the essence energy. The qi of Yuanji is the top dominant existence in the universe of heaven and earth. The gods in the yuan spirit world may not have to master it, but it is also too strong to master enough cosmic mystery, but it cannot coexist with it.

The characteristics of the qi of the Yuanji, the birth and destruction of yin and yang, the transformation of the five elements of the spiritual source, and the nine poles return to the yuan pole. It is the origin of heaven and earth. The gasification of the yuan pole into nine extreme attribute energy and travels between heaven and earth. The so-called law is also generated by the existence of these energies. Except for some unknown genre gods, no one knows that there is such a mysterious and ultimate original power. After all, this is not a realm that ordinary gods can reach.

And the gods have no choice but to combine the nine-pole attributes.

And why can the silver and purple amulet on Jun Luoyu's body? That's because the amulet is a polymer crystal of the extreme gas, which is already the ultimate in qualitative change.

The silver purple amulet once had an earth-shaking name, Yuanji Xuanshi, and its mysterious existence, and only those gen spirits who were born with the beginning of heaven and earth knew its power. Nowadays, most practitioners do not have the ability to discover such a mysterious treasure of heaven and earth.

When opening the world, the ultimate essence of the ultimate spirit has been turned into a substantial crystal after thousands of years, mainly because it has infinite power, and it is not easy to combine them together.

The existence of Yuanji Xuanshi means an earth-shaking opportunity, which is also a road of no return. Its former legend indicates that there will be some changes in the world, and it is unknown what will change.

Yuanji Xuanshi was regarded as an amulet by Jun Luoyu. Ha ha, it's a very appropriate name, and it did save him several times in a row.

Yuanji's Qi is like a child who found his mother. The air surged together and hugged Yuanji Xuanshi tightly. The Yuanji Xuanshi slowly absorbs and continuously, and the Yuanji gas sticks to its surface.

Yuanji Xuanshi emits silver and purple brilliance, but it looks a little softer than Yuanji's Qi, so strong that it is not unparalleled. The light shines in Jun Luoyu's body, helping him absorb the essence of the stars swimming in his body.

Yuanji Xuanshi seems to have consciousness at this time, and is no longer as dead as before. Its diamond-shaped individual can't help emitting silver and purple brilliance. These brilliance swim back and forth in Jun Luoyu's body, just like two brightly colored fish.

Jun Luoyu's whole body emitted a slight hot sense of energy, all of which was very slow. After a few hours, Yuanji Xuanshi only absorbed a small silk of Yuanji gas.

The unconscious Jun Luoyu lay quietly on the ground and accepted the arrangement from his fate. He was like a sleeping child with a happy and serene smile on his face, which was such a rare thing. Jun Luoyu is not often so tame, always tough and powerful.

Maybe it's Yuanji Xuanshi, which makes him feel the beauty of it. Unfortunately, he didn't know that he unconsciously looked so approachable, but when he woke up, would he still become the glorious Jun Luoyu wrapped in his whole body? In order to become stronger, he will have no scruples. His heart is destined that he will not easily give in to anything. He believes that he is upright and dares to think higher than the sky.

Quietly, the sky and the earth slowly became dim, and night fell.

When Chen Minghua came home, he heard Li Lin's frightening shouting: "Minghua, come and see Xiaoyu. He doesn't know what's going on, just lying on the ground and can't wake up..."

"Xiao Yu's will be fine!" Chen Minghua burst into his heart and comforted himself in his heart. He was deeply afraid of Xiaoyu, a precious child. He was really guilty.

Chen Minghua picked up Jun Luoyu with both hands and ran to the bedroom. I placed him in **, stretched out my hand, explored his chest, and found that his heartbeat was beating and powerful, not like a problem that a coma person should have, but why can't he wake up?

Li Lin, who was so anxious, had to call and invite Long Yunye. As soon as Long Yunye heard about Jun Luoyu's accident, he immediately left other things and rushed to the Chen family in a hurry. At the same time, he also brought several people who are good at medical skills and finally underwent medical diagnosis. It was found that Jun Luoyu's body was not serious. On the contrary, it was so good that they were shocked. Is this physique a human being? The world is really full of countless mysteries.

In the end, the doctor can only rely on years of experience to guess Jun Luoyu's problem. He said: It may be because Master Jun has been too tired recently that his physical function has entered a deep dormant state. As long as his function returns to a certain state, he will wake up.

Long Yunye ordered everyone not to disturb Jun Luoyu's rest. However, the doctor's words reassured everyone present, and they pushed out the room one after another, leaving him a quiet space. Jun Luoyu was indeed exhausted a few days ago, which is also one of the reasons why Long Yunye was willing to accept the doctor's words.]

Jun Luoyu is still in an unconscious state and instinctive operation of physical function. His consciousness seemed to be temporarily sealed by Yuanji Xuanshi. Jun Luoyu's body has hidden the vitality of vitality, and it seems that his potential will slowly operate instinctively only when he is unconscious. Without mental interference, it can be carried out smoothly.

Jun Luoyu was in a coma for three days and three nights before he gradually regained consciousness. He lay down with his eyes narrowed and stretched out refreshedly. When his eyes opened, he found himself in the room with a woman sitting beside the bed.

Zhang Mengru looked at Jun Luoyu with a sad face and a worried and guilty look. She thought that it was because of her own reasons that made Jun Luoyu feel tired.

Jun Luoyu was confused and also looked at Zhang Mengru. For a moment, he didn't know what had happened. His mind was still a little confused. He thought to himself that he was obviously in the musical instrument room, and then his body was penetrated by a powerful ability. Finally, before he figured out the situation, he unconsciously fell into a coma.

"Is I that sleepy? Sleeping for no reason? Damn, I don't have much consciousness. What happened... It seems..." Jun Luoyu frowned slightly and thought in his heart, but put Zhang Mengru aside.

Zhang Mengru mistakenly thought that Jun Luoyu was very unhappy when he saw her appearance, his eyes suddenly turned red, and his heart was extremely uncomfortable, aggrieved,

Jun Luoyu thought for a while, but didn't have much clue. He shook his head slightly and stopped wasting brain cells. Then he had time to see Zhang Mengru. He didn't know how to face Zhang Mengru, the woman he was infinitely attached to.

Jun Luoyu, who has decided to give up love completely, looked at Zhang Mengru's haggard eyes with some contradiction. The previous bright and beautiful eyes and beautiful face have become dim at this moment, and with a trace of sadness, it is even more sad.

Seeing Jun Luoyu wake up, Zhang Mengru's tears couldn't help but cry, like a broken pearl, constantly sliding down. Zhang Meng, who was in tears, was equally complicated and full of unconcealed excitement and joy. She is thanking the gods and Buddhas for blessing Jun Luoyu's safety. He finally woke up. For three days, Zhang Mengru was frightened for three days. Without closing a glance, he kept staring at Jun Luoyu and quietly by the bedside every day. Xiaohu, Xiaoyue, Xiaoyu and others also wanted to wait here like Zhang Mengru, but Long Yunye sent them out for business with an order.

Long Yunye is still relatively optimistic about Zhang Mengru. Let her stay in Jun Luoyu's room to take care of him. Zhang Mengru hopes that she is the first person to see Jun Luoyu wake up.

Such affection moved the people of the Chen family, and Li Lin and others also recognized Zhang Mengru's identity from the bottom of their hearts. They don't know what's wrong between them.

Zhang Mengru felt that these three days were like a year. As soon as she saw Jun Luoyu wake up, she couldn't help jumping over and hugged Jun Luoyu tightly. Tears wet Jun Luoyu's collar.

Jun Luoyu's mind is not particularly clear at this moment, like a puppet. He wants to move but dares not let Zhang Mengru vent his sadness.

The more he looked at Zhang Meng's timid face, he had a strong sense of guilt, which made him more contradictory and the decision he made not long ago.

What Jun Luoyu is most afraid of is Zhang Mengru's tenderness. As long as she shows the gentleness, he will not withdraw at all. No wonder you think that Zhang Mengru is his biggest weakness. Can the iron-strong Jun Luoyu resist Zhang Mengru's tenderness again! Or will it be melted by Zhang Mengru's tenderness. The strongest killer of a gentle woman is soft fingers. Jun Luoyu is struggling in his heart. Should he overturn the recent decision?

Love is not a moment. It still needs to be slowly understood. Jun Luoyu is either too sloth. He may think that as long as he reaches the highest peak, it is the biggest idea.