
Chapter 285 Only Cold Snow

Seeing what Jun Luoyu said, the reason is a big beach, and Ling Hanxue can't do anything about it. Now that there are so many people, do you want to quarrel with him here? How boring it is. Anyway, he also taught me to learn martial arts...

Hmm, bad guy, it's cheaper for you this time. Obviously, he grabbed my hand and kneaded it a few times. Now he doesn't admit it. Obviously, he did it on purpose and found so many excuses. What a big pervert. He is so skillful in doing things. It is true that practice makes perfect, but Jun Luoyu seems to rarely do such bad things, usually semi-forced and semi-cooperatively hooked together.

Although Ling Hanxue scolded Jun Luoyu in her heart, she was faintly happy. This guy, hum, don't think about him anymore. He is a bad guy, a pervert, a big heart...

Ling Hanxue was unconsciously transformed by Zhang Mengru and Xiaoyu and others, and slowly learned to tolerate Jun Luoyu's strange temper.

Zhang Mengru didn't say anything when she saw Jun Luoyu grabbing Ling Hanxue's jade hand. I also know in my heart that Jun Luoyu did it on purpose.

Jun Luoyu really intends to implement a big package plan to circle these beautiful women. Good things should belong to him, not others.

Why is Jun Luoyu's Xiu so strong? How can he be easily knocked away? Zhang Mengru was funny in his heart. Jun Luoyu was bold and presumptuous to find such a lame excuse to fish in troubled waters.

Although Zhang Mengru's heart is a little sad, she can't help it. Jun Luoyu has a relationship with so many women. If she doesn't form an alliance, it won't be easy in the future!

"Fao Yu likes Hanxue, and I should also help them, but according to Hanxue's personality, this seems very difficult..."

Summer vacation. Jun Luoyu seems to be enlightened now, his mentality has changed a lot, and his whole body also feels a new look. Because these changes are very happy, and the ideals of holding left and right are gradually being realized.

In addition to practicing, he deliberately finds Ling Hanxue to contact his feelings under the guise of Zhang Mengru. After the last practice, Jun Luoyu's face has also reached a certain level.

Because she was always able to make some small things to haunt Ling Hanxue at the most appropriate time, making Ling Hanxue go out less, even a little worried, because she found that her impression of Jun Luoyu was changing rapidly, and she found that he was heartless to blame. Of course, Jun Luoyu will also take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters when this woman's heart is soft.

Ling Hanxue is in a complicated mood and uneasy. She is afraid that a silver-haired teenager will fall from the sky if she is not careful. The silver-haired teenager will hide his image of a hungry wolf behind his handsome back. He finds various excuses to show his concern and love for Ling Hanxue.

Jun Luoyu entangled and suddenly grabbed Ling Hanxue's jade hand and said, "After several times of my inadvertent touch of bones, I feel that a good thing will fall from the sky soon."

At this time, Ling Hanxue will always have white eyes and struggle to pull away her little hands. Although he knew that he was talking nonsense, he couldn't help asking Xiaoyue what would be good. Curiosity killed the cat.

"Good things, absolutely good things..." Jun Luoyu threw a mysterious look at Ling Hanxue with a look full of ** electricity. After saying a few words, he smiled and said nothing. When he bought the barrier, he kept staring at Ling Hanxue and looked at her uncomfortable all over.

Jun Luoyu looked at Ling Hanxue's face slowly, with bright eyes and bright teeth, unconsciously revealing a strong clear breath.

Ling Hanxue only felt that her whole body seemed to be weak by his aggressive eyes.

"What are you looking at... flower-hearted radish... I warn you not to talk nonsense in front of me. If Mengru knows, she will be sad..." Ling Hanxue stared at Jun Luoyu with shame and exclaimed.

"Uh..." Jun Luoyu wrinkled his nose innocently and said in a harmless manner, "My young lady, where do you think? I worked hard to tell fortunes for others, but I was even scolded as a flowery radish. I won't be a human anymore. Er, no, I won't be a good person anymore. This good man is really hard to do..."

"Uh... Jun Luoyu, if you talk nonsense again, I will ignore you..."

Jun Luoyu ignored Ling Hanxue's anger and pointed to a big tree on the street and scolded: "God, earth, heaven, you have no eyes, earth you have no nose. Why is a good person like me always misunderstood as a bad person? Can't you see and smell the good man on me?"

The more Jun Luoyu said, the more energetic he became. He was so excited that he almost pushed down the unlucky tree.

Jun Luoyu turned around and said with a sad and inexplicable look, "Han Xue, you don't know, you don't know me at all! My mother said that I should do good deeds from a young age and have a beautiful wife in the future, so I have been doing good deeds. Now I know that she is wrong. Some beautiful women..."

Jun Luoyu's expression was very rich. When he reached the point of pure fire and fake reality, he muttered in his heart: "If you don't take advantage, you are a bastard. Mom said that it's cost-effective to exchange small losses for big losses."

Ling Hanxue was completely struck by the shocking scene of Jun Luoyu. She stared, and her beautiful eyes were full of consterren. She couldn't believe that Jun Luoyu wrote and acted to the big tree.

"The story of a good person, to sum up, is that I am a good person, a very good person, a bad person who is often misunderstood by others."

The big tree that played the opposite role of Jun Luoyu has become the best object for him to vent his emotions and express Ling Hanxue's inner feelings. The big tree is motionless and full of helplessness: I have provoked anyone. Are you a good person who cares about me? You take me as a punching bag. If I can move, I will definitely crush you, a good man...

Ling Hanxue looked at Jun Luoyu, who became extremely excited by her words. She felt funny in her heart, but she had a new understanding of Jun Luoyu. Why is he like a child who doesn't grow up? When he is dissatisfied, he plays tricks and has such a personality, hehe.

"Cough..." Ling Hanxue coughed a few times and said with some embarrassment, "Jun Luoyu, you just think I'm wrong, but if you say you are a good person in front of the tree, it won't believe you. Even if it believes you, it can't express it, hee hee...stupid..."

Jun Luoyu suddenly realized and patted his forehead a few times and said, "Yes, why did I become a fool when I met you! I have said so much to Dashu, and I don't understand... However, Han Xue, it's enough for you to understand that I am a good person. In fact, even if the whole world misunderstands me, I won't explain so much, only Han Xue..."

"Uh, you..." Ling Hanxue was moved by this scoundrel at this moment. What he just said was so sincere. Is it true!

Jun Luoyu talked about acting, but he has reached the highest level of perfection. He made a little show off and completely scared Ling Hanxue.

Jun Luoyu's eyes are full of this shining love, but it is true. The hot emotions warmed Ling Hanxue, and a warm atmosphere spread around.

"Han Xue, you are very important to me. I know love because of you. I can't forget you!" Jun Luoyu looked at Ling Hanxue's emotionally.

"Why... why did you say it..." Ling Hanxue was shocked and looked at Jun Luoyu in disbelief. I don't understand why he suddenly said such a thing.

Ling Hanxue's mood suddenly became chaotic. After a while, she finally thought about what Jun Luoyu's words just now meant to her. Does he want to abandon Mengru and be with me? No way. I can't hurt Meng Ru like this. Meng Ru is as good as her. What else is he dissatisfied with?"

"I won't give up like her dream, and you and I don't want to give up..." Jun Luoyu looked stunned and seemed to want to know what she was thinking about.

"No, don't say this, don't say such a thing in front of me..." Ling Hanxue sobbed with a painful face, "I won't be with you. The person I hate the most in my life is a playful man. He is insatiable. Tell me how many women around you are now, and you still want me to become your woman! You just die with this heart!"

After Ling Hanxue finished speaking, she covered her face and cried. She turned around and ran away. She didn't want to see Jun Luoyu again. This man would only make her more sad and uneasy. She didn't like this feeling.

"Uh, Han Xue..." Jun Luoyu was satisfied with the result and thought inexplicably: Why did Han Xue have such a big reaction?

With this question, Jun Luoyu followed Ling Hanxue all the way, afraid that she would have an accident, especially now that her mood fluctuates so strongly that it is easy to be invaded by heart demons, and she should pay more closely.

Jun Luoyu followed and wondered why Ling Hanxue suddenly became so excited. What happened to her that made her unforgettable.

Because after Jun Luoyu had an accident with Ling Hanxue's first contact, he also carefully analyzed Ling Hanxue's personality and came to the conclusion: "The appearance is wrapped in a layer of millennium ice, but in fact, it is like a fire in his bones."

In fact, Jun Luoyu had been prepared to be rejected by her this time, but it was a mistake. I didn't expect to make her so sad. Jun Luoyu was a little depressed and didn't talk to him all the way. Finally, he watched Ling Hanxue run like this and run out of A city sooner or later. He shouted in the back: "Hanxue, stop me. If you don't agree, just don't agree. What are you running? I, Jun Luoyu, won't force me to be the person I like and do what she doesn't like. The thing!"

But Ling Hanxue was deaf and still covered her face and ran wildly. She really couldn't face this man and said that she was motionless, and she would not be so sad.

Jun Luoyu could faintly hear her suppressed crying in the back, and his heart tightened: "Oh, you resolute woman, did you hear me? I won't force you anymore. Jun Luoyu shouted.

Although the true spirit in his heart is a little uncontrollable, Jun Luoyu's physical strength alone is already comparable to a practitioners of the Chengdan period. He jumped over more than ten feet and came to Ling Hanxue in an instant. He stretched out his big hand and fished her directly into his arms and hugged her tightly to prevent her from struggling out.

"Han Xue, don't cry. If you don't agree, don't hurt yourself, I will be sad!" Jun Luoyu said softly in a low voice.

A few words were like a tranquilizer, which hit Ling Hanxue's heart. In an all of an hour, she did not struggle anymore, but the sound of crying became louder and struck Jun Luoyu with lightning. This... I,

Ling Hanxue seemed to want to vent all the depression in her heart. She had been depressed for too long. The time she locked herself up made her extremely indifferent, and she was not happy at all.

Jun Luoyu knew that she felt uncomfortable and could only let Ling Hanxue cry loudly, and her slender fingers passed through her soft hair like a waterfall.

Jun Luoyu has no intention of taking advantage at this moment. He is pure distressed. He put his chin on Ling Hanxue's head, as if to give her some comfort and some support.

"I'm fine. I can go back by myself. Don't follow me anymore..." The crying gradually subsided, and Ling Hanxue whispered and pushed Jun Luoyu's hands away.

"Uh, um, okay..." When the two looked at each other, a red line called expectation flashed. I'm afraid that someone is unwilling to pick it up. Jun Luoyu felt that there was no need to talk anymore, which would only stimulate her more.

Jun Luoyu's heart became calm and relaxed. He said that everything should be done by himself. He is not as depressed as before, and it can be seen that. After experiencing some things, he became mature.

Jun Luoyu decided to slowly melt the cloud-ao iceberg with an invincible electric eye.

Ling Hanxue didn't seem to be very interested in his flashing eyes, and soon returned to her previous coldness. At this moment, she is like a high goddess, inviolable.

A temperament that can only be seen from afar and cannot be deblasphemed gushed out, which made Jun Luoyu feel frustrated. He secretly said in his heart, "If you want to melt the iceberg, you have a long way to go. Isn't it easy? Has this girl been stimulated by something before? She has such a strange temper, which is comparable to me?"

Infinite tenderness and affection appeared in Jun Luoyu's eyes, and he stared at Ling Hanxue, who had regained calm. Except for her eyes with some blood redness because of crying, she is the same temperament as the first time she saw Jun Luoyu.

Jun Luoyu was a little obsessed with this feeling, and finally took a deep breath: "Han Xue, I don't know why you are so excited, but what I just said is sincere. You can refuse me, but I don't want you to be sad. Let me send you back, just take it as the last..." Jun Luoyu's last words were not said, and he couldn't grasp it. He could only take advantage of all opportunities. Maybe Ling Hanxue will never pay attention to him again from now on.

Ling Hanxue still said no, but Jun Luoyu's last words still disturbed her slightly calm state of mind again. She was confused and at a loss. She really didn't know how to face Jun Luoyu in the future.

Ling Hanxue seemed to become another person in an instant because of some things in her family. Since then, she has had an inexplicable hatred for a careless woman. She had a happy family, but the family finally broke down because of a third person's insertion.

At that time, Ling Hanxue was only 7 years old. Her father divorced her mother because of an affair, and she chose to live with her mother. Ling Hanxue's mother is a very strong woman. She has a busy career and doesn't think it's a big deal.

But this left an indelible shadow on the seven-year-old Ling Hanxue, and her mother had no time to accompany her. She felt as if she had lost her parents since childhood. The lack of parental care in her life made her unnaturally, arrogant and introverted.

She hated her father for abandoning his family, his wife and her. So she hates fancy men from the bottom of her heart. In the past, the boy who pursued her in Yun Ao was like a crucian carp crossing the river, but he almost taught him a lesson, so slowly Yun Ao High School began to spread many stories about Ling Hanxue.

Yunao's top ten school bealies, this mysterious iceberg school bea, is the most difficult to approach, and she is naturally crowned as the iceberg goddess by good people.

On the way back, the two were relatively speechless. Finally, Jun Luoyu felt that this was really not a way. Maybe this stubborn woman will really run to a faraway place in the future and die from each other. What should she do?

However, no matter how Jun Luoyu teased her, Ling Hanxue still walked forward quietly without even looking at him, which made Jun Luoyu feel very helpless. It seemed that he had no charm in front of her.

In fact, Ling Hanxue has been immersed in his already turbulent world. She sighed secretly and couldn't help laughing at herself: Jun Luoyu, why do you disturb my heart again? My life is unhappy, but I don't want to suffer because of you, you know? After knowing that you are dating Mengru, I am disappointed in you. Why are you such a man...

Jun Luoyu plays a monologue alone, and even occasionally shows a funny and strange expression on his face, trying to make Ling Hanxue laugh. Unfortunately, he always faced Ling Hanxue's cold and temperatureless face in the end. He has never been so low-ly to please a person. This is the first time he is destined to come back depressed.

Once again, he had no choice but to pull down his face to coax her, but she looked indifferent and directly beat Jun Luoyu back to his original shape. Jun Luoyu curled the corners of his mouth, closed his mouth knowingly, and walked quietly on the street with Ling Hanxue.

The two of them seem to be a couple, but they feel awkward, or a couple who don't have much feelings, and no one cares about anyone.

Jun Luoyu accompanied Ling Hanxue aimlessly and thought to herself: Han Xue is really a ten-thousand-year-old ice that is invulnerable by water and fire. Can she use it to be strong to conquer... Jun Luoyu subconsciously shook his head and rejected this seemingly powerful attention. She has confidence in who to use Qiangjun Luoyu, but Ling Hanxue's nature is so fierce that she can't accept it. What should she do if she commits suicide...