Kaeus's chess game

004 Osti's Appointment

The fire element in the wet jungle is not as sufficient as in the Yan clan's holy land, and the attack of the lack of mana in his body has gradually weakened. Although his elemental recovery ability is very strong, the cohesion speed of the fire element in the humid air of the jungle cannot supplement his unrestrained consumption, and it will soon be completely consumed. The magic accumulated in the body can't even send out a small fireball.

Several iron-shirt trees were innocently emitting black smoke and standing in a mess, but the irritability in his heart kept hitting his nerves like a wave. The anger in his heart was like pouring oil, and the exhausted boy gasped and stared red eyes like a bullfight.

Then, he rushed to the front of a hemlock tree, punched and kicked, bit his teeth and scratched his hands, hit him with his shoulder, and knocked his head, as if he had regarded the hemlock as an enemy of deep blood feud, and tried his best to attack it crazily and destroy it.

Gardelia, who peeked on the tree in the distance, was almost scared to fall down by the madness. How could Garria, who practice physical arts, not expect that a weak little warlock would launch a very fierce body to continue to destroy these iron shirts?

"Is he crazy?" This idea came to Garria's mind more than once. She didn't understand how to practice spells, but she couldn't believe that the scene in front of her was still normal.

The little white robe that had just released magic crazily now actually jumps directly on a hemlock tree to bite and kick. I don't know why he has such a bitter hatred for the iron shirt tree? His random movements were obviously untrained to fight, and his clumsy fists and feet were like a **-period male bear fighting against the trees.

In terms of fists and feet, ten little white robes are not against Gatelia, but if she really meets such a tough opponent as Yi, Gatlia will definitely turn her head and run away. She is not interested in competing with a madman.

"It turns out that the Yan people's exercise methods are so crazy!" While approaching with the help of low plants, Jialia thought that the hardness of the hemlock tree, not to mention the bare-handed white robe mage, it took a lot of effort to split the hard resin armor with a mountain knife.

Sure enough, when she took a closer look, Garria found that there was something very wrong with the little white robe. At this time, it looked like a beast that had accidentally eaten poisonous mushrooms and completely fell into a state of madness. The white clothes had been cut out by the tree nail, and blood mixed with black and gray drew a crazy pattern on his face, but The madman still tore the huge hemlock tree unrelentlessly and didn't care about the damage to his body.

Yi's physical strength is not much, and he can't support much strenuous exercise at all, let alone hit this hemlock tree that has been around for hundreds of years. It didn't take long for him to fall under the tree.

Seeing him fall, Jialia ran over quickly and prayed that nothing would happen to this abnormal little mage in the jungle. If the elder of the Ye clan knew that he followed the Yan team and let their personnel have an accident in the jungle, the punishment for himself would not be light.

With the consumption of physical strength, the restlessness in Yi's heart also calmed down and lost the motivation to attack. Yi lying on the ground immediately felt extreme sleepiness and pain. Although he tried to help the tree stand up, his hands and feet trembled too much. He only shook and fell down. Fall in front of the big tree.

Yi is a spiritually resolute magician, otherwise he can't experience the true meaning of magic earlier and become a genius. Even if his physical fatigue falls to the ground, Yi's spirit remains awake. Fatigue and sweat only make him unable to move and open his eyes, but his sense of hearing and smell are still very Sensitive, when there was a strange sound in the air, the qi, who was close to a coma, immediately became alert. There must be some kind of creature approaching quickly!

This is a dangerous jungle, full of carnivorous creatures! I can't help regretting that I was too careless just now, and I didn't expect to retain some physical strength to protect myself in such an environment.

Yi is still mobilizing the perception of his whole body to try to distinguish the creatures around him. His prone body was touched by something. "Don't bite me! I hope it's not poison!" All kinds of thoughts turned quickly in his head. The elder said that although there are no monsters in the hermit holy land, this is still a paradise for animals. If you are gnawed by animals like this, you will die in vain.

Just as Yi was still using his imagination, a creature carried him up and began to move. The semi-coma couldn't even open his eyes at this time, and he couldn't figure out what creature he had fallen into the hands of now.

The dense jungle has raised too many creatures. The elder said that there are no fierce monsters, but after all, that was thousands of years ago. Who knows if their brothers, sisters and grandchildren will come to live in this plant paradise again. But at least the smell of this creature is not annoying, and the faint fragrance smells very comfortable.

"Gadelia, you are too kind, too kind..." Gardelia walked behind her back to the Yan camp and secretly complained about herself in her heart, so she had to deal with these strangers.

What should I say in the first sentence? Do you need to introduce yourself? How to introduce yourself? How can I tell the Yan people that this little white robe has become like this? One after another made Garria's footsteps slower and slower. As a Ye warrior flying through the jungle, Garria has also developed a strong physique. It is not difficult to carry a light body on her back, but her shy personality always makes her have many problems to disturb herself.

"Who are you?" After recovering a little strength for a long time, he finally spit out his doubts. He has always been very sober, but unfortunately he is too weak to make a sound, while Jiadelia is completely puzzled by the questions she thought. As soon as she is asked by the people on her body without preparation, she immediately stammered: "Ah! I...I...My name is Jialia...I...I'm from the Ye clan."

There are only three population and a hermit tribe with less than 10,000 people living in this basin. Hearing that Jialia said that she was a Ye people in the hidden tribe, Yi could only temporarily relax and continue to recover. Everyone is a brother tribe, and I don't think she will do anything to herself.

"What kind of person!" Walking to the periphery of the Yan camp, the two Lanyan warriors found Jialia, who was not invisible. At the same time, they also saw the white robe on her body. The dilapidated white robe represented a noble status for the Yan warriors. Seeing that the Yan was miserably carried back, the two Lanyan warriors gradually became unkind and stubborn. The rattan leaned up carefully.

"Don't misunderstand, don't misunderstand..." Jialia quickly put Yi down and hurriedly explained, "I'm from the Ye clan, a member of the Ye clan... I'm a friend." The last three words are like mosquitoes. In the burning eyes of the two men, Garria has lowered her head with shame.

The two Lanyan warriors looked at each other, and a warrior turned his hand and threw a blue flame ball behind him, which was a unique signal of the Yan clan, indicating that there was an abnormal situation here. The flame ball did not fly too high, but exploded in the air with a crisp explosion sound, and a piece of blue light quickly flashed around.

Soon, two Bai Yan elders came over with four Lan Yan warriors, while several other Lan Yan warriors were scattered around on alert. The Lan Yan warrior guarding Jialia quickly reported the situation to Elder Bai Yan.

"Are you a warrior of the Ye clan? My dear child." Elder Baiyan was the first to say hello to Jiadelia. After all, Elder Baiyan knows best about the things of the hermits. The girl in front of him has green eyes, a camouflage suit made of vines, and a black knife cross-bodyed around her waist, which is a special costume unique to the Ye jungle warrior.

"Yes..." Garria lowered her head and answered, and so many men came over at once. If they weren't afraid of causing misunderstanding, Garria would have turned her head and ran away immediately.

"Oh, the female warrior of the Ye clan, can you tell me what's going on with the child under your feet?" Looking at Yi lying on the ground, the elder Bai Yan is probably tired and exhausted, but he still has to ask, hoping that it has not caused any trouble. After all, Yi is extremely destructive when he is crazy.

"He..." Garria was even more nervous when she saw that everyone's eyes were focused on her, and she stammered. "He... over there... fainted... I... I sent it back."

"Oh..." Elder Bai Yan showed a kind smile on his face. The Ye clan has always been such a shy tribe. Looking at the nervous look of this cute little soldier, the elder couldn't bear to continue to ask.

"Thank you, Ye warrior. I'm the elder of the Yan clan. We are visiting your Ye clan. Will you come with us?" Elder Bai Yan was very clear about the habit of being alone and asked the nervous little soldier in front of him with a smile.

Garria immediately shook her head and followed secretly. There was no need to stay with these strangers. She saluted the elder Bai Yan, and several leaps silently disappeared into the black jungle.

"Run so fast..." A Lanyan warrior whispered.

"Ha ha, the Ye clan is the people of the goddess of nature and the elves in the jungle." Elder Bai Yan said with a smile. He went to Yi's side to see the situation. This time, he was miserable. Not only did he consume the spells, but he also hurt his body everywhere.

"Hi..." Looking at Yi's miserable appearance, Elder Bai Yan felt a pain in his heart. It seemed that he still needed to find a way to solve Yi's problem quickly, otherwise an excellent Bai Yan genius might be destroyed by himself.

The elder ordered the Lan Yan warrior to carry Yi back to the camp and personally apply medicine to the wound to prevent the wound from worsening, and then ordered everyone to continue to rest and go on their way tomorrow.

At this time, Gardria was already lying on a big tree next to the camp, and her pounding heart finally calmed down. These strangers are nothing, and they are also polite to themselves, but why can they communicate smoothly with the clan? As soon as they see these strangers, they are confused and run away without even saying a few words?

"Failure, failed Gatlia!" The Xiaoye warrior looked at the moon in the sky and sighed gently, thinking about the messy things. The simple Jiadelia soon fell asleep in a daze.