Kaeus's chess game

033 Worry

The goal of the steel elder is the village of the steel clan. Although the two tribes are not far away, it will take three or four days for the steel elder to walk. This time, he naturally can't move forward at full speed with the little ghost, so he has walked nearly ten days. However, the performance of the kid all the way can make the elder of the steel clan very gratified. Although the kid is young, his endurance and tenacity are the best choice.

In addition to eating and sleeping, the kid follows Grandpa Steel on his way with a wine barrel every day. In addition, you have to keep walking in a position to exercise your waist and leg muscles according to Grandpa Steel's requirements. When you stop, you must do a set of stretching movements according to Grandpa Steel's requirements to relax your muscles. When the two approached the steel village, the six- or seven-year-old kid had quietly risen to the grave with some muscles in his shoulders, waist, thighs and other places. Naturally, the elder of the steel clan is in his word. While taking the kid on his way, he subtly pointed the kid to exercise his body. The steel race is a melee race, and they have a more systematic method of physical exercise and strengthening.

"Okay, take a break!" The elder of the steel clan stopped. He estimated that in another half a day, they would reach the tribal settlement.

After putting down the wine barrel, the kid sat on the ground and took a few breaths. After taking a few breaths, he began to slowly replenish his physical strength with long breathing. This is required by Grandpa Steel. He said that controlling his breathing can adjust the body's endurance and coordination, which is of great benefit for future exercise.

"Give it!" Grandpa Steel handed over a golden roasted pheasant leg, which he cooked himself this morning. Grandpa Gang ignored the kid's embarrassed face and ordered, "Oat it!"

The Ye people belong to the vegetarian tribe. Although there is no clear regulations that they are not allowed to eat meat, the people of the natural gods always choose plants to eat, and the little ghosts are also vegetarian. Although China forced him to eat meat for a year later, it is also limited to bird eggs boiled in hot springs. It can be said that they did not touch Grandpa Steel. I have never eaten meat.

After walking with Grandpa Gang for a few days, the old man began to kill animals and forced the kid to eat meat. At the beginning, the kid vomit when he ate it, but the old man eroded the kid's tongue with wine and meat, so that he could slowly eat a little meat. In fact, the elder of the steel clan is also well-intentioned. With the kid's rapid growth rate, pure vegetarianism can't meet his physical needs at all. The main reason for the kid's weakness in the past few years is lack of nutrition.

"Grandpa Steel, can I only eat half of it? This is too big." The kid smiled bitterly and took the meat leg as long as his little arm to complain. Now he can eat a wing at most. Such a big leg has always been Grandpa Steel's wine dish.

A wine barrel was put in front of the little ghost by Grandpa Steel. The old man pretended to be angry and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Just eat it up with this wine!"

The kid could only nibble a mouthful of wine and meat, and the elders of the steel clan also sat on the ground and began to eat and drink. They took a few barrels of good wine from the Ye clan's wine library. These days, they have eliminated two and a half barrels of wine. This is still the steel elders who control themselves not to get drunk every time. Otherwise, these good wines would have been It was ruined by him. And the kid can drink more than a bowl a day. Under the order of Grandpa Steel, the kid began to miss eating some wild fruits in a few days.

The rest time soon ended, and the drunken old man continued to carry the barrel with the kid. Grandpa Steel, with a barrel on his body, can still free one hand to hold half a barrel of wine and walk leisurely through the jungle and take a sip from time to time, while the kid followed his pace with two barrels of wine. After so many days of adaptation, the ghost has gradually adapted to this weight. The kid has never gone so far, but he dares not stand still. This tall old man always gives him an inexplicable deterrent, as if his criticism and reprimand can always stimulate his heart.

In fact, the kid and the elders of the steel clan don't know that a trace of potential blood has slowly connected them in the ten-day journey.


The night of the steel clan is always brightly lit. Groups of energetic warriors gather in front of a pile of bonfires to drink and fight or find a favorite girl to flirt. For the steel clan, if it is not supported by the backbone formed by the senior soldiers led by the steel elders, They have long gone outside the valley to hang out with the Yan people and the mainlanders outside.

However, these are mostly steel people under the age of 100, and those who are a little older are quite stable. At this time, they all gather in the open space in the village or in the nearby forest for martial arts practice.

"A Yue! Accept my love!" A young soldier in his forties held wildflowers and wine pots high and confessed to one of a group of female soldiers, and his actions were only exchanged for a light sneer. Obviously, it was not the first time that he was rejected. He turned his head and smiled, threw the wild flowers picked casually on the ground, and picked up the wine pot and continued to drink. The local wine of the steel clan was particularly strong. After a few bites, the strong soldier had staggered. He staggered to the forest at the edge of the village and drank from the dark. Up to now, his ** has exploded.

The black jungle is quiet, and no beast can withstand the noise of these crazy people. As the young soldier groped forward, he took out his small water gun and hummed a small tune to prepare for a small irrigation of the dark jungle.

Suddenly, the big leaf banana in front of him suddenly shook, and a tall black shadow rushed out of the shadow like a big chimpanzee, and a thick arm with the sound of wind rushed to his chest!

After all, the steel warrior has been trained as a master of close combat. He still exerts a relatively high defense technique without seeing it clearly. He grabs the 'angutan arm' with both hands at the same time and puts a mountaineering step on his feet. As long as his hands are firm, he can rely on the strength of his waist and legs to directly this monster. Throw it out!

The shadow's arm was successfully locked by him, but before the steel warrior could exert his strength, the big guy's huge strange force actually rotated him a few steps first, and he couldn't help it when he moved under his feet. The young soldier was not drunk enough to be numb. He immediately put his hands in his arms according to the most skilled way of disassembly. He raised one foot and kicked the head of the "monster". Unfortunately, what he met was not a beast, but a man, and he was the most senior warrior of the steel clan - the elder of the steel clan!

A high-pressure leg that appeared out of thin air not only blocked his high kick, but also smashed the young soldier directly on the ground like a toad. When the kid arrived, the poor steel warrior had been kicked out by Grandpa Steel, and the small water gun began to automatically Work directly formed a temporary small water depression on the ground.

The elder of the steel clan came out of the jungle with a little ghost with a green face. When he was about to get home, he met such a drunkard. It would be unhappy for anyone to meet such a thing. But what made the elder of the steel clan more angry was this guy's reaction. This is not like the people of the steel clan who mainly fight. Now any one is a little An opponent with a little fighting experience can easily defeat the confused ghost!

The steel clan is a tribe that fights with bare hands. Now a young soldier in his own tribe actually collides with him head-on and can't even catch half a move. This shows the decline of the overall strength of the steel clan, and even the soldiers do not practice their skills well. If there is a war in the future, I don't know if it is a steel warrior who fights to kill the enemy. Or send the steel clan to let the enemy slaughter?!

When the elder walked out of the darkness, his face was dyed bright and dark by the flashing bonfire. The steel youths who were playing around were like seeing cats and mice when they saw him. They all restrained their flashing eyes and quietly dispersed around. Except for daily training, the patriarchs of the steel clan usually don't control them at all, but the elders are always looking for their faults.

The leadership of the steel clan is divided into two structures. On the one hand, he is the patriarch of the steel clan. He is selected by the whole warriors through competition. This man must be the strongest of the steel clan, and he will guarantee the strong force of the steel clan. Generally, the patriarch will be replaced by newcomers in a few years. After all, the Yangtze River is pushing forward, and there is no undefeated general in a clan that is respected by force. The other is the elder responsible for the spiritual pillar of the tribe, who is responsible for the whole steel spiritual belief and ensures the piety of the steel people to the metal god.

For these nonsense young people, the elders are worried. There are not many people who devote themselves to cultivation in the young generation of the steel clan. These young people are obsessed with these eating, drinking and playing all day long. If it is not for the metal control skills, they must be guided and deepened by spiritual leaders. The elders of the steel clan do not know how to maintain them. These are the people of the new generation.