Kaeus's chess game

039 training

"Hey! Hey ha!" At dawn, the soldiers of the steel clan punched and made a dust on the martial arts field in the center of the village. Bodo slowly patrolled the field. He would give serious guidance to those really martial arts steel warriors, and he didn't care about some oily kids who couldn't work hard. He usually went up and kicked him directly.

Practicing martial arts is a hard practice, and he is a good warrior who has not been forced out! If you don't have the heart to practice martial arts, no matter how much you discipline him, he will never become a weapon.

On the outside of the martial arts field, the kid is like a weak bean sprout, and silently practicing the basic boxing skills of the steel clan. His eight-year-old body did not have to participate in morning exercises, but the elder asked him to exercise himself with the strength of a soldier, so there is no concept of being old and young in the kid's heart. He is a soldier and a soldier who wants to become stronger. He will not let go of any opportunity to learn, even if it is boring morning exercise. Never absent.

However, because he is too thin and small, even the thinnest child in the steel clan does not want to practice with him. In the arrogant national complex of the steel clan, it is extremely shameful to bully the weak!

After patrolling the field, Podo finally stopped beside the kid, without words or guidance. Podo watched the kid wave his thin arms and practice basic boxing over and over again.

If he hadn't taken the kid back with his own hands last night, Podo would have been unable to believe that the meticulous boxing child in front of him was the child who almost fainted last night. I personally inspected his injury yesterday, and the ordinary man must have had to rest for a long time. The child actually recovered overnight. It seems that the god son of the Ye clan is really special...

After an hour of morning exercise, the people on the martial arts field quickly dispersed.

"You! Boy!" Bodo stopped the kid who was about to leave with a straight face.

The kid quickly saluted and asked in a low voice, "Brother Bodo, what's the matter?"

The kid is not a steel man, so he only calls the patriarch Bodo as his senior brother from his teacher.

"Tonight, it's still that place. I'll wait for you!" Bodo's words are simple and straightforward. If the kid is really as 'magic' as he imagined, maybe his practice at night will be a little interesting.

"Yes!" The kid nodded and agreed. When he woke up in the morning, the elder had already told the kid that Bodo would guide his actual combat recently.

In the morning, it was still a boring and painful element. The kid gritted his teeth and penetrated his legs into the metal element little by little. As long as the spirit can bear it, the kid's body can absolutely withstand such pain. The elder has stipulated the elements to be added to all parts of the kid's body, so every morning the kid clenches his teeth to carry out this kind of self-abuse exercise step by step.

After wandering back to the room at noon, the elder will prepare the rich food for him to eat together. In the afternoon, it will be the theoretical class of the elder. He will explain the various problems encountered during the little ghost's training according to his own experience and teach some new skills. At this time, the little ghost can lie on the ground. While recovering from the injury in the morning, he discussed and studied with the elder, but when it was said that the elder was happy, he would still grab him up and compare him regardless of the soreness of the kid's body.

"Teacher, Brother Bodo asked me to find him in the evening in the morning." After dinner, the kid told the elder about Bodo.

"Oh, then go," the elder said with a smile on his face, "Be careful at night! Real technology can only be mastered and refined in fighting. Although Bodo is Muna, he has a very solid foundation, and you can get many unexpected benefits from practicing with him.

The dense jungle blocked the sunset tightly. Among the sparse weeds, the waves stood motionless in the shadows, like a black rock portrait.

"Brother Bodo, I'm coming." The kid whispered.

"Hmm..." A glimmer of light flashed from the upper part of the black rock. Boduo opened his eyes slightly to look at the kid, then closed his eyes and said, "Come here, stand!"

"Yes, brother!" The kid quickly walked to Bodo and stood up calmly. Generally, the kid will stand after training, but sometimes he faints and won't last long.

The standing pile of the steel family is very simple. The fists are stretched flat and the shoulders are tightened, the feet are naturally separated and the width of the shoulders, the knees are relaxed and the back is tight, and the body squats slightly to keep the thighs and the ground level, which can put the muscles of the whole body in a slightly tense state. This is an exercise method summarized based on the years of training of the steel family. After getting used to this exercise, not only does the whole person have a beautiful posture when walking and standing, but also can respond to sudden attacks, but also quickly stimulate the violent counterattack force.

After two large and small people stood silently for an hour, Bodo opened his eyes and looked at the kid. For such a long time, the magical child around him was actually motionless, and even his breathing was looming. Calmness is a manifestation of a spiritual level. Only when the spirit is calm can people maintain an absolute state of rest. Obviously, this dull-eyed kid is very calm.

"Close your eyes!"

Bodo's sudden sound made the little ghost's body shake gently, but he immediately closed his eyes according to Bodo's request, and his stillness could not continue.

Bodo can feel the state of the kid without opening his eyes. His crooked appearance reminded him of the situation when he began to practice closing his eyes that year, and a smile climbed up to the corners of his mouth obscurely.

"The balance of the human body is regulated by the eyes. After closing your eyes, you need to adjust the balance of the body by the muscles of the whole body..."

As he spoke, he moved aside for a few steps and continued to stand on the pile with his eyes closed. The little ghost now looks like a small tree in the wind, swaying and may fall down at any time. When training, steel people generally do not help each other unless there are special circumstances.

Shaking is like waves on the surface of the water, layer after layer and becoming more and more frequent. The kid tries to control his body, but it's really strange. When his eyes are closed, his body seems to lose its balance. Even if he stands on the swaying branches, he will be steady like a toddler at this time. The baby fell on the grass after shaking for half a day.

Bodo opened his eyes slightly and watched the whole process of the kid falling down until he fell to the ground. The kid was still trying to maintain the form of a standing pile, and his eyes had not been opened.

"This boy is not bad..." Bodo nodded slightly and closed his eyes again. After years of practice, even if he was suddenly pushed when he stood unprepared to close his eyes, he would shake his eyes and immediately regain his balance. Closing the eye pile is to exercise your micro-control of the muscles of the whole body.

The kid stood up immediately after falling down. He did not ask Bodo any questions, so he stood up and closed his eyes again without hesitation. Bodo had just said that he should use his whole body muscles to adjust the balance after closing his eyes.

In the next three hours, the little ghost fluttered and didn't know how many falls. Looking at the motionless Bodo, the kid had to admire the person who nicknamed him from his heart, and the rock-strong man was as strong as a mountain.

After standing for four hours, he moved his hands and feet slightly to stop the kid who was still swaying.

"Come here and dismantle the basic boxing!"

Basic boxing can be said to have already penetrated into the bones of the steel people. Every steel people have to practice basic boxing for at least ten years. One move has long been immersed in their blood. As long as the other party makes a little comparison, almost every steel people can instinctively respond to the dismantled moves.

In the face of an eight-year-old child, Podo did not humble anything. Except for his lack of strength in his fists, his every move is like a textbook classic.

In the next few hours, the two were like silent beasts silently exchanging fists and feet in the dark jungle. The kid's body was light and moved extremely fast, while Bodo had a solid foundation and long fists and thighs. No matter what moves the kid uses, he can always defend in time and immediately fight back. Steel basic boxing is the basic skill of all steel killing boxing. Although his lethality is relatively weak, its close cooperation and smooth connection application can be transformed into deadly attack moves at any time.

"Okay, that's all for today!" Podo pushed away the kid who pushed the sticker to launch the attack and stopped today's training. From today on, you will come here to train with me every night!"

"Yes, brother!" The kid gasped and replied that although Bodo controlled his strength, kicking and throwing at will brought a lot of burden to the kid's body.

"Go there and practice for a while and then go back!" Podo knew that he could not ask too much for an eight-year-old child. After ordering, he stood on the empty grass and began the routine closed-eye pile training, but this time he actually raised one foot on the other leg, like sitting on an invisible stool!

Bodo can actually practice one-legged closed-eye piles! The kid stared at Bodo standing on one leg and couldn't help spitting. Is this guy still a human? How horrible balance and control it takes!

He has personally experienced the difficulty of closing the eye pile, but he didn't expect that someone could practice such a perverted eye closing pile! This shows how much hard the man Bodo has made at ordinary times!

The whirling wind sounded again in the forest. Podo opened his eyes and looked at the little guy who waved his arms desperately and curled his lips. The little madman began to challenge his limits like yesterday. With such a super-intensity splitting practice, even adult steel warriors would not last long. If they hadn't known that the kid had super recovery ability, Podo, as a senior, would have kicked him away and ruined his body at such a young age, how could he have achieved higher in the future!

But full recovery ability, Podo sighed in his heart. If he has this magical ability, he will never stop if he doesn't toss his whole body every day!

What is the body? The body is a machine that creates miracles. If you touch your limits again and again without damaging your body, you may break through your physical limits and achieve higher achievements!

As a warrior, constantly challenging the strong and constantly challenging yourself, it is an infinitely pleasant thing...

The kid doesn't remember when he stopped. Anyway, he was still lying where he practiced last night when he opened his eyes the next day.

Back to the elder's room for a simple scrub, the kid moved his limbs and confirmed that there was no problem. After eating a few fruits randomly, the kid ran to the martial arts field to practice with everyone.

The intense and fulfilling day continues...