Kaeus's chess game

045 Southern Invasion Plan

"It's just divided and not destroyed..." Jody still whispered to Fei Nandi, as if talking about an extremely confidential matter: "If the historical records are true, then when the Hestin Empire was divided at that time, his inheritors retreated all the way to the south with a team loyal to him, and finally He was forced to the southernmost before falling down.

"I remember that the historical records recorded that Hasting's nobles and troops were divided by themselves, and when Hasting the Great's death, all his troops seemed to rebel, but it was a little strange that these rebels could finally let these Hasting's remnants settle in the south without exile them..." Fenandi carefully Thinking about the rules on the mainland, the officially established royal family and royal family on the mainland cannot be killed, but if they fail, the imperial dynasty must exile their inheritors. Since ancient times, they have not heard that failed dynasties can still leave their inheritance on the mainland. Even Charles's struggle for imperial power follows this rule. When Charles succeeded to the throne, although he wanted to kill all his royal brothers in his heart, he still had to exile them overseas according to the ancient agreement. The imperial power on the mainland is the most noble. No one has the right to kill the royal family and can only be exiled. Otherwise, he will become the common enemy of the royal family and the royal family in the world, and the imperial empire in the world will fight against him together.

"That's the problem..." Jody took a sip of wine and slowly told what he knew: "When I first entered the Imperial House of Internal Affairs, I wanted to know the whole territory of the empire. Naturally, these dependent countries must also be studied. At that time, I learned about the existence of Hasting from the document. Oh, it was still marked with a special code name at that time. It seems that our Gran Empire also avoided it.

"At that time, I didn't care much about this small country, and I didn't connect it with the super empire that unified the continent at all. But later, as my position became higher and the documents I came into contact became more and more and more confidential, I gradually found that this Hastings was really a very strange existence!" Two old people in their 60s, a pair of young adventurers, gathered together to share the secrets of the empire in a low voice. Puton has drunk himself and is lying on the table and sleeping.

"This Hastings is not our dependent country! It has never sent tribute to our Glen, but the remaining 17 are indeed affiliated countries, and I saw their documents. As for this Hasting, its documents were personally handled by the first prime minister of our Grand Empire and signed and confirmed by the first king of Grand. Whether it pays tribute to Glen or not, Gran has always regarded it as a dependent country and protected it!"

"For such a long time, there has been no storm, so these documents have been slowly covered up, and everyone acquiesced in treating the 18 princes as subordinate countries of the Grand Empire."

"It's all covered up. How do you know?" Fenandi was not drunk. He asked with a smile, "Don't tell me that you have nothing to study this hidden small country. There are so many things in the country. I don't believe you can have so much leisure time."

"Ha ha, who do you think I am? I'm working hard for the country." Jody smiled and continued: "Do you remember the angry horse thief group that appeared in the year of the 73rd king's wedding? At that time, you and Puton were still the backbone officers in the army."

"I remember that a large group of bandits who came from Delis's side made trouble in our territory for a long time, and Putton and I also led soldiers to chase and kill them!" Fenadi was also young and vigorous at that time. He led two teams of soldiers to chase and intercept this group of mobile horse bandits for several months. Because of the fighting, Fenandi still remembers clearly for so many years: "It was later said that they had destroyed the local troops, and Putton also wanted to know which department it was. The team did a good thing, but I didn't figure it out in the end.

"That matter was covered up by my teacher..." Jody's teacher was the prime minister of the empire at that time. At that time, Jody was his deputy and was receiving training from the old prime minister.

"Covered? What does this mean?

"They had a relationship with the eighteen princes. To be precise, they had a relationship with the Hasting, so they were all secretly executed!" Jody was very satisfied with the surprise in Fei Nandi's eyes. He stopped for a while and appreciated it enough before continuing to throw a blockbuster message: "At that time, they ran away to the eighteen princes and wanted to grab a batch of valuable things and ran back, but they were slaughtered by people and horses, and157 horse bandits and their mounts were left!" Jody lowered his voice again: "As for what we did in our territory, my teacher tried his best to find out who did it. One hundred and fifty-seven bandits across the world, plus their Delis excellent stallion, did not run away..."

As the boss of the military department, Fenandi's pupils contracted a little. There were not many horse bandits, but they may not be small. At that time, those who burned, killed and looted in the territory of the empire even dared to directly attack the regular troops! Fenandi and Puton both speculated at that time that these horse bandits might be the elite iron riders of the Delis Empire, but unfortunately, they didn't catch a single alive at that time, so this matter had to be stopped.

This is the first time he has heard that this group of Hummer bandits who can fight against the regular army have been destroyed by an unofficial force in the empire, and such a powerful force is unaware of it in both the military and political circles in the empire. What a serious organization is?! If this force has any harm to the kingship, who can know in advance? Who can prevent it?

"My teacher was also worried about this for a long time. He used his power to mobilize the most confidential documents of the empire. You know that his health was not very good at that time, so I did all the reviews. After reading a large number of confidential documents, I found that my teacher not only had this question and worry, but also seemed that many senior officials of the empire had found a similar phenomenon in the past.

What is a similar phenomenon? Like these horse bandits?"

"Yes, since the founding of the Gran Empire, as long as individuals, groups and even troops try to threaten Hasting's last territory will be inexplicably hit, and no one knows who or which organization did it, as if there is a mysterious death guarding the country silently. I think this Hasting can still be preserved in the rebellion of the whole continent, which may be the reason.

Jody picked up his glass and looked at Fennandi, who was meditating, and said, "Brother, if you want to take action against the eighteen princes, you must control the troops. Be sure to open up and don't get in touch with this Hastings. Although the Gran Empire is powerful, our buddies are all human, and they are not young. There are some things to think twice before doing..."

Fenandi and Jody hit the glass and drank the wine in one gulp. After pondering, he woke up the drunken Puten and went back to the barracks together.

Jody ordered someone to pack up and call his current apprentice to the study. That night, the old prime minister whispered with his internal successor all night talking about secrets.

Seven days passed in a flash. When King Charles gathered military officials again to the council chamber, a dozen pages of report lay quietly on the table in front of him.

After gently turning a few pages, Charles leaned on the back of the chair and said coldly, "Marshal Fenandi, now that you have decided, now you can briefly tell me about this plan. I will take a good look after the meeting."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Fenandi took the baton and walked to the edge of the map of the empire laid in the hall: "The staff of the empire studied for several days. They analyzed the French and Delis empires, which were connected to the empire, and the Lebanese Empire opposite to it. Now, they analyzed the relationship between the countries on the continent. If the empire attacked either side, it would be attacked at the same time. Attack on the other two sides. Therefore, the direction of this imperial attack must not be in these three directions. Fenandi's baton gently painted the northeast and west sides of the Gran Empire.

"The imperial staff and I agree that the empire can only expand south." Fernandi's baton clicked on the jungle in the southern corner of the continent and continued, "This is the jungle. Even in the glorious Hasting era, no one can find out what's going on inside. At the junction of the jungle and the empire, there are 18 subordinate states of the empires, that is, the 18 vassal states that are often talked about. I think Wang, you must have heard of them.

"Um~" King Charles nodded. The luxury goods produced by these 18 princes do have a good place in the palace.

"My staff and I have analyzed for a few days. Only the annexation of them will not cause great reactions from other empires, but we should also be careful in this attack, and we should also beware of the reactions of various affiliated countries. So this time, we can't annex all the 18 vassal states at once, but only these five subordinate states closest to the imperial border. You should know that this time it was the Glam Empire's initiative to annex its annexation of dependent countries. Although this is an internal problem of the empire, on the moral scale of the aristocracy, we are still a shameful invasion this time!" Fenandi's words were a little harsh, but none of the many generals and marshals stood up and scolded him. King Charles, who almost put his body into the chair, only frowned slightly. Obviously, the word aggression sounded a little harsh to him.

Fnandi continued: "When the wind disperses, it is inevitable that some scheming small countries will jump out to blame, so this attack must be strictly confidential, and it is only occupied, and massacres are not allowed!"

"Hmm!" King Charles just wanted to expand imperial territory. As for the annexation of several small dependent countries, he didn't care at all. After seeing that no one objected to Ferdinand's plan, his mood also rose: "Ha ha, I just want to map them into the map, not to completely eliminate these skilled craftsmen. If you kill them all, who What about providing luxurious luxury goods to the nobles on the mainland? What I want to do is a hero, not a butcher..."

King Charles's cold joke was exchanged for a few echoing laughter, and Marshal Puton nodded slightly with a smile. King Charles was indeed not even a vulgar butcher in his heart, because he was a complete fool!