Kaeus's chess game

047 Hasting

In the council chamber of the Royal Palace of Versailles, the imperial city of the Hestin Empire, the 39-year-old Hestin emperor, Shobert Hasting, was losing his temper, and even his favorite golden glazed glass cup was thrown to the ground by him.

The close servant in the room has already been kicked out by him. As the king of Hasting, he can't show his gaffe in front of his servants, even if the matter in front of him makes him extremely angry.

As an ambitious king, Xiaobert has to get up on time at five o'clock every day, and then simply come to the council chamber to review the documents after breakfast. Although the Hasting Empire is trapped in the corner of the mainland, there are too many things to be solved every day in this country with a population of nearly 400,000.

Recently, two of the eighteen princes have two neighboring small countries that are very unfriendly to Hasting's mercenaries, and even threatened that as long as Hasting's mercenaries step into their territory, they must pay double the tax!

This is a typical provocation! It's an insult to Hasting's military power! It was the slap in the face of the Hasting Empire in front of everyone!

Shobert also understands that this is a test of himself by the surrounding small countries, but if he is still blindly forbearance, today is the provocation of two small countries, and tomorrow it may be a siege of seven or eight small countries.

With the horn of the empire's attack, the Imperial Blade Legion commanded by 64-year-old Imperial Marshal Penrose took only four days to beat the two clowns to take the initiative to send people to make peace, and promised that as long as they were Hasting's mercenaries in the future, all taxes would be charged only one-tenth.

Today, Shawbert came to the council chamber with great interest to review the officer reward documents reported by Marshal Penrose, but he never thought that there were not only the reward documents reported by the legion on the imperial table, but also a black envelope on it!

The envelope contains a secret newspaper that makes Shobert excited, but the signature of the secret newspaper is a ferocious face that makes all the emperors angry!

The black ghost face cracked the corners of the blood-red mouth, as if proud and warning. How arrogant the expression is, how arrogant it is!

From the time when Hestin was defeated and retreated to the southern corner of the mainland, as long as there is anything threatening the Hestin country on the continent, such a secret envelope will appear in front of the Hestin Emperor inexplicably.

No one knows who sent this, but everyone knows that this ferocious grimace represents the most lawless and horrible assassin organization on the mainland!

Because of the violent death of the first generation of Hestin the Great, his descendants did not know what agreement Hestin the Great had with this terrorist organization. While being trapped in the current land of the Hasting Empire, this evil organization suddenly became abnormal and suddenly took action without any funds to assassinate the rebel generals who had hunted down Hasting.

In the following years, the organization was even more difficult to understand. No matter how they fought for power and intrigued within the Hasting Empire, they refused to accept even the assassination mission of Hasting. But as long as it is a foreign attack on Hasting, they will take the initiative and never tolerate it.

According to the Hastings, the assassin organization has simply become Hasting's watchdog, but this watchdog is not only fierce enough, but also never unconstrained.

Once, Emperor Hastings once scolded the assassin organization as a subservient gang in public. As a result, the next day, the emperor was carved a mouthful quack on his face with a knife and was forced to abdicate early.

Every Hestin emperor tried his best to make his kingdom into an iron bucket and try to reduce the penetration of various forces, but this invisible assassin organization can always do whatever he wants around the emperor.

As long as they want, the assassins can even put the knife on the face of the sleeping emperor!

Shapert's father reigned for nearly 40 years, but he never received a black envelope organized by the assassin. Shortert was crowned less than five years ago, and this cursed black envelope lied in front of him on all the documents!

After the fall and roar, Shawbert became the calm emperor again, and he began to seriously consider the news brought by the black envelope.

Speaking of these 18 vassal states, in fact, they have a close relationship with Hasting. With the retreat of the Hasting Empire, many nobles and armed forces on the mainland came here with him.

In the beginning, because of the threat of the rebels, everyone can still unite to support each other and fight together, but when the threat of the rebels disappears, these unwilling nobles and armed forces are naturally unwilling to continue to serve the defeated Hastings dynasty in the remote corner of the continent.

With the help of Hasting's unstable and weak people, the nobles became independent one after another with their own armed forces. They dreamed of emperors and split more than 20 small empires in the southern corner of the mainland in almost only a few months. In those chaotic days, people became king almost every day, every day. A country was established. The southern corner of the originally silent continent was lively for a while.

Later, the small countries began to annex each other. Today you hit me and tomorrow I will beat him. If it weren't for the union, these small interest groups were almost ready to annex their former owner Hastings Empire.

Fortunately, the horrible assassin organization gave them some beatings at this time, and several powerful nobles and armed group leaders lost their heads. Only then did these arrogant small groups know what they could do but couldn't do.

On the one hand, the stormy Hasting survived to stabilize the empire, and on the other hand, these former ministers began to integrate crazily, but after the assassination, no small country took the initiative to fight Hasting.

Through nearly 20 years of chaos, the Hasting Empire finally gained a firm foothold and survived, while the surrounding small countries were integrated into 17 small empires, which was the prototype of the 18 princes in the southern corner of the mainland.

The success of the 18 princes immediately eased the pressure on the mainland on the Hasting Empire, but also restricted the development of the Hasting Empire, because Hasting must first eat these 'neighbors' at his doorstep if he wants to enter the mainland again.

Hasting's emperors all know that without a million troops, they can't compete for the throne of the continent, let alone restore the glory of the first empire on the continent.

Developing the population and training troops have always been the national policy of the Hasting Empire, but until Shawbert's generation, Hasting's population had not exceeded 500,000, and the army had only a 30,000-strong integrated army - the Blade Legion.

On the other hand, Hasting summed up a unique theory of Tibetan soldiers governing the people. Both men and women must receive military training when they reach the age of 15. Women can freely retire from marriage and have children at the age of 20, while men must join the army for 15 years. After reaching the age, male residents can choose to join Hasting's strongest blade army or transfer to Hasting's mercenary organization. Become a paramilitary officer.

As for those school-age young people whose bodies do not meet the standards for joining the army, Hasting requires that they must participate in simple training, and then be assigned to various colleges to learn life skills according to their own characteristics. As for whether to become a farmer or a blacksmith in the future, it depends on his own efforts.

In the Hasting Empire, except for women and children, there is absolutely no idle people who have nothing to do!

After hundreds of years of operation, the current Hasting Empire can make up four more integrated legions in a short time if necessary, and it can ensure that its combat effectiveness is absolutely not inferior to that of the upper-level legions in the mainland.

But even so, more than 100,000 troops still do not compete with the superpower with millions of troops on the mainland, so successive Hasting emperors are waiting for the opportunity to live like their founding emperor Hasting!

The news from the assassin organization made Shobert excited for a long time. To be honest, Shobert doesn't care about the life or death of other small countries. This time, what the Gran Empire wants to annex must be the nearest small country or simply choose a few marginal countries to relieve his buns.

The invasion of the Gran Empire inadvertently helped Hasting, allowing him to consolidate his hegemony in the 18 vassal states faster. When the time is ripe, Hasting also intends to annex several small countries to expand his territory and population.

After hundreds of years of infiltration, the Hasting Empire has established a deep friendship with six small countries next to it. Some of them produce weapons and armor, some produce luxury jewelry and art, and some produce food and spices. However, Hasting uses his mercenary export and foreign policy, and these six small countries. It has become an offensive and defensive alliance, which is why Hasting's legion dared to cross several small countries to fight those shouting clowns.

This time, the ruthless devouring of this huge thing of the Grand Empire will inevitably cause everyone in danger. Hasting's alliance work will be carried out better. The Grand Empire does not take the 18 princes seriously, but Hastings is distressed about the precious resources of these countries.

If it hadn't been for the shameless rebellion of the nobles, these arrogant small countries would have been servants and subjects of the Hasting Empire!

Xiaobert, who adjusted his mind, immediately summoned people to issue orders: Hasting's mercenaries immediately returned to China to gather, and the local reserve personnel were ready to gather. At the same time, notify the friendly countries around you and keep in close contact, so that everyone can defend against the upcoming changes.