Kaeus's chess game

055 accidental attack

The deer did not escape or panic. For them, these wolves are much weaker than those horrible guys in the direction of the forest. The big stag shouted, facing the direction of the two wolves with teeth and claws, four adult male deer walked out of the circle.

The kid lay on the tree and quietly watched the bustle, and the survival of the fittest was about to stage a natural selection of survival in front of him.

The deer still gathered in a tight circle, and the male deer in each direction stared at their front with big eyes. The big stag whispered at the four bucks that went out, as if they were saying goodbye.

"These are the four dead ghosts sent by the deer, right?" The little ghost thought to himself that he didn't expect that four deer would walk to the wolves by themselves. These four adult male deer are completely enough to feed these wild wolves. Presumably, with these four deer, this group of wild wolves will soon leave the herd.

The roaring wild wolf couldn't help licking its lips when it saw the wild deer coming, and the shining saliva had flowed down the corners of its mouth. Perhaps due to the sufficient food, these four male deer are fat and strong, and the two wolves are more happy.

Seeing the four deer approaching, the two wolves couldn't resist the food**, so they simply gave up driving away the deer and roared at their chosen target.

"Hi~~" The kid sighed in his heart, and then it should be a simple killing.

But the situation on the field was just beyond his expectation.

The four deer instantly formed two battle groups. The two deer locked by the wolf suddenly jumped back, avoiding the big mouth of the wild wolf biting to the neck. Their companions lowered their heads and crossed their horns, pushing them into the bodies of wild wolves like two armed cavalrymen with guns!

The two wolves that almost jumped on the deer obviously did not encounter this situation. The prey that had already reached their mouths ran away at once. What's more, they were surprised that the other two prey shook their heads one by one by one with the big sharp corners of their heads!

The flying wild wolf was not easy to avoid the attack. A wild wolf with a little slow jump quickly twisted his waist and turned in the air to avoid the key point, but was scratched on the back by the antler, while the other anxious wild wolf was not so lucky. Its body, which had already jumped in the air, was really unable to change direction. I'm afraid that it is like a sheep hit by a running horse, which is really pierced by two spiral antlers.

"Oh!" The kid has never seen a wild deer that can kill a wolf, and his dull eyes can't help opening a little. It's too ordinary for wolves to eat deer, but this group of deer actually cooperates with each other to kill wolves, but it's the first time I've seen it!

"Ang~" seemed to celebrate the victory, and the big bucks raised his head and shouted loudly. At this time, the wolf who avoided the first collision fell into the pursuit of wild deer.

The retreating wild deer saw that his partner failed and rushed back as soon as it landed. The two big antlers then hit the wolf's chest, and the other two bucks were also surrounded. The male deer with only the already hand easily held against a wolf corpse and watched its three companions encircle and suppress it.

The first three male deer, one left and one right, hit the wild wolf like a trained gunman, and the injured wild wolf was stabbed on the other male antlers without even a chance to fight back!

It was only two or three seconds before and after the wild wolf jumped up to die. Obviously, the ambushed wild wolves did not expect this result. They could only scream a few times and went back into the forest with their tails.

Four bucks took the wolf corpse out of the herd before throwing it, and then turned around and squeezed into the defense circle.

Looking at the calming deer herd, the kid guessed that this kind of hunting had long been accustomed to the deer herd. Obviously, they have the ability to live here!

No wonder the grizzly bear would be injured. The kid didn't know why the grizzly bear dared not chase himself when he saw the male deer stabbing the wild wolf. In the face of such a group of wild deer with sharp horns and cooperation, even Rock Bodo has to turn around and run away! The animals in this forest are really not simple!

The threaded tapered deer is a relatively weak group of creatures in the forest, but they survived by collective strength. The kid encountered only a small group. If it is a large group of hundreds of threaded tapered deer, even the horrible green wolves dare not provoke.

The little ghost was a little upset by the wonderful process of killing wild wolves by the deer, and even his body became slightly warm. He looked up at the moon. Maybe it would be dawn in two hours. He might as well sleep a little longer. But he didn't know that on a big tree not far from him, two little shadows were secretly considering him as an offensive target.

The range of life of steel clawed ape is almost all over the whole forest. Usually, they rely on their sensitivity on trees and quickly to wander around the home forest almost all their lives. On the one hand, steel clawed ray apes who can give birth to their offspring have to nurture their offspring. On the other hand, they have to deal with the strange dangerous creatures belonging to the forest. They don't care, so most of the steel-clawed iron apes with their cubs will run to the edge of relatively few beasts to bring life. When their children can live independently, they will take their children to the depths of the forest again.

The two small steel-clawed iron apes on the tree have just grown up and are practicing hunting skills. They originally followed the group of unlucky wild wolves to hunt one for dinner, but they didn't expect to catch up with wild deer to fight wild wolves. Instead of rushing to chase the wolf, the two small iron apes stayed. There were two fresh wolf corpses on the ground that were suitable for dinner. But the group of wild deer below was obviously not good at all. They hesitated to hide in the tree and decided to wait for the deer group to leave at dawn before dragging the wolf corpse back to eat.

The kid's attention has always been attracted by the bustle below. He didn't find that there were such two little killers near him. After the wolf ran away, he moved his body carelessly, and suddenly he was suddenly found by the sharp-eyed little iron ape.

Although the kid is not yet an adult, his body is fatter than the two thin wolves on the ground. After a little discussion, the two little iron apes decided to clean up the big guy and have an extra meal before dawn.

Compared with the jungle rangers of the Ye clan, the two steel-clawed iron apes living on trees are not as bad as them at all! Although they are not yet an adult, their powerful hands and feet give them a stable and strong grip, and their two ultra-long and tough arms make the ferris move like an erratic ghost in the woods!

The two iron apes touched the kid from the tree as usual with hunting. One quietly circled to the side of the kid, and the other slowly approached from the opposite side. The two little guys quietly surrounded the little ghosts in the tree. According to the habit of the apes, they will suddenly jump down from above. The sharp steel claws will form a death net over the prey with the slender arms. Once covered by them, the end of the waiting prey will not be torn by the claws. Broken is strangled alive by iron-like thin arms!

Not long after closing his eyes, the little ghost was still recalling the beautiful collision of several threaded horned deer just now. He was secretly glad that he did not cause the hostility of the deer when they met in the afternoon. Otherwise, several bucks would hit him in turn. Except for climbing the tree, the kid had not come up with any way to resist for the time being.

The murder was like a piercing cold wind, which suddenly jumped on the kid's body. In an instant, the kid's originally dull purple-gray eyes flashed a sharp light. The calm spiritual sea was like a sudden twelfth hurricane. Countless spiritual ripples reacted clearly to all situations within 20 meters at the same time. To the kid's brain.

The crisis comes from above, one is slightly faster to the left and the other to the right!

Maybe they are too young, and the hunting experience of the two little iron apes is not rich enough. Maybe they jumped down carelessly because they were not noticed by the ghosts when moving on the trees. In fact, according to the hunting skills taught by their parents, they should pedal the branches to get a greater attack speed!

It is their slow fall that gives the kid more time to react. The kid didn't expect that something would attack him after a while. He didn't even know what to attack him, so he put his hands on the branch and twisted his waist. He slipped under the branch like a snake, and then fell to the ground like an arrow.

You should always understand your surroundings, which is a skill that must be mastered in the foundation of the Ye clan. Although the kid can't practice some skills of the Ye clan as proficiently as Parbos, he always has a good grasp of these basic things.