Kaeus's chess game

078 thorns and thorns

Thousand years ago, the oracle of the goddess of nature suddenly fell. At that time, Letin had officially become a jungle cruiser. As an excellent stationman in the clan, he responded to the oracle and followed the Ye troops into the mainland without hesitation. From then on, he followed the man named Hasting to fight around the mainland.

In countless battles, Lettin completed one classic assassination after another with his excellent martial arts skills, and the most commendable thing was not an unexpected encounter.

At that time, Lettin took his assassination team to take advantage of the cover of the night to enter the enemy's territory to carry out the mission. Unexpectedly, she had an accident with an enemy patrol brigade in a valley with only one access. When he could not escape, Leting, as the captain, shouted, "Follow me!" Like an enraged wild snake, he stepped on his original strange footwork and rushed directly to the enemy in a daze!

According to the survivors after the incident, Ledin was like an electric god who went down to earth. The sharp blade in his hand was the thin lightning. With the rapid breakthrough of his stride, bright blood flowers shone on the enemy in front of him. In the face of the enemy crowded in the narrow passage, Leting almost died like a hard root. The steel cone was hacked into the enemy's queue from the front!

In this way, Leting took seven soldiers as arrows before the enemy reacted, and rushed through the opponent's nearly 30-meter-long formation!

Although only three or four people followed him alive in the end, they were lucky to kill the captain of the patrol team in the process of chiseling through the enemy team and caused temporary chaos before they escaped smoothly.

According to the handwriting, Ledin's later recall of the scene at that time was also vague, as if he didn't think about anything at that time. He only regarded the target in front of him as a mosquito stabbed one by one in previous practice, and he instinctively stepped on a potholed mountain road and walked quickly through an enemy's body. Open a life path for your teammates with the thin blade in your hand!

In the following comments, the elder thought that he belonged to the spiritual explosion at that time and suddenly entered the most ideal state of the legendary warrior "empty"!

It is said that in the realm of the sky, warriors can exert their martial arts to the extreme without distractions, and many warriors who enter the sky can burst out 15% of their combat effectiveness!

Only warriors who master the air and can control the air can enter the door of the legendary warrior!

Unfortunately, until Latime died in the hermit valley, he failed to grasp the empty realm.

The other senior is called Dark. He is also a master with no name but only a nickname. When he joined the oracle army, he was already a nearly 200-year-old jungle cruiser. Originally, he could also enter the Presbyterian, but unfortunately, this senior did not know what stimulation he had suffered. He just didn't like to stay in a bright place all his life. So he didn't say anything in such a bright place as the elder room, but loved to stay alone in the darkest place in the jungle.

It's also a bayonet, but it's not a slender mountain knife, but a dagger that is so slender that it's almost like a needle!

The dark stealth assassination was also ranked among the Ye clan at that time. He was like a poisonous snake coiled in the dark and liked to launch a fatal blow from the dark. If he encountered a dark assassination in the dark jungle, even if you were surrounded and protected by senior warriors, he could easily plunge the dagger into your point. .

The dark bayonet knife method has also undergone small changes. Although his attack is also a lightning straight line, because the dark hand speed is super fast, his dagger will instantly prick in three directions in the same wound after piercing the target, and the effect is a small The dagger instantly achieves the stabbing effect of three daggers in the target body. The most common case of being stabbed is that a finger-wide wound loses a lot of blood like a fountain, and will eventually die because it can't stop bleeding.

The secret explanation of his bayonet method in the handwriting is that because he could not achieve the lethality of a long knife with a dagger, he practiced a second-order stab. The first knife is to stab the target directly according to the normal stab, and after piercing the target, he immediately enters the second stab, using the turn of the wrist to start twice in the side direction. Stinger attack.

No one can withstand three stab attacks at the same time, and even the strong body of senior warriors can't withstand such violent internal damage!

He was most proud to hunt down a marshal and his escort alone. At that time, an enemy marshal defeated by Hasting's troops penetrated into the woods near the battlefield with more than a dozen guards, and the dark was just staying in it at that time.

So a tragic pursuit that can almost be described as a ghost story was carried out from the afternoon to dawn the next day. The marshal and more than a dozen experienced guards were assassinated one by one without even seeing the dark shadow.

He later died in a fierce battle on the Palmerton Plateau, and the elders who studied him believed that it was because there was no dark environment for the Palmerton Plateau to cover up. Unable to hide his secrets is equivalent to an ordinary senior samurai, whose dagger can't cope with a large number of enemies with swords.

The kid carefully read the understanding and improvement of the bayonet knife method. In addition to explaining the lethality and effectiveness of the bayonet knife method, these two notes also reveal a layer of meaning that when you are proficient in the bayonet, you can modify it at will. There is no best weapons and moves, only the most suitable for you. Of!

After carefully reading the handwriting of the two predecessors, they put them away. Except for some cultivation experience and improvement, it is not very helpful for the kid to practice stabbing.

The animal skin scroll introducing plants is like a plant encyclopedia. The first page above shows the most common weeds in the jungle. As long as it can shine, it will grow. The leaves and stems are covered with dense thorns, and even the least picky wild donkeys don't like to eat them.

It is recorded in ancient scrolls that this hemp grass has the effect of creating hallucinations and can help people relieve pain.

On the second page is a gorgeous orange four-leaf flower, which has been seen by little ghosts, but forgets where it is in the jungle.

The word on the scroll is called burning four-leaf clover. Once its pollen touches the skin, it feels like burning. It can't be washed with water.

The ancient scroll introduces the appearance and special effects of plants in detail. For the kid, it is simply an introduction to the botanical system. Although the kid has lived in the jungle since he was a child, he did not know or even see many of the plants proposed in the ancient scroll, let alone their special effects.

From this day on, the kid entered the practice of the bayonet knife method, and also began to look around for the plants depicted in the ancient scroll to recognize it clearly.