Kaeus's chess game

085 Grand Noble

Although trapped in the south, the arrogance and blood of the Hastings are still flowing in their bodies, and they dare to kill people on the business road. Even if they are mercenaries, fire lions and mountain eagles can't sit idly by. Kosnolt and Petraeus arranged the caravan, and the two, together with Sadkui, rushed forward with some of the mountain eagle and fire lion mercenaries.

The mountain eagle mercenaries skillfully surveyed the scene, and then several mountain eagles pointed in the same direction. The group of thugs fled around without erasing traces after killing, and they actually swaggered north.

"Chasing!" Petraeus waved his hand, and the mercenaries turned their horses and chased them north. Those merchants were killed by weapons. It can be seen that the murderer was at least trained by military if he was not a warrior.

A group of ordinary stupid thieves and a group of trained bandits can be very different from the destructive power of the caravan. As a mercenary walking on this land, no matter which mercenary regiment will not hesitate to chase and kill the past when it encounters this. Mercenaries and bandits are the sworn enemies of this life!

Mercenaries and bandits rely on caravans to make a living, but unfortunately, bandits always come to destroy the order and grab the mercenary's job. The mercenary union has a high reward for bandits. Whether it is old bandits or newly established bandits, as long as the mercenaries eradicate them, they can go to the mercenary union to receive gold coins and points.

Petraeus and his party took nearly an hour to meet the scout sent by Sadkui. They had followed the murderer and simply checked the strength of the other party.

Two senior warriors and 20 intermediate warriors. The other five people are not capable of being like employers.

After listening to the mountain eagle's report, Kosnolt's eyebrows frowned slightly. Originally, he also suspected that the case was done by mercenaries, but it was more like a group of hired mercenaries * another group of businessmen. There are few armed bandits on the side of the 18 vassal states. The merchants killed in the team are obviously familiar with the situation here, and they are not even hired a small team of mercenaries. The news brought back by the mountain eagle scout seems to be that a group of merchants with mercenaries robbed the property of another group of merchants and killed people.

"No matter who breaks the rules, he will be sanctioned!" Petraeus dares to kill and seize goods on the business road. These murderers are bandits!

Soon, the mercenaries' horse team surrounded the murderers who were resting.

Seeing the fierce coming of the horse team, the other side immediately made a defense. More than 20 warriors quickly divided into two teams. One team picked up the only few spears to form a row of horses, and the other row pulled out long knives to surround the employers who had no force.

Although full of righteous indignation, the fire lion was still not reckless. With the gesture of Petraeus, the mercenaries pulled the horse left and right to firmly surround the warriors. This time, the mercenaries brought by the fire lion and the mountain eagle had a slight advantage in number, but the infantry against the cavalry could not stop the impact of the horses with the spears in their hands.

The horse team dispersed, and the first row of warriors immediately contracted, and the spearmen and long knifemen surrounded them like iron barrels to closely protect the middle few people.

The atmosphere became solemn in the confrontation between the two groups, and the horses kept digging the soil under their feet. Although there were sparks in their eyes, no one took the initiative to break the deadlock. Perhaps they had just done a case not long ago and now they are guilty. The group of warriors did not ask each other's identity except for high alert.

Petraeus drove his horse forward a few steps and asked, "Who is the master here?"

"You are the Fire Lion Mercenary Regiment, right? We are businessmen of the Gran Empire. A gorgeously dressed thin man in the samurai circle shouted that he was not good-sighted. The mercenaries in such bright red and eye-catching clothes in the whole Western Continent only had the Fire Lion Mercenary Regiment with a golden badge.

"I am the fire lion Petraeus! What team are you from? Petraeus looked at the other party's clothes a few times. There were no obvious signs on his clothes, and there were no obvious signs of mercenary regiments on the scattered carriages next to him.

"Hahaha, these are just my domestic slaves, which made Chief Peter laugh." The thin man laughed without laughing.

There must be a lot of families that can afford to support senior warriors. According to mainland law, the maximum number of mercenary regiments in various countries shall not exceed 3,000, and the number of noble domestic slave warriors shall not exceed 100!

The level of these warriors is much better than that of the Mountain Eagle Mercenaries. If they are mixed mercenaries, they are at least silver badges. If it weren't for the fire lion, the mountain eagle team would not have been able to eat each other.

"Since you are a businessman, you should understand the rules of the mainland. You made the group of dead people in the west. If you are caught up by my fire lion, you have to give me an explanation!" Petraeus sat high on the horse like a judge, and the mercenary regiment had the right to deal with the merchants who violated the rules on the spot. This is an agreement signed by the Mainland Chamber of Commerce and the Mainland Mercenary Association. As a businessman traveling on the mainland, he is not unaware of it.

"They are not businessmen! It's a group of detectives!" The thin man was obviously not afraid of the fire lion. Even if he was scared by the regimental Peter, he still spoke slowly: "They must have followed us for several days to plot my money, but we solved it first."

Because they were in a hurry to chase the murderer, Petraeus and Sadkui did not carefully check the identity of the merchant. As for whether it was the spy mentioned by the other party, even the reconnaissance platoon leader Sadkui could not tell. All parties on the southern continent were entangled, and there were more spies than mice on the ground. Even the fire lion and the mountain eagle are doing the spy work for Hasting.

"A group of spies who are not even warriors want to plot against you?" Kosnolt also took a few steps forward. He looked at the two senior warriors in the inner circle and said, "The two senior warriors around you can kill them all by one person!" Do you think the spy is so stupid?"

"Haha, that's their disguise, so that I can relax my vigilance. Their soldiers must be ambushed somewhere!" The thin man looked mocking. Anyway, the other side is dead. It's not his own words!

"So you killed them just because of your suspicion?" Cosnolt asked, "Which family are you from and what's your name?" We will continue to investigate this matter. If they are just ordinary businessmen, you must be responsible for this matter!"

Taking the opportunity to get close, Kosnolt carefully looked at the group of bodyguards and the merchants in the middle. With the eyes that the golden fox had cultivated on the mainland for so many years, Kosnolt could be sure that the people in front of him were not mountain thieves and bandits. The standard weapons in their hands and fearless expressions made Cosnolt was also slightly afraid of the forces represented by the other party.

"We are from the Pamela family," the thin man said arrogantly, "If there is anything you don't understand, you can find our family in Norton City!"