Kaeus's chess game

091 Princes of Hasting

Charles looked at the map and fell silent. After thinking for a long time, he asked, "If we have Glen's military strength, can't we swallow these little princes?"

"Can!" Fenandai stared into Charles's eyes and said seriously, "As long as there are two legions, we can sweep the whole south in a year!"

"But..." Fenandi stared firmly into Charles's blue eyes and said, "God can't guarantee that when the army crosses this realm of life and death, you! Me! And how many of those senior generals who lead the army can see the final victory!"

"I think this organization seems to be a shadow assassin!" Prime Minister Jody dared to make his conjecture. Fenadi is an important general who leads the army. Although his status is no worse than him, the only imperial marshal Ferdinand can control Charles in the whole Gran Empire now.

"Shadow Assassin!" Charles whispered a few words and sat down in the chair decadently.

The name Charles is not strange. As the master of the south, every emperor of the Gran Empire knows the powerful forces in his territory. Shadow assassins have always existed in the imperial archives, but they are like real shadows. As a huge organization, they are always confusing and difficult to see clearly.

He is a force that clearly exists but cannot be confirmed! And even the Gran Empire itself can't figure out how much energy this assassin organization has. In imperial intelligence, the shadow assassin is the most dangerous organization with five stars!

Charles knew that as long as there were enough gold coins, this shadow assassin could even kill his exiled royal brothers one by one!

Charles really intends to completely erase his brothers after his coronation, but this matter is too risky. Charles, who has just taken the throne, naturally dares not try. Besides, if he is exiled overseas, it is no different from killing them. He has never heard that the exiled royal family can come back alive.

Charles leaning against the back of the chair waved feebly, and several people in the room quietly retreated.

King Charles carefully analyzed the consequences of fighting against Shadow Assassins. If this organization that no one can see through really comes to assassinate himself, it will be a big trouble

In the face of the unpredictable danger, Charles chose to retreat. As for how to coax the enchanting harem, this is Charles's problem.

Huron, who was full of expectations, died in vain in the 18 vassal states, and the Pamela family seemed to smell dangerous turtles. They neither investigated nor asked questions. Like Charles, they chose not to investigate.

The crisis of the southern countries has so ironically dissipated, while Hasting is still carrying out a recruitment plan. The Gran Empire's ambition for the south is both a crisis and a turning point for Hasting. Hasting has long had an attempt to dominate the South, just taking advantage of this crisis to expand troops and slowly consolidate military strength. Gradually annex and integrate the southern countries.

The Fire Lion Mercenary Corps brought the excellent seeds that Hestin was short of. When the caravan entered Versailles, the capital of Hestin, Petraeus and Kosnolt were invited to the palace for special reception.

Although the grain can be cooked three times a year in the tropical environment where Hasting is located, the yield has been very low. The reason is also very simple. Hasting does not have excellent and high-yield grain seeds, and this time the Fire Lion specially purchased several excellent grains in the Gran Empire and sent them to Hasting for trial planting. If a country wants to be strong, it must first be its agricultural level. When you don't have enough food, don't expect your soldiers to fight for you.

The good seed is the strong cornerstone of Hasting's hard work. Petraeus naturally knows the importance of this matter, or the two leaders of the Fire Lion would not personally lead the team to escort the goods. I'm most afraid that this group of good seeds will be robbed by ignorant fools and spoiled as ordinary food.

As for the good seeds of this caravan, the Fire Lion took a year or two to complete it. There are many merchants selling grain on the mainland, but the merchants who sell seeds are not only few people, but also severely controlled by imperial laws. The Fire Lion brings these merchants to them all the serious grain merchants they have silently cultivated for many years. People have bought so many good seeds in a year or two with their help.

Gran is not a generous country. They have stricter management over the trading of strategic materials such as good seeds, refined iron and ores. This time, the Fire Lion simply asked merchants to send good seeds to Hasting and trade gold with Hasting with seeds, so that merchants get more gold coins while Hasting secretly got It's a good seed.

In business, Hasting naturally has professionals to take care of. As Hasting's current king, Shawport has an important guest to meet secretly.

"I have started conscription now. What do you think?" In a secret room of the palace, Shobert asked kindly. And sitting opposite him is the blonde fox Kosnolt!

No one can imagine that a deputy of a mercenary regiment can sit with an emperor, and the relationship between the two is still so harmonious.

There were only two of them in the whole secret room, and even Petraeus was taken home by Shobert to visit his family.

"It's a little early," Kosnolt said with a smile, "The grain production has not improved yet. You raise so many soldiers, who will grow these grains?"

"You mean I'm in a hurry?"

"No, if I didn't bring these good seeds, you would have done it well, but now that the situation has changed, you should send the strong labor back to the field." Kosnolt smiled and tasted the royal wine on the wine table and was not polite to Shawbert at all.

"You have always been very smart. Help me and tell me how to do it." Shobert has no temper with Cosnolt at all. Fortunately, there are only two of them in this secret room, otherwise someone will see that there is a "special" relationship between the two.

However, this Shobert really has a relationship with Cosnolt, and it is deeply related by blood, because the full name of Cosnolt Hasting!

He is Shawbert's own brother, the second prince of Hasting!

In the Hastings, only the eldest prince can inherit the throne, while other male princes must be sent to other places anonymously to raise and learn and cultivate professional knowledge according to their personal abilities and preferences. In the outside world, each generation of the Hasting royal family will only give birth to one male prince and a different number of princesses.

Some people have secretly inquired about the secrets of Prince Hasting, but unfortunately, even many foreign princes themselves do not know their identities, let alone let others know.

The mainland royal family has a habit that once the prince ascends the throne and becomes an emperor, all his brothers must be exiled. Because the Hasting Empire has always been a fat man peeped by other countries, I don't know how long it will take for Hasting's princes to become 'lone' without brothers but sisters. There has been no sudden interruption of the blood of any generation of emperors in Hasting's history. Therefore, these princes of Hasting hidden among the people are honestly hidden and did not appear in front of the world at all.

Because Hasting needs all kinds of strength, except for Shawbert, the eldest prince who has been receiving education in the imperial city, all his brothers will be allocated to various critical places to learn various skills to assist his eldest brother. And in the future, they will be the most reliable pillar and cornerstone of the Hastings Empire!