Kaeus's chess game

093 Wounded Soul Blade

According to the little ghost's practice, every time he sleeps, he has to completely squeeze himself. With his almost unbelievable recovery ability, the little ghost is not afraid of injury at all. For him, it's all right if he can endure the pain and sleep all night. For ordinary people, it's a few days of pain, which is commonplace for the kid. He I don't care at all.

It is because of this reckless exercise that the kid's martial arts skills are not only solid and steady, but also constantly improve at a super fast speed. Whether it is skill, strength, speed and resilience, it can be improved by almost a month!

After having the mountain knife, Parbos will not come to find the kid. Naturally, the kid will not take the initiative to find him. If he doesn't control the guy called the "demon knife" by the elder in his hand, the kid will not use a knife against his friends.

The kid still remembers the first time he went to hunt grizzly bears with a demon knife, which was simply a farce and a profound warning.

Because he needed to make a tight animal skin, he decided to hunt another grizzly bear alone, and a rare grizzly bear in the basin became his victim. At present, there are no explosive bears in the basin for a long time, and grizzly bears that can evolve into explosive bears also lack the conditions to evolve into explosive bears due to the superiority of the natural environment.

But after being stabbed by the kid, the unlucky grizzly bear actually burst into bear bile on the spot and went crazy.

The devil's demon knife not only pierced the thick bear skin, but also gnawed fiercely on the soul of the grizzly bear! Devouring is the instinct of dark energy, so the grizzly bear became the first victim of the demon knife!

The pain caused by the loss of soul is like throwing a torch on the spiritual sea, instantly igniting the whole spiritual sea of the grizzly bear. The unlucky grizzly bear lay on the ground screaming, trembling and twitching. When the pain exceeded the limit it could bear, the genes from the bloodline prompted it to self-explode the gallbladder and release it with bile. To relieve mental and soul pain.

In front of the kid, the grizzly bear's hair gradually faded and then slowly revealed a green light, and the whole body became much bigger like blowing. In this way, the grizzly bear evolved into a burst bear in front of the kid.

When the new explosive bear staggered from the ground and stared at the kid with blood-red eyes, his eyes showed not only hatred, but also fear and hatred!

The evolved explosive bear doesn't even have the courage to do something to the kid. It can only roar at the kid with its stinky mouth and then turn around and get into the jungle to escape.

Even if it evolves into a burst bear, it is still very afraid of the pain that goes deep into the bone marrow and soul. If possible, this burst bear would rather never see this horrible little man and the knife that can hurt its soul in its lifetime!

Unfortunately, the explosive bear did not have the opportunity to evolve again to relieve the damage of the soul. When the kid stabbed the demon knife on it for the second time, the unique explosive bear in this basin almost died with blood and tears.

There is no need for the kid to stab the knife into its key point. The damage of dark energy to the spirit and soul directly turns the two-meter-high explosive bear into a corpse.

Only then did the kid know that as long as he was stabbed by his knife, he might suffer immeasurable damage! Since then, the kid's control of the demon knife has become more strict, so unless he wants to completely kill the other party, the kid has decided never to pull out this knife easily!

Except for practicing by himself, the kid always ties the demon knife tightly to his waist and never lets others touch him. If he accidentally cuts the people and has no way to treat them, it will really hurt others.

Every day, the kid trains, rests, trains again... He lives a simple life over and over again.

In the same year, the Bai Yan elder, who was already in his 240s, passed on the position of the Yan elder to his most proud disciple Yi in the Flame Temple, and became the 50th Bai Yan elder of the Yan.

After four unimaginable hardships, China, a female steel warrior, finally made a breakthrough in her mental strength and became the second steel warrior who was proficient in drawing gold.

And the kid set a goal for himself this year: to pass the trial of the divine guard giant tree, and then prepare to travel around the world.

It is recorded in the real code that most of the gods and sons of the Ye clan are going to travel around the world, and even the most incompetent gods will not spend their lives in the territory of the Ye clan.

This vast continent, coupled with the long age of the Ye nationality, contributed to the reason for the gods to travel. Later, some gods simply listed it as part of the trials of the gods, so that future gods could go out generously.

It only took a year for the kid to complete the foundation of the secret of swordsmanship by speeding several times and efforts, and has even approached the intermediate level.

The little ghost on the horned rhinoceros scroll has been seen several times, but the plant ghost described above knows less than one-third, because most of the plants are either very rare or have disappeared in the basin, but these one-third of the plants are only hundreds, which is simply an encyclopedia of plants.

On this day, the kid came to the elder room with the horned rhinoceros scroll in his arms and came directly to the elder.

"E elder, I'm here to return this precious scroll. It's too broad." The kid sent the scroll to the elder with both hands.

"Oh, you can take it and learn slowly. I'm sure you haven't learned it all."

"I can't learn it!" The kid shook his head and said, "This medicine is really too extensive. So far, I have only seen about one-third of the drugs recorded in ancient scrolls. Many of the treasures can't be found at all or have simply disappeared here."

The elder nodded, and he naturally understood what the kid said. This is a very early record. In this greatly changed jungle in almost a few years, many plants died extremely fast: "This ancient scroll can be put to you first. Take a look when you have time.

"Thank you, but I still want to return it to you," the kid smiled apologetically and said, "My knife skills are close to the intermediate level. Now I have the strength to go to Shenwei Giant Tree to participate in the trial. I want to know what kind of trial the real god son will go through thousands of years ago!"

"There is no problem for you to go to the Shenwei Giant Tree. Have you told Ritterner? She is more familiar with Shenwei Giant Tree..."

"The teacher has been training in the jungle with Kadria. Anyway, I have seen the Shenwei Giant Tree, so I'll go there by myself this time." The little ghost pondered for a moment and asked the elder to say, "If you see the teacher, please tell her that I will go to Shenwei to participate in the trial of the Son of God."

"OK." The elder happily agreed, "With your current skills, as long as you don't exceed the scope of the divine guard's control, there will be no danger. And you must use your demon knife carefully. You can't fully master it yet!"

In this way, the kid stepped on the cliff again and headed for the huge umbrella-shaped divine guard giant tree, which is specially designed for the divine son, which is particularly attractive to the kid. It is a mystery to the kid how the gods trained themselves thousands of years ago and what level they should reach.