Kaeus's chess game

102 Magic Cane

On the giant tree, the roots wrapped around the kid's body shrank back. With the return of his mind, the kid slowly woke up.

When he opened his eyes, a nebula-like light quickly rotated in the little ghost's eyes and disappeared to the deepest part of his pupil.

After moving the stiff muscles and bones, the kid didn't know how much time he had passed. He spent at least six or seven years in the lonely space that made him feel uncomfortable when he thought of it, but he was not sure whether the time outside had passed for so long.

The kid put his hand on the trunk of the Shenwei Giant Tree and once again established contact with the Shenwei Giant Tree.

"Hello, powerful son of God, you are already the best son of nature of this generation!" Shenwei Giant Tree opened his mouth first.

"How long have I been here?" Although he has been lonely in the fantasy for several years, the kid is still a kid, and he has not become old because of the passage of time.

"Don't worry, in fact, you just lie down for two months." For the giant tree family whose lives are calculated in ten thousand years, months are not enough for them to doze off.

"This trial has really given me too much for me to think about. Can I leave?" Those years in the fantasy were enough for the kid to completely digest what he had learned from several layers of trials, but after coming out of the desolate world, the kid really wanted to return to the wet rainforest, like a wandering prodigal son who missed his familiar hometown.

"You really need to think about it. Although the fantasy is very similar to the real world, it can only control your mind and cannot practice your body." Shenwei Jushu's words made the kid feel cold. He thought he had become a real master, but he didn't expect that he was just a master in the realm, and his body was not as strong as in the fantasy.

The kid moved his hands and feet a little, and the demon knife did become more arbitrary, but it lacked the agility in the fantasy. He could clearly feel the rhythm of heaven and earth, but his body was like a moldy machine, and the stiff movements could not melt into it at all.

The kid shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Hey, I've had a dream for several years..."

Seeing the little ghost's distress, the giant tree laughed and said, "This is nothing. Our giant tree family is a dreamy nation. How can we stand it for such a long time? At least now you already know how to become a strong man. You have already calculated one in your mind. The right way of cultivation. And you have tried it once. I believe that you will make a greater breakthrough if you practice again next time.

The little lost little ghost was awakened by the words of Shenwei Giant Tree. He was still young and had time to practice again. With the experience in the fantasy world, he did not know how many detours he would take than ordinary people. Although the body has not yet reached a breakthrough, his vision and mind are already at the level of a master level. The kid has this confidence that no one can surpass his achievements in swordsmanship and boxing.

The kid decided to go to the mainland now. While seeing the beautiful continent, he improved his cultivation and became a strong man. He has walked once in his dream, and naturally has the courage to walk again.

"Ha ha, don't be in a hurry to go. As the first son of God who has passed the trial in nearly a thousand years, I also have a gift for you." The stiff wooden face on the sixteenth floor crawled up with his hands tied, and he solemnly held a brown stick in his hands.

"What is this?" The kid took a look and asked. He never thought that Shenwei Giant Tree would give him a stick. He didn't seem to use a stick.

"This is a wood crystal core, the wood crystal core of our giant tree family." Shenwei Giant Tree's tone was a little proud, as if introducing his younger generation: "This is the most precious gift of our giant tree clan. You don't have to worry about whether it is strong or not. It's not so easy to cut it off with the demon knife in your hand. At the same time, it has a lot of magical abilities that can help you. You will like it when you are familiar with it.

Unfortunately, the kid doesn't know the goods. This wooden stick is not as simple as it looks, and it is not just as shallow as the Shenwei Giant Tree said. If it was in the era when mainland magicians prevailed thousands of years ago, this wooden stick is enough to arouse a greedy vision. Panwood's divine battle is also rare in the whole continent. Strange objects.

In those years, Panwood, the wooden magic god, exerted his perverted wooden magic to the extreme with such a mysterious staff. At the age of 75, he entered the highest level of the magician and became the youngest wooden magic god at that time.

With the death of Panwood's magic god, this magical staff has never appeared on the mainland, but many wooden magicians know that there is still a staff in the world that can magnify their magical ability. As long as they get it, they will be infinitely close to the realm of the magic god.

Because the little ghost does not know magic, the divine guard giant tree obviously does not want to tell him all the strange things about the wood crystal core, but it is not an overpower to say that the wood crystal core is the most precious gift of the giant tree family. This wood crystal core is a tree that took thousands of years to nurture the giant tree, and then passed through the giant tree god guard to use natural magic power for many years. Soaking and washing has made this wood core a complete qualitative leap.

Its hardness has exceeded that of metal and is even comparable to the hardest gems. At the same time, it can perfectly transmit natural magic. As for the wooden magic derived from natural magic, it is extremely easy. The wood crystal core also has a unique function, which is to purify magic.

Panwood, the wooden magic god, entered the realm of magic gods early by relying on the unimpeded transmission and purification of wooden spells.

For the giant tree family, the wood core is still their communication tool. You know, because of the conditions of the giant tree family itself, they cannot leave or move at will, so the giant tree family has evolved to breed the wood core to replace themselves to wander. They will cultivate a wood core for thousands or even tens of thousands of years and use it. Launching into the vast universe, it seems that human beings are constantly launching detection satellites into the universe, and the most amazing thing about the wood core is that it can ignore the distance and exchange information with the giant tree that nurtures it.

The divine guard giant tree gives the wooden crystal core to the kid. The kid will go to the mainland sooner or later, and the divine guard giant tree can also take the opportunity to learn about the current mainland scenery.

The kid is most interested in the strange storage space of the wooden crystal core. The Shenwei giant tree gave the kid the wooden crystal core a four-cubic space. According to the kid's understanding, it is the same size as a tree house.

This space can not only put things in and take them out at will according to the little ghost's wishes, but also preserve various plants for a long time. Whether it is various fruits or wine, how long after putting them in, it tastes exactly the same as when they were first put them in.

The Shenwei giant tree has summoned a lot of blue-winged parrots to bring those delicious fruits to the little ghosts. This is a specialty attached to the Shenwei giant tree, and the whole continent is only available on the Shenwei giant tree.

Looking at the fruits disappearing in his hands one by one, the kid still showed a playful look even after several years of loneliness. This is the magic mentioned in the code, the magical power.

A golden vine sent the kid to the ground, and the demon knife was thrown into the storage space by him. With the tacit understanding cultivated with the demon knife in the fantasy, the kid believed that as long as he needed it, it would immediately appear in his hands.

The stick is a weapon that the kid has never touched. In addition to being a walking stick, this wood core can also be used as a weapon. Even the demon knife can't break it, at least it shows that it is impeccable in terms of hardness.

The current kid is almost blank except for stab and boxing. The little fur he learned before is almost negligible after his eyes have opened up.

If a person can punch and knife for several years without distraction, he is a piece of wood and can also be called a master in this field.

Put down the demon knife and turn to play the stick, which is also an attempt for the kid. The kid believes that things are interrelated. When he achieves extremely high achievements in a certain field, he can apply his experience to similar fields to quickly improve.