Kaeus's chess game

106 stinky cowhide armor

In the new barracks, Qingkanzi and the iron grasshopper are both good friends and competitors. When drinking, the iron grasshopper can't win the green kanzi, but the new recruit Qingkanzi's team has always been a loser of the iron grasshopper team, which is also the most annoying thing for Qingkanzi. He is short and can't take it like the iron grasshopper. Some strong men jumped up and down all day, and the team sent to him was either a group of thin hemp rods or a group of fat people as stupid as pigs.

The Hasting Empire adopts a compulsory military service system for all members to join the army, so no matter what they look like, as long as their limbs are sound and their minds are normal, and the troops will be taken at the right age. After several months of new camp training, these recruits will be assigned to various fields according to their own circumstances.

Most of the new recruits in such poor conditions received by Qingkanzi will be sent to the Ministry of Agriculture or other technical departments after training. After learning a craft, they will be repatriated to farm or practice craftsmanship to contribute to Hasting's construction, while those new recruits with good physical conditions and flexible minds will be sent to the army or mercenary team to continue training and retreat. Before the battle, it will always be Hasting's strongest combat effectiveness. The strong men trained by iron grasshoppers 100% have to take the road of the army, and finally act as the backbone either in the mercenary regiment or in the army. As for those special seedlings with good minds and good health, the new barracks will recommend them to the military academy for further study, and then turn from a civilian to a small officer in the Hasting army like a phoenix.

However, such a genius has not appeared in the southern new barracks for many years, and only the new barracks in Hasting Imperial City can often recommend to the military academy. Education is not a luxury that farmers and mountain people in the border city can enjoy.

After waiting for a long time, this team of thin recruits did not show a try, which made Qingkanzi feel boring. With so many new recruits, he was either a farmer or a craftsman, which made him unable to raise his head in front of the iron grasshopper. He couldn't help but bring a little resentment in his words: "Dud, it's another useless group. Ps! All right, don't look at it, continue training for me!"

Stand in line, move forward, stop, turn left, turn right. The training of new recruits can be described as extremely boring, but the kid plays with great interest and can survive for several years from the wilderness. In his opinion, the training of new recruits is already quite lively, and others are still trying to do various actions according to the instructor's orders. However, the kid has begun to be distracted from his training. Boxing and knife skills have reached the peak of thinking, but the body can't complete this, which makes the kid have the desire to scratch his heart and liver.

In the most basic action of walking, stopping and turning human action, the kid slowly began to try to practice his body. First, he exercised his feet. Whether he moved forward or stopped, the kid secretly kept his heels up a little. If he didn't look at the footprints, no one could find the little action of the kid. The sour hemp quickly came from his feet to his calves. Fortunately, the military posture of the recruits was already crooked, and the little ghost's slightly stiff appearance was not conspicuous.

If there is pain, it means that the muscles and veins are undergoing exercise. The kid who doesn't care about the pain has never thought of taking a break. Instead, he grited his teeth and continues to persist. A strain and sprain is nothing. As long as he sleeps, there is no problem.

All day, the kid achieved various basic military actions with only the soles of his feet and toes! Although the two feet cramped to be completely stiff at night, the kid still persisted the next day. After a few days of tossing like this, the kid really felt that his leg muscles were strengthening and his legs and feet became more flexible, especially a few toes. The kid could feel that each toe was changing now, and they were first realized. After stinging the ground, and then slowly becoming more flexible and powerful, the kid secretly tried it. Whether it was the assault of the steel clan or the disappearance of the Ye clan, it has been greatly improved.

There is never a lack of fun in the new barracks. There is never a shortage of performers on the purgatory platform. Instructors try their best to provoke the bottom line of the recruits, and then completely smash them mercilessly. There is no need for individual warriors in the new barracks. As a good soldier, first of all, in addition to obeying or obey, killing skills Ranked second.

After being pulled into purgatory, the recruits all have their own nicknames, including four bags, three bags, three sticks, two sticks... The recruits know that the heavier the bag you top, the more sticks you receive, the better your physique you are in the recruits.

"It's been three months since you came here. Congratulations on getting through the most comfortable days, hahahaha." Qingkanzi stood in front of the team with his mouth open and laughed and said, "Come with me to the armory to get armor and weapons. Next, let's have armed training. You bastards will like it, haha...haha..."

Qingkanzi has long developed a mentality of contempt for the weak in the army. With a group of new recruits destined to be farmers, his greatest pleasure is naturally to torture them to attack them.

Qingkanzi also secretly hopes that a miracle will suddenly happen one day. A real good soldier will jump out of this group of farmers, cooks, craftsmen and small vendors, which makes many people on the mainland feel that their legs hurt will not be in vain to live in the new barracks.

The kid still returned to his barracks with a set of armor and saber on tiptoe. This is a half armor of old cowhide wrapped in iron, that is, except for a few seriously worn iron plates in the back of the chest and shoulders, other places are black and thick old cowhide, and veterans affectionately call it stinky skin.

This simplest leather armor not only has poor defense but also tastes super unpleasant. Even the worst two stone bows can shoot arrows in 20 steps. Although the cowhide half armor used by recruits does not have much defense ability, it is similar in weight to ordinary cowhide rope armor.

The lower skin armor makes the kid look more numb. Even the Ye people, a nation that is used to tying grass as clothes, can't make such a simple and exaggerated armor. This black skirt armor is casually sewn together with three pieces of hard cowhide, two long pieces protecting the thighs, and a short one in the middle to protect the lower abdomen and the key. With a wide cowhide belt tied around his waist, it is difficult for the kid to imagine how to carry out daily training with this thing.

What's more exaggerated is the saber from the armory. In addition to the handle and scabbard, it is an iron strip in the shape of a knife, and only put it in the scabbard can slightly scare people.

The kid sat on ** and looked carefully at the "military knife". Except for the blunt mouth that has not yet been opened, this saber has fully equipped with all the elements of the knife: the straight handle is slightly longer, suitable for holding the knife with one or both hands, the square double-layer shield, and the iron strip-shaped knife embryo also completely retains the shape of the saber. The kid believes that as long as Grinding the edge, the iron bar immediately turned into a Hasting-style saber.

The ordnance training of new recruits is not an excessive skill. Its main purpose is to familiarize soldiers with various instruments.

The next day, the recruits wore all the armor according to the requirements, and several people who wore the skirt armor were also replaced in time in time in the jokes of their comrades-in-arms. The first time, the little guy wearing armor was very uncomfortable. It felt as if he was covered with a layer of heavy turtle shells on his body, and almost every step was extremely difficult.

"Hahaha..." Qingkanzi came to the team with a smile. He seemed to enjoy the smell of cowhide very much, and took a few deep breaths before saying, "Put on armor and bring a knife. This is the real soldier! You guys may be able to experience the feeling of real soldiers in these few months of your life, so be serious with me one by one!"

Some recruits who were still undergoing basic training on the playground kept peeking over with their eyes. The kid looked at them staring at their leather armor and saber with envy, and their hearts flowed bitter water. When I came to the new barracks, I was also curious about the recruits wearing leather armor with knives, but all this turned into suffering. The sun has risen. When the sun shines, the thick cowhide will actually rise with a sour smell. The kid really wants to take it off immediately and throw it to those enviable new ones. Soldier, completely break their illusions with this strange smell.

When the kid who didn't even wear thick clothes saw the recruit wearing leather armor, he was really curious about what it felt like to wear it, but now he knows how bad it feels. The heavy and sultry leather armor exudes a strange smell and attracts all kinds of flying insects to circle around it. The kid feels that he is the same head. The N-year-old buffalo is still attracting scavengers.

Qingkanzi obviously wanted this effect. When he was still talking about the benefits of armor, he stopped talking nonsense with a bad smile until a slightly weak new recruit really couldn't resist the smell and spit out all the breakfast.