Kaeus's chess game

148 military and bandit road breaker

"Good! How dare you kill my brother? You guys are dead! You are dead!" A beard shouted loudly, pulled out a sword, and then waved his hand fiercely to the bandits beside him and shouted, "Come on! Kill these two stupid cows!"

Berlos glanced at them and didn't pay any more attention. In this way, he was not even a vagrant. The big bear and the bull basically came to kill. He was just curious that this beard had such a great courage to run out and die.

In fact, I didn't expect my beard to be so popular. None of the bandits who usually drink and call themselves brothers came out to help. The most annoying was the group of bastards of Black Wind. When they formed a alliance, they said that they had both blessings and difficulties, but they watched their people slaughtered half by two mercenaries. Unexpectedly, he held his arm to watch the bustle!

He thought that when he said hello, at least half of the lively bandits behind him would come to help, but now except for a few hesitant subordinates around him, it seems that no one behind him has moved.

"Fuck, trouble..." The beard is hard to get off. If you retreat so grayly, your team will have no status, not to mention how much oil and water can be divided afterwards. If these wolves behind them don't swallow themselves, it will give you a great face!

But these hands are not the opponents of the two monsters in front of him at all. The beard knows that his subordinates are all farmers and hooligans. Compared with these mercenaries who lick blood with knives, they are not bullshit.

It's better to live than to die! The beard with spinning eyes gritted his teeth and made up his mind. He was about to explain a few words and withdrew, but a black thing suddenly flew in front of him!

With a muffled sound, the bearded head was like a shredded watermelon, and suddenly turned into a red and white rotten tofu! The black thing was taken back with a crash. It turned out that the big bear simply pulled over with a chain when hesitantly saw this guy!

Poor this thief's head was pulled into a rotten gourd by the big bear without even moving his hand!

Those little guys turned around and ran back. The big bear and the bull chased a few steps and knocked down a few times, but most of them still ran through the broken wooden pole and got into the bandit camp.

The flesh and blood bull rushed to the front of the wooden pole with red eyes and braked his feet, which scared the robbers behind the pole to retreat for a while. This guy just had some red eyes. Coupled with this flesh and blood, he rushed over like a Shura hungry ghost crawling out of the bloody prison. The timid robbers were so scared that they sat directly to the ground. Up.

The big bear ran to the bull in a few steps and patted him on the shoulder. The two big men carried bloody weapons and turned back carelessly. Facing the wide back, dozens of bandits behind the wooden pole did not dare to squeak, so they silently saw the two big killers go back.

Berlos and several people looked at each other and turned around and walked back the same way without explaining anything. With the five of them, dozens of bandits were so scared to hide in the camp and dare not come out!

"Hey, big brother, those mercenaries outside really stabbed their hands. That small group of more than 30 nominators directly dispersed them, and the two leaders were directly killed." The old goat touched his goat beards and smiled.

"Humph, those bastards don't want to come in and share the money, so what do you do with the rest of their waste? Let me tell you, we don't accept such waste!" The big owner curled his lips and said.

"Hey, I've been sent away. This group of waste is also a waste of food. If I'm not afraid that others won't accept it, I'll just click them all!" The old goat's eyes flashed, and the black wind did a lot to destroy such a group.

"Well, well done, drive them all away!" The big boss nodded and asked, "What about those mercenaries? Who went out to deal with them?

"They have left, but I guess they will come again." The old goat narrowed his eyes and said, "I heard from my subordinates that there are hard hands in it, as if they can reach the silver badge!"

"Would the silver badge walk empty-handed?" The big head touched his beard and said, "These guys must have come to explore the way. Hey hey, there must be a fat sheep behind them!"

"I'm going to cheer up my men. Maybe they will rush!" The old goat immediately pretended to be nervous, and then the two guys laughed at each other.

There are thick tree trunks on the commercial road in the camp. Not to mention that the carriage wants to rush through, people have to trip a few times if they want to run there like this. The tents on both sides of the commercial road are full of black wind shield bandits. At that time, there will be a shield on the left and right, and the long guns and bows and arrows behind will be shot randomly to ensure that the people who rush in will not return!

Heifeng didn't plan to put any car in this robbery! Several caravans in front of them have paid the money to buy roads and were deceived into the camp, and now they have become the property of Heifeng. The poisonous plan set by the old goat was already extinct, and their black wind planned to make a big deal this time!

If all the caravans are intercepted by them, I don't think there will be any caravans that dare to come to Jeddet to do business within four or five years. Although this belongs to the bandit group, the black wind bandits don't care at all. The more they can hit Jadet, the happier they are!

The Black Wind Bandit Group is the largest bandit in the Tianshui River Basin, but no one knows that they are actually the regular army of McGrady in the Tianshui River Basin! Otherwise, which bandit regiment can match swords and shields, spearmen and archers! This time, they dared to block the way to fight against Jaded's economy. For this country rich in gems and armor, McGrady has been greedy for a long time, but the population is only 80,000, and the regular army of less than 10,000 is really unable to directly annex Jaded, so they came up with such a vicious plan to close Jadedt. Drag their economy for a few years, and then invade by force!

Maddie has long heard that the old king of Jadet is old and may not live for a few years, so McGrady also hurried to prepare. A few years later, a faint and dying old man with a group of subjects who are short of supplies is definitely not the opponent of the strong McGrady!

After returning to the camp, several regimental commanders and backbones were called to discuss it together. According to the preliminary test, this group of bandits is indeed large, but the people are not united and the level is low. It should be a miscellaneous army gathered at will.

"The three of us observed the bandits watching the battle and found that some of them were different from other bandits!" Bailos, Ghost and Mantis did not do anything, but they had been staring at the bandits watching the battle in the camp. Some of the bandits in blue and gray showed stronger discipline, and their weapons were relatively uniform and not messy. Even bystanders did not relax at will like other bandits. They have been occupying According to the important position at the gate of the camp, he did not run around.

The ghost also found archers in blue-gray clothes on the hillside beside the camp! Although sporadic archers are not uncommon among mercenaries or bandits, ghosts are sure that there are at least 20 archers on the hillside! They have been monitoring the situation on this side of the checkpoint!

This shows that there must be a more powerful bandit group in this group of bandits! It is not difficult to deal with those miscellaneous troops, but if there is a large bandit group with archers, it is not that simple. There must be strong melee bandits who can have archers. There are only Delis archers on the mainland that do not need protection, because they are good knife hands themselves. If there are archers in other teams If so, there must be melee warriors who are responsible for blocking the enemy. Even a team like the fire lark, the military department allocated four archers for them and also transferred four melee warriors.

"We must find out the situation of this big bandit group, otherwise it will be easy to suffer losses!" Bailos knocked on the table and said, "Let's stop here first. Tomorrow we will continue to investigate. By the way, let's see if we can concentrate more mercenaries. If we can reach 200 mercenaries, we will not be afraid of the mob in front of us!"

"Sir, shall I catch a tongue at night?" The ghost volunteered to say, "I'm going to grab a few gray clothes and come back. Will it be clear when I ask?"

"Can you do it?" Bei Beier frowned and said, in terms of age, the ghost is the youngest. It is not a simple job to catch the tongue. If there is a little difference, it will be life-threatening.

"Hey, if he can't do it, no one can do it," the mantis whispered with a smile, "This child is like a shadow in the woods. It shouldn't be a problem to catch a tongue."

"Well, go and try it tonight. If it doesn't work, come back immediately. It's better than show off!" Berlos pondered for a moment.

"Yes!" The ghost nodded with a smile and agreed that it was not easy to catch a man in the woods. Even Ritternas of the elves had been captured alive by him. No matter how alert these bandits were, they could not compare with the forest elves.