Kaeus's chess game

150 chase and kill

"I'm the eldest prince of Jester!" One sentence stunned everyone around. The businessmen present did not know that this little nobleman was Jaded's royal family! And the clever mercenaries such as Berlos, Mosey and Lymisha have begun to frown as if they had guessed something.

After Silestor showed the ring of the imperial family emblem to everyone, everyone believed his words, and no one on this continent dared to pretend to be the prince.

In addition to the four empires, there are hundreds of small countries scattered on this vast land. They either rely on the four empires as ministers or live in the cracks of various empires, but they still form the largest alliance of the mainland: the royal family!

Although this continent has not been unified for thousands of years, it has always been controlled by the royal family! All the power to challenge the royal family will be hit by the whole continent, not to mention that some people dare to pretend to be the children of the royal family.

"I suspect that the previous Maddie people were found by my second brother Bridget. His purpose should be to trap me..." Xileste's words hit everyone present like a lightning. Whether it was a mercenary or a businessman, everyone's face became ugly.

The affairs of the royal family are not something that outsiders can participate in. A little difference is a disaster of extermination. What Silester said also involves the battle for the throne. Naturally, these outsiders look ugly. Who would have thought that they would be so unlucky and be involved in the whirlpool of the two princes for no reason.

"There is only one way now. Let's clean up and return as soon as tomorrow dawn. These Maddie and bandits dare not approach the town of Jadet. At that time, I can ask my father to send a large army to sweep these shameless McGrady bandits!" Silester patted the table and said.

Several businessmen in the tent agreed bitterly, and there were even more panic in their hearts. Originally, they were just here to do serious business, but now they still have to run for their lives. The merchants dispersed first and went to pack up and prepare. They also know that if the other party really wants to catch the eldest prince, they will not easily let go of their caravan.

Bailos and others are full of sad faces. If the other party really knows that there is a royal family that is still insisting on fighting, this must be a way to go dark. Everyone present is the target of the other party's robbery, so the mercenaries will definitely face a bitter battle!

"The four brothers on duty are missing!" The old goat's face was tight, and the fire flashed like a dehydrated old zombie.

Where is the brother? When did you find it?" The big man put down the wine glass in his hand and asked anxiously.

It's a secret thing to dress up as a bandit to cut off the road. If the Jedettes know that it's McGrady, they will definitely not sit idly by! In the eyes of the Maddie people, Jedt was a sleeping elephant, but once he woke it up, he couldn't resist it with his brute force.

"It was the brother who was in charge of the vigil on the mountain. The person who went to change shifts in the middle of the night found that four people in one post had disappeared." The old goat touched his beard and said, "It is reasonable that they will definitely not run away by themselves, but there are all their own people nearby, and no one can take four people away silently! I asked the people on duty in the first half of the night, and they all said that there was a time when wild wolves were fighting around there. Everyone was looking at the wolves, so they didn't notice whether anyone attacked that post.

"Do you think it was done by those mercenaries today?" The big boss frowned and asked.

"Well, it's very likely that they are good at it, but I can't think of any method they used to quietly capture four people." The old goat also frowned. He wanted to break his head and couldn't think of any way to make the four strictly trained soldiers disappear without even issuing a warning.

"Send a team out to investigate along the commercial road. If there is a caravan stationed, monitor it for me. If they run away, they will chase them immediately!" The big man thought for a moment and ordered, "Send another squadron for me to investigate. If those mercenaries did it, they must have broken through the camp and must not let them run out!"

"I have sent a squadron on both sides. I think we should prepare first. No matter where we find the trace, we should attack immediately. I don't think this news should be leaked, otherwise it will have a great impact on the empire's plan!" The old goat thief's slippery eyes turned again: "If the caravan escapes overnight, we may encounter a lot of mercenaries, and then there will be a big war..."

"Hey, how can those idle mercenaries be the opponents of the imperial army!" The big owner smiled and began to put on his armor: "Damn, don't sleep. I'll go to the whole team. If you find anything, attack immediately!"

The slight panic on the side of the caravan attracted the attention of Wendebans. Looking at the businessmen sorting out the carriage in a panic, Wendebanls smelled a trace of tension.

"Is the opportunity coming?" Wendebans immediately put on his armor, which was temporarily transformed by Bridget's craftsman with military full-length armor. Although it was a little cumbersome, it gave the best cover for the black elf. After wearing it, Wendebaners was like putting it into an tin can, and no one could see his original appearance.

The caravan and bandits didn't sleep this night. On the one hand, they were ready to escape, and on the other hand, they were also preparing to pursue.

When his men reported in the early morning that the caravan had begun to leave, the big owner immediately took the black wind bandits to chase and kill them, while other miscellaneous bandits were left in the camp, and the McGrady people also concealed their identities from the bandits.

"They caught up!" Belos said to Beier, "Keep running with your people, and we'll give you a break!"

Beber pulled out her sword and said, "I'm also a samurai. Let the businessmen run. We will stop them with you!"

"Bullshit!" Bailos suddenly stared and said, "Run away with your group of women! This time it's the regular army, and we won't stop it for long. Why are you filling in the mess?"

"You're talking nonsense!" Beier came up angrily and said rudely, "My second-level silver badge is also spelled. Why do you look down on our fire lark?"

Mose saw that Bebeer's temper was offended again and quickly came up to dissuade him: "You'd better stop arguing! Your fire lark will continue to run back with the caravan first, and we will stop it and chase you! Don't worry, our team won't fight with the troops..."

"Go ahead and find a place to guard and wait for us. We are not opponents of the army on the commercial road. We can only find a favorable terrain to stick to it for a living!" Bailos looked at his sister and was helpless for a while. If he swive his ability to come to his flame fighter regiment, they were all good, but this time he chased a unit. With a matching impact formation, the flame fighter could not resist it. However, if he did not take someone to intercept him, he would directly be caught up with the army. Then you don't have the ability to counterrate at all.

Beier frowned and immediately understood the key. She stamped her foot and immediately greeted the fire lark to speed up. She also came out of the army and knew that a position that could be held on at this time was everyone's hope for survival.

"I'll wait for you in front!" Beber looked into Bailos' eyes and said, "Run faster later!"

Berlos snorted and turned around and looked at the distance without squeaking any more. Beber said to Mocer, "Be careful!" and continued to run forward with the caravan with his swords on his back.