Kaeus's chess game

159 entangled dark arrow

Agui saw from afar that these bandits were not as easy to manage as the McGrady people. If they hit more, they would easily collapse. The McGrady people were ready, but these robbers were still careless. It seemed that they had a new target.

Gangsas collected his team and walked in the middle of the brigade. From time to time, he secretly looked at the black wind group and made up his mind to follow the footsteps of the black wind group.

A group of babpies surpassed them. The thin monkey-like leader waved to Gansas, and Gangsas also smiled kindly. This boy was a pervert, from 80 to seven or eight years old. As long as he was a woman, he would not let go. Looking at the small body with energy, Gangsas really looked forward to it. The boy died early.

There are also rules for bandits, such as leaving only goods and not killing merchants, or letting the caravan go alive after collecting money. Gangsas is a traditional bandit, so he doesn't like the practice of black wind in his heart, but he has no choice but to listen to anyone with a big fist in the bandit industry. Now if you don't follow the black wind, you have to do it now. Don't expect to gain. This guy stopped the commercial road with 100 people, and a carriage didn't let go. Other bandits don't expect to gain anything if they don't follow him.

And the thin monkey who specializes in harming women is also the kind of unruly bandit. As long as the caravan caught by him, men may still have a way to survive, but women will die. It is people like them who have caused the reputation of bandits to the extreme. There used to be any chivalrous thieves, but now when people hear about bandits, they are light.

Another group of bandits strode over Gangsas' team, but Gangsas still walked slowly with his men. The black wind ball was not in a hurry. What are you little shrimps running forward in a hurry?

The bandits rushed forward one by one. Suddenly, Gangsas heard a noise, and the thin monkey was actually killed!

An ordinary white feather arrow stuck horizontally on the head of the thin monkey. No one saw who put the arrow. His men rushed into the woods for a long time but didn't even see a shadow. The assassin disappeared like air.

On the next journey, the cold arrows have been pestering the bandits like flies. Some were convenient to go to the woods. As soon as they took off their trousers, they were hit by an arrow. Some were chatting with friends and were hit by an arrow as soon as they turned around. The most annoying thing was that the assassin was very good at hiding. The bandits rushed into the woods several times, except for dropping a few more corpses. Outside the body, most people have not even seen the shadow of the archer.

"He must be so entangled to disperse us, which means that the team has not gone far!" The boss said to the leaders at lunch, "I don't know what good things this caravan brought to make such a master work so hard..."

"What kind of guards does this caravan have besides this assassin?" Gangsas took a sip of Qingquan and asked. Because he didn't bring any wine, everyone could only drink some spring water to quench their thirst.

"There are still 20 or 30 mercenaries. Although they are powerful, it is not difficult to solve. We fought with them yesterday and killed several of them!" The big head said while tearing the barbecue. He said a lot. In terms of single ability, his men are not the opponents of that group of mercenaries, so I don't know how many people will die if these bandits who don't know how to cooperate will die.

"So the real trouble is to follow us as an assassin," several leaders discussed together: "Why don't we organize a group of good trackers to deal with him? Even if we can't kill him, he will drive him far away, so that he won't get entangled with us."

"Yes, his grandma, this boy killed more than a dozen of our brothers in the morning. Look at now, everyone is like mice, and they even have to hold a shield when it's convenient!" A leader said angrily.

"Well, it makes sense. This boy is so annoying that everyone is worried all the way." The boss also nodded in agreement.

"I have a hunter with a strong tracking ability. He can find all the birds and beasts in the mountains." A leader immediately recommended a man out.

"I also have two good hands. The arrows are accurate, and I can be sent out to chase him!"

"I have a subordinate who has worked as a scout, and he is also good at reconnaissance and tracking..."

In a short time, everyone came up a seven-person chase team, and even Gangsas did not hide his own, and recommended the knifeman who ran very fast. Everyone can be seen by the black wind, and their subordinates are naturally a little talented. This time, they are all for the sake of their lives, but they have all spent a lot of effort.

After lunch, the seven people were called to the front of the big boss. Their bosses sat around and looked at these elite men, with a burst of pride in their eyes from time to time. These seven people can be said to be the essence of more than 100 bandits. When they cooperate, they may not be better than seven silver badge mercenaries.

The hunter grew up in the mountains. Later, he hid in the mountains to become a bandit because he killed people. Except for him, who was an ordinary farmer, the other six people were murderers or deserters who ran out of various troops.

"The seven of you now form a killing team to deal with the guy who fired cold arrows. As long as you catch him or kill him, I will personally offer you a part from the harvest when I come back!" The big boss waved his big hand and directly promised an empty reward. In fact, he didn't know how many goods there were, but it was definitely not a cheap thing that could be protected by the master, otherwise who would have worked so stupidly.

Although the seven people are different in appearance, the same expression flashed in their eyes after hearing the words of the big master: greed!

Kill a person can get a good harvest, which is a lot of money for them, the low-level bandits! So the seven people went out with their weapons without saying a word, looking forward to the assassin's attack again to hunt down.

Agui sat leisurely on the tree and looked at the robbers on the commercial road. These guys have learned to be traitors. Now everyone is holding a shield or weapon. As long as they shoot a little slower, they may not be able to shoot them.

However, Agui is not too worried. Such bandits are of poor level and their discipline is loose. If they arrive at the commercial road hanging halfway, they can be completely blocked by the hands of the Flame Fighter Group.

The most troublesome thing is the group of Maddie soldiers. Their shield and long gun battle array is very suitable for charging, which will definitely bring a lot of trouble at that time.

The head of McGrady is now hiding deeper. Not only does the knife not leave his hand, but he always has three swords and shields around him. Wherever this guy stands, the three swords and shields immediately blocked his left and right and behind him, so that the ghost has not found a chance to do it for a long time.

At this time, the ghost couldn't help complaining about the elf archer who ran away. With his cooperation, even if he couldn't kill McGrady's head, he could shoot several bandit heads, but now his continuous harassment with one bow is not ideal.

It is a waste of time and opportunity to shoot some low-level bandits, but important people are well protected, and the helpless ghosts can only practice these small fish and shrimps to crack down on the morale of the bandits.

Agui threw away the fruit in his hand, wiped his hands on his clothes, took out the 40-stone strong bow, put on an arrow, and slowly looked for the target.

Amman, the figure of a thief's head and thief's brain attracted the attention of the ghost. Although many bandits were always coaxed, the boy used the people around him to cover up and peek into the woods, which suddenly attracted the eyes of the ghost.

"What are you doing?" The ghost said to himself gently, and the arrow in his hand immediately followed the obscene figure.

This is a member of the seven-person hunting team. He is a fast knife player. Several people may not get close to him with a single knife. This time, the head of the black wind gave him a heavy prize to let them chase and kill the assassin. Naturally, he should look for it more carefully.

The fast knifeman used to be an infantryman and had not received much reconnaissance training. This time, after undertaking the task of chasing and killing, he couldn't help but become sneaky. The seven of them had dispersed into the brigade, waiting for the assassin to show his feet.

The fast knifeman looked around and didn't see anything for a long time. He couldn't help but feel a little discouraged, but he didn't know that the ghost had stared at him at this time, because everyone was carrying a guy who could stop him, and the boy was arrogant and turned around with a single knife, which naturally stood out.

"You are quite confident in the knife. OK, let me see how fast your knife is!" The ghost suddenly held his breath, and the strong bow was almost pulled to the end, and the white feather arrow shot out of the tree in an instant!