Kaeus's chess game

166 reinforcements

"Haha, I didn't expect you to end up in our hands. I'm sorry, brother. At that time, our brother can only exchange you for a reward." One thief sat next to him with a knife and smiled, and the other also laughed.

"Yes, I killed all the powerful people, and finally let you pick up a bargain," A Guizhu slowly stood up with a wooden crystal core, "Thank you for sending me this way. Now it's time for you to go on the road..."

"What did you say!" When the two bandits heard that the nonsense was wrong, they immediately stepped back a few steps and pulled out the knife and said fiercely, "Your boy will be uncomfortable with a broken stick, and then talk nonsense about me to cut you!"

"Ha ha, broken stick?" Agui pricked the wooden crystal core to the ground with both hands, and then broke the rattan rope and pulled out the ranger knife from the wood crystal core like a trick: "Come on, let me see how you cut me?"

"I'll go to you!" As soon as the robber saw the ghost breaking away from the rattan rope and getting a knife, he cursed and cut it down. Another bandit also bowed his head and stabbed the ghost in the stomach from below.

Unfortunately, their speed was too slow in the eyes of the ghost. The two only felt a flash of silver in front of them, and then their hands flew out with a knife in their hands. They didn't even see how the ghost took action.

"Ah~~" There were two howls, and the two bandits turned pale with pain in broken wrists, but before they could speak, the ghost waved their arms again, and the two fell to the ground.

Hi~ The ghost sighed and shook his head. The two guys were not at the same level as the others, and they didn't know why they chased after them. He took their quiver from the two people, each with 20 or 30 arrows. As for their bows were too light, the ghost was not interested at all.

The quality of these dozens of arrows is much better than those ordinary goods. The ghost threw it into the wood crystal core and turned to walk up the slope. He has left the bandits for a day and a night, and he doesn't know how the previous battle is.

The Flame Fighters had retreated to the third line of defense at this time. Last night, the fierce attack of the bandits forced them to give up the second line of defense. Those McGrady still didn't invest too much. Bailos judged that they wanted to pursue themselves with all their strength after opening up this mountain road, and then give full play to their advantage in a spacious place.

Unfortunately, McGrady's plan did not come true. At noon, the battle on the mountain road stopped, because support finally came from behind the Flame Fighter Regiment, and 70 or 80 mercenaries led by the golden fox Kosnolt rushed to the mountain road.

After the harvest, Kosnolt played with his lover for two days before leaving, so he also left two days later than the Flame Fighters, so when Guern went back to find someone, he quickly met him. After listening to Guern's description, Kosnolt rushed back with him and organized mercenaries while intercepting the caravan. There was gold The gold-lettered sign of the fire lion with the badge, the mercenaries on the road gave Kosnort this face. In one day, they intercepted four follow-up caravans and organized 70 or 80 mercenaries to support the Flame Fighters.

When the bandits saw that the mercenaries had strong support, they naturally did not want to rush forward. They also learned to make a position on the mountain road, and the two groups actually confronted each other across half of the mountain road.

Berlos found an opportunity to tell Kosnolt about the Maddie people and see if there is any way for the talented students of this military academy to solve the current predicament.

"Jedette's second prince will not be so stupid," Kosnolt said confidently, "No matter how bold the Maddie people are, they dare not participate in royal affairs, otherwise a omission that awaits them is the destruction of the country! Without saying that, he gathered so many bandits to intercept the prince. Ha ha, unless they have a way to silence everyone, this matter will be leaked sooner or later.

"You mean this is not manipulated by the second brother?" Sirister asked doubtfully.

"Ha ha, your brother won't be so fanciful even if he has the intention to get you down. Isn't it obvious to tell others what's going on?" Cosnolt glanced at Silester and whispered, "Your brother has the intention to kill you, and he can't use such a stupid way to find other troops. , still intercepting the business road? Can this be kept secret like this?"

I also believed what Costolt said. Even if the second brother wanted this throne, he could not be so careless. This matter leaked a little. Even if he was really killed, he would not escape the fate of exile.

"Why did the Maddie do this?" Silester was confused again: "They have a good relationship with our country."

"Repress! Weakening! Strike! If they really cut off the business road, it will be a heavy blow to Jeddet. Maybe your good neighbor has some other ideas," Kosnolt said with a smile: "Of course, it is not ruled out that some officers are too greedy to bring troops to grab red goods."

"This...this..." Silester suddenly had no idea. He never thought that his good neighbor would be evil. What else would it do to them to suppress and weaken Jadet? It's nothing more than grabbing territory.

Clester is just a prince who likes to do business, and he doesn't know how to deal with national affairs.

"Ha," it's interesting to look at a heir to the throne at a loss, but he didn't embarrasce Xi Lester too much and said with a smile, "But thanks to you, you can't imagine that you will have a day to solve the McGratic conspiracy, right?"

"Me?" Sirister was stunned for a moment, and then immediately raised his chest and asked, "What do you need me to do?" Wang Jiongjiong looked at Knolt as if he were a warrior waiting for orders. Knolt even suspected that if he needed him to go out to kill the enemy, the simple boy would immediately rush out with his sword.

"You don't have to do anything, just borrow your royal emblem." Knolt looked at Silestor with a smile and thought to himself: Although this boy is young, he is not bad and worth knowing.

"This is no problem, but what will you do next?" Silester took out a palm-sized pure gold badge from his arms, which is his royal emblem and his private seal, which is clearly marked with the words of Prince Silester in the common language.

There is also a small seal, which is the ring in his hand. Unfortunately, it is too small to be recognized by carefully.

Xnort immediately found someone to write two documents, one of which exposed that the Maddie pretended to be bandits and looted around. This time, he simply cut off the business road and threatened Jedett's business, and even had the possibility to shake the economy of Jedt's country. The other was simply a statement to tell the other party Jedett. The eldest prince is opposite!

After both documents were stamped with the emblem of Sileste, the documents revealing that the Maddi people were immediately returned to the Kingdom of Jedt and handed over to the king to win a good comment for Sileste. The other one simply shot at the opposite side with a bow and arrow to let the bandits know what a stupid thing they were doing!

"Ha ha, now it's time for the other party to be in chaos. That black wind is in charge. It depends on how you fight this battle!" Knolt looked at the bandits on the other side of the mountain road and said with a smile.

The bandits did not know that there was a prince of Jedette on the opposite side. Not to mention chasing and killing such a character, even if he stood on the mountain road, the bandits did not dare to add swords to him. This person can represent a country and even the royal family of the whole continent!

It's simply looking for death to move him. It's better to wipe your neck!

As soon as they saw the documents and badges shot by the other party, the bandits immediately became chaotic. Several leaders immediately took the documents to go to the head of Heifeng. If they knew that there was a Prince Jaded on the opposite side and still asked everyone to chase them, this black wind would simply push everyone into the fire pit!

"What do you think is the head of the black wind? The opposite is a prince. Isn't it challenging a country if we attack again? Later, they will definitely lead troops to hunt us down!" A leader asked in panic.

The head of Heifeng was also dumbfounded with the documents. He thought it was just an ordinary mercenary caravan that accidentally found his identity. How could he think that the other party was actually a true prince? Looking at this badge mark, he was actually the first successor of Jadet!

"No wonder these mercenaries are so powerful. It turned out to protect the prince," the head of Heifeng thought to himself: "The other party has known about cutting off the business road. I guess the other party also knows the secret that he is a Maddie. Now he can't continue to fight, so he can only withdraw and plan again."

"Ah, cough!" The big boss coughed and stopped the noisy discussion below. He frowned and said thoughtfully, "No one expected that the opposite side was the prince of Jadet. It seems that we can't swallow this batch of red goods. I think we should immediately retreat into the mountains before Jedd's troops, and wait for the wind to come here again. Hunting!"

"Hey, that's the only way..." Gangsas shook his head regretfully below. This time, he really lost money. He threw a few hands for nothing but didn't get anything.

The charge and escaped in the front was his style. Now that this is the case, he immediately decided to take people away overnight. It would be dangerous to stay any longer...