Kaeus's chess game

179 big*

The bald Qiang stretched out his hand and took out a bow string from the box next to him and gave it to the ghost and said, "If you are not in a hurry, don't buy arrows yet. If you use a strong bow of 70 stones in the future, you need to use better arrows. When the bow is finished, I will prepare a few for you to try, which is absolutely afraid of!"

"Oc, it's up to you!" Agui took the bow string and agreed with a smile.

The bald man looked at the old man who was greeting guests in front of him, and then whispered to the ghost, "Hey, brother, do you want to see something good?"

"What's good?" A Gui asked with a smile. He found that this big bald head with a rough appearance was actually as simple as a child. Maybe it was the reason why he hit the iron in the back all year round. He was not stained with the oily and treachery of adults at all.

"Come on, come with me. I'll take you to see something good!" The bald Qiang pulled the ghost from the side door and walked back to the backyard. After opening a small room, the bald Qiang walked in and lit the light inside. He turned around and said, "Brother, sit down casually. This is my brother's kennel. Ha ha, wait, I'll get it for you."

Agui took a brief look. Here is a table and a bed. It turned out to be a place where the bald man rests. He struggled to drag out an iron box from under the bed and pulled it to the edge of the table and opened it suddenly.

The cold light shines everywhere, and it makes people feel a little cold when illuminated by the oil lamp. This box is still a weapon, but unlike those in the front hall, these are all old guys collected by bald heads, all of which are ancient weapons that have seen blood.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to have this hobby!" As soon as the ghost saw these polished old guys, he immediately thought of the old viscount Grean and the old weapons in his room.

"Oh, do you like it too?" The big bald man's eyes lit up and asked with a smile.

"Of course I like it," the ghost smiled and picked up an old-fashioned dagger and played with it. "I also know a place where there is an old guy in a room."

Is that right? Where is it?" The bald-headed Qiang's eyes are brighter, and his favorite is old weapons and wine.

"There is a passing old viscount in Grean. There is a room in his castle full of such old weapons. The old viscount likes to study them when he is alive."

The bald Qiang was a little disappointed when he heard it: "Oh, if the old viscount is alive, I can visit him, but now I don't know if his descendants will let me go to see it."

"Haha, he still owes me money. I'll ask you when," the ghost said with a smile, and then turned his eyes to the things in the box.

The bald Qiang smiled and turned his eyes to his baby; "Look, this is a barbarian's fist, but it's a rare thing!"

Agui took over the big leather trap, and he didn't know how much blood had been stained on the rusty nails on the back of his fist. He tried to put his hand in before he said in surprise, "Good boy, how big is this barbarian's fist!"

"My old man said that barbarians are usually similar to the figure of the Riga people, but they will have a kind of madness secret. After madness, their bodies can swell more than double, and their power is like beasts!" The bald Qiang took the boxing gloves and said in his hand, "Their skin is made of water rhinoceros, which is very flexible. It is estimated that the fist will become much bigger after the barbarians are crazy. Ha ha, a big fist like a wine jar is so scary!"

"But now the barbarians are extinct. I heard that there are still some mad warriors on the mainland who are the blood of barbarians, but they can't completely transform like barbarians." The bald man put the big fist on the table, reached out and picked up a long knife and handed it to the ghost: "Brother, look at it. This is my favorite."

"Good boy, what is this thing made of? So heavy!" Agui took over his hand and couldn't help sinking. The long knife looked like a narrow iron plate. The hard shape did not have the curvature on the knife at all. The grip of both hands was a little long. After holding it with both hands, there was a kind of pride of splitting mountains and seas. The most strange thing was the weight of this guy, which didn't look too long. The knife weighs more than 40 catties! It's almost as heavy as a sledgehammer.

"This is made of pure steel-filled copper, which was created by Glen and Deliss during the battle*! Looking at the steel mouth, I bet it must have been melted by a fire magician. This guy's leg is like cutting firewood. Look, there are no big scars on it. The bald Qiang pointed to the sharp edge of the long knife and made a professional comment, and then patted the body of the knife and said, "This guy is filled with cooked copper, so he can't cut it even if he wiezes it!"

"Ha ha, it suits you very well. You are such a big man, you must be very majestic to play this *!" The ghost said with a smile.

"Of course, I just think it's a good match," the bald man took * and wiped it away. "Let me tell you, if I don't work as a blacksmith to be a warrior, I must build a * with, those single knives and thin swords and so on, and I'll be a knife! Split them all in half! Hahaha..." The big bald man said and laughed, as if he was already a senior warrior all over the world.

After laughing for a while, the bald-headed Qiang put * on the table and said to Agui, "Brother, I have been trying to build * for several years, but unfortunately, without the help of a senior fire mage, I can't melt high-purity steel, so I can't make such a long and hard knife."

"Isn't that Pei Jieluo a fire mage? "There's nothing he can do?"

"Hey, Uncle Pei Jieluo, stop talking about it. The sixty- or 70-year-old man has always stayed at the level of a junior mage. He can adjust the fire to extremely high heat for easy refining, but he wants to reach the level of melting iron into steel, but he has no choice." The big bald head looked at the oil lamp and sighed, "If a senior fire mage can help in the store, the quality of our hammer weapons will definitely be better!"

"You also want a senior fire mage to come to your store to burn the fire, haha, don't be funny..." A Gui laughed.

"Haha, yes, we can't invite those noble magicians, let alone let others show us the stove, hahaha" bald Qiang also laughed, which is a private joke. If the magician really hears, it will inevitably be troublesome.

After playing with his pile of 'rags' in the bald-headed room for a while, the two went to the corridor to wake up the three young mercenaries who had slept for a long time, and everyone left the hammer weapons store.

The bowstring bald man doesn't charge money for anything, even if it is given to the ghost, but the boy also has a little eyes and requires that if the ghost comes to build weapons in the future, he can watch. Naturally, this matter has the ghost's permission.

Back in the arena, several guys washed and went to bed. The ghost took out the ranger knife and played with it for a while to make sure that there was no problem. Then he lay down on his ** by the window and put Alu's silver statue in the window to let her see the moonlight. As soon as the ghost closed his eyes, he and A Lu chatted with his spirit.

"Aru, I found that it was very laborious to repair the silver knife today. Didn't you say that my mental strength was already strong?"

"Your mental strength is indeed very powerful, even to the point of being horrible, but you can't use it, just like a child turning a sledgehammer to strike iron. You can't swing that sledgehammer at all!"

"What should I do? I can only feel this spiritual power when I use the techniques of the steel clan, and I don't know any other methods.

"Didn't you make an appointment with others to strike iron? You use that method that can control metal when you strike iron to constantly exercise your own spiritual power. You should know that spiritual power can only be proficient if you keep using it. It's like exercise and needs to develop step by step."

"Then how long will it take for your mental strength to work?"

"Ha, since I was sensible, I haven't stopped every day. I don't know how many years have passed now, but I have been using my spirit, as naturally as you breathe..."

"Good guy, use your spiritual power as naturally as breathing, so I'd better start with hitting the iron..." The ghost looked at the sky, and the purple light in his eyes was far away from the starry sky.