Kaeus's chess game

200 Healing

In the ghost's room, Cusdino, Schmitt and Casbak watched the ghost heal himself. He took out a little herbal medicine brought from the hermit from the wood crystal core and chewed it into the bucket. Cudino helped him pour the fresh water into it, and then several people gritted their teeth and looked at him. The ghost inserted the bloody hands in and slowly washed them.

"Can you do this? Why don't I call the sacrifice?" It's really worried to watch the ghost deal with the wound like this. The hand is the most important organ of the samurai. If there is any damage, it will be too dangerous.

Although the ghost's face turned white with pain, he still shook his head and said, "It's okay. This is the local method of my hometown. It's very useful for such a wound... Oh, it's fucking painful..."

Xdino looked at each other and shook their heads gently. They also saw the ghost's hand just now. The right hand could even see the white finger bones. I really don't know what the boy's nerves are made of. They actually insisted on not letting sacrifices be treated instead of washing them by themselves.

In fact, the ghost didn't want to tell them that he saw a sacrifice in the Great Cullen City of the grassland with his own eyes, but although the bright magic can take over the hand smoothly, it does not deal with the wound, which will inevitably leave a lot of unnecessary hidden dangers. The ghost's hands are the foundation of all martial arts. Naturally, he is much more expensive, so he simply disinfects with herbs, washes the wound and simply wraps it up. It is estimated that with his recovery ability, he will be fine in a few days.

After washing, the other three helped him wrap his hands with clean linen before going to bed separately. Everyone was very envious of the achievements made by the ghost today, but when they saw his hands hurt like this, they couldn't help admiring the ghost's efforts.

Several guys asked about cutting the boulder's neck for a long time. The ghost just excused and said that he had a blade in his hand at the last time and punched him before cutting his neck.

The next day, at dawn, Bailos came to check the ghost's injury. After confirming that there was nothing serious, he told him to take more rest. He turned around and caught the three little boy outside to practice. In the afternoon, the ghost, who had nothing to do, slipped to the backyard of the hammer and sat in the corridor watching old Berlos teach the bald head steelmaking.

This time, the bald-headed Qiang finally doesn't have to hammer the iron billet bought at a high price before, but honestly follows old Albert to learn how to refine the refined iron embryo into a coarse steel embryo. Old Albert patted his chest and promised that the coarse steel embryo refined by the hammer itself would be at least twice as good as that purchased from outside!

"Hey, ghost brother, why did you do this? Is it serious?" During the break, Touqiang quickly came to ask, looking at the ghost's dressing, which seemed to be very serious.

"Ha ha, it's okay. I participated in a fight and was slightly injured..." A Gui said and moved his finger slightly in front of the bald Qiang. "You see, it's all skin trauma. Just recuperate." After one night, the ghost could feel that his hands had recovered a lot, at least he had not bleed out.

"Hey, brother, why don't you come to our hammer and always participate in any fight? It's dangerous for your little body to fight and kill every day." The bald man said with concern, "If you come to play iron for a few years, you will be as strong as a calf. At that time, it would be great if you go to the arena..."

A ghost was amused by the bald-headed words. He is an agile warrior. If he is really as strong as a calf, I don't know if he can launch shadows to overlap.

"Oh, that's right," the bald Qiang said like a treasure, "I have discussed it with the old man. My steelmaking assessment is a 70-stone steel bow. Hey hey, it's specially customized according to your figure! You know, with the raw materials you provided, I can now play a slimmer arch, but the strength is not bad at all!"

"Yes, that's great!" The ghost joked and said, "You have to be careful then. Brother, I'm still waiting for this bow."

"Don't worry, I will do it carefully. Ha, besides, my old man is in check it. He knows that this bow is made for you, and he will definitely not relax me! I guess it's time to start doing it in a week or two. Maybe your hand will be ready by then, and you can try the bow.

"Okay, then I'll wait." The ghost agreed with a smile. Old Albert attached great importance to the ghost's injury and wanted to personally lead the ghost to find the best sacrifice in the city for healing, but this was rejected by the ghost one. Anyway, he can't beat the iron embryo for the time being. The ghost wandered around the hammer all afternoon and returned to the station.

"Ghost, the guy named Boulder just came to you," Kasback whispered, "Good guy, this man will be strong enough on the field. If he stands in front of him, he will be like a mountain!"

"Why did he come to me?"

"I don't know. He didn't say anything, but he said he would come again in the evening. Be sure to wait for him when you come back." Casbach deliberately curled his lips and said. In fact, he was too scared to speak when he stood in front of the boulder. This big man with solid muscles was really too oppressive.

After leaving the boulder, Casbach has been thinking: 'It seems that I need to eat more. As long as I look like this, I won't scare the other party away without touching it...'

PS: Chapter at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.