Kaeus's chess game

202 Samurai's Paradise

Because both of them were injured, the boulder went back after talking a few words. After putting away the kneading ring, the ghost lay quietly again** and began to shock his spiritual power by himself. Whether it is ironmaking or adjusting before the game, the ghost can feel that the spiritual power can give him a lot of help. It is like a There are endless treasures, and every time you discover them, there will be a lot of fun and novelty.

If the ghost's spiritual sea is a bowl of water, his current ability is at best to blow the starting point ripples on the surface of this bowl of water. The spiritual power plundering from the dragon crystal under the water is like a piece of blue hard ice. No matter how he shakes and controls it, it is motionless and silent.

Even this layer of water-like spiritual power still has an unimaginable effect. With the gentle manipulation and touch of the ghost, the calm spiritual sea finally rippled again. The divine power of life and the divine power of death are like two monitors, neither suppressing nor helping, but quietly hovering slowly in the spiritual sea, but the ghost When the rough control stirs up a little wave of the spirit sea, the soft divine power can always calm it down in an instant. They are like two conscientious teachers quietly protecting the ghost to try to mobilize spiritual power.

The ripples on the spiritual sea are getting bigger and bigger, and the other has gradually risen. As the shocks of the ghosts become more and more frequent, the ripples on the spiritual sea gradually stabilized, forming a fixed ripple shock.

A soft spiritual force seemed to rise from the sea of water, rolling and oozing the sea of spirit through his skull from the ghost's eyebrows and flowing down. Musculos and bones did not block it at all, as if the water and milk were blending.

Agui still remembers that the warm stream of the wound came from the tattoo of the thorn rose on his chest, so this time he specially led this wisp of spiritual power to his chest, and a light blue fog in the ghost's body slowly surrounded the delicate thorn rose.

Although the green natural magic power does not resist the spirit of the ghost, it does not allow it to invade the territory of the thorn rose. The spirit of the ghost has not yet touched the tattoo, and a light green hot current came out of the thorn rose to resist the immersion of the spirit.

There is no fierce collision and no strong counterattack. The light green warm current is like a gentle palm, gently pushing the light blue spiritual power to prevent it from leaning in, like a shy girl gently rejecting the enthusiasm of her favorite man, and sticking to the last territory and always refuses to uncover the mysterious veil.

The ghost has tried this matter several times. His spiritual power can't penetrate into the territory of the thorny rose, and the black sun behind him is even more direct. As soon as he is touched by the spiritual power, it immediately turns into a hard turtle shell. No matter how the spirit of the ghost is washed through, the dark divine power is like a dense metal ball. It's slippery and motionless.

When encountering the light green warm current, the ghost's spiritual power did not forcibly break through. It slowly rotated around the thorn rose, wrapped the warmth into the spiritual power little by little, and then took it directly into his hands and flowed to the injured arm. This warmth has a strong ability to repair, whether it is a torn muscle or It is a cracked skin. As long as the warm current surrounds it, it will become intact in a moment.

Agui considered it when he competed with the boulder. If he can control this warm current, he can secretly heal his wounds even in the fight. Isn't this the best help for himself?

After several attempts, the ghost mastered the current method. Although the efficiency is not as good as the warm current to repair by himself, after all, the ghost is now manipulating it, which is already a great breakthrough!

The injuries to the forearm and wrist were almost healed last night, and they were basically healed by the ghost. For the rest of the time, the ghost constantly used his spiritual power to absorb the natural power of his chest to repair his hands, especially the finger bone, and his right hand was a little too serious this time.

When the few people came back, Agui had repaired 80% of their hands. Everyone said hello and went to bed. Agui took out Alu's silver statue and put it in the window, so that the bright moonlight could shine directly on her, because they communicated directly with their spirit, so several people in the same room have always been I don't know that the ghost has to chat with a thousand-year-old soul every day before going to bed.

"Alu, do you know the mainland warrior? Someone talked to me about them today.

"Samurai? Isn't it just a group of rough men who love to fight? Not long after we set foot on this land, we went to war. You said that this kind of warrior should be the basis for the resistance of mainlanders.

"What did the samurai look like at that time? Do you look like a mercenary?"

"Almost, they are bellicant, rude, and like to shout slogans to charge, but although these people are not as united as the troops, their combat effectiveness is good. Most of the orc combat troops of our demon clan died at their hands..."

Alu was silent and remembered the years of war. Their group of demon elites were constantly being squeezed by the forces of the whole continent, almost thorns. From the demon elites crossed the portal until they finally retreated, the road was paved with corpses, including demons, orcs and humans. , there are also some strange races...

"Do you think about the demon world again?"

"Hehe, yes, although it doesn't make sense to go back now, I still want to go back and see my tribe..."

"I will take you back to have a look when there is a chance. You said that there are also many strong warriors in the demon world, and I will definitely go to trial."

"If you have a chance, you should really go and have a look. There are countless strong and warriors there. It's a paradise for warriors like you who like to fight..."

"Samurai's paradise? If you have a chance, you must go and have a look..."