Kaeus's chess game

001 Fire Lion Mercenary Regiment

The sun is shining, and on the road leading to the gate of Norton, the merchant convoy is three or four miles away. Some smart hawkers shuttled between small baskets woven with light wine and barbecue, bringing a little lonely pastime to these dusty passers-by.

Although everyone was helplessly waiting in line to enter the city, no one complained or was angry. The imperial soldier patrol made everyone know that they were standing in front of the imperial city of the Grand Empire and must line up according to the rules, otherwise thousands of soldiers from the two battalions gathered at the gate would not hesitate to come to suppress it!

Norton City is a famous city in the mainland. Coupled with the villages and barracks that snuggle up to the imperial city, this human settlement has thousands of people, with hundreds of resident residents reaching hundreds of thousands. It is the real political and economic center of the Grand Empire.

On the other side of the caravan is a long human dragon. According to the laws of the Gran Empire, anyone who enters the imperial city must be inspected. Only officials or soldiers with imperial emergency duties are eligible to enjoy the fast lane. Oh, some nobles of the empire will also spend some gold coins to walk through that small door. They have always been A privileged class on the edge of the law.

Coconoro City is not too far from Norton City. After leaving the Flame Fighter Group, he slowly came to the imperial city with the employment certificate of the Fire Lion Regiment. After a long wait, it was finally his turn to pass the inspection.

"Your name and occupation!" A young soldier in leather armor asked.

"Ghost, mercenary!" The ghost said and lit up his silver badge.

"Well, why are you going to the city?" He asked again,

Because the ghost only took a stick like a cane, the soldier also felt that there was no threat to him, so he only looked carefully at the mercenary badge, and then nodded to the clerk next to him to register the name.

"Ha ha, I came to the Fire Lion Mercenary Regiment. I heard that they are recruiting recently..." A Gui replied.

The soldier looked at the plain appearance of the ghost and motioned him to go there, but he still didn't forget to say a few more words: "Don't make trouble after entering the city. Be honest!"

Agui smiled and walked more than 20 steps from the long doorway into the imperial city. Looking along the straight road, he could faintly see the top of the opposite gate in the distance. I really didn't expect that this big city was at least four or five times bigger than the grassland city of Grand Cullen!

The avenue where eight carriages travel in parallel is spacious and neat, and the ground is paved with large blue stones. From time to time, the carriages and knights make a sound of horseshoes and play the rhythm of life in the big city.

Pedestrians walk on both sides of the road, and various restaurants, hotels and shops make both sides of the avenue lively. The signs of various styles dazzle the ghost, and the purple pupils who can observe slightly become unaware of what to pay attention to.

Fortunately, there were many mercenaries wandering on the road, and it was easy for Agui to ask about the fire lion stalls. It turned out that these large mercenary regiments would have a store-like facade in the city, which was specially responsible for receiving customers who came to commission tasks.

"Hey, little brother, what can I do for you?" As soon as the ghost climbed the steps, a mercenary standing by the door asked kindly.

"Oh, I'm here to check in..." The ghost took the employment certificate given to him by Mosey from his arms.

"Well, come in with me..." The mercenary took the ghost through the hall and went straight to the backyard. It turned out that there was a small yard behind each shop. The ghost looked around and looked through the small courtyard. It seemed that even the mercenary regiment with the golden badge did not have much place in the imperial capital. There is not even a playground here.

"This is the station of our team on duty. The brigade is stationed outside the city. Ha ha, it's more convenient to do anything like that." The mercenary said with a smile, and then took the ghost to a small conference room and asked him to wait in it for a while, and someone would receive him immediately.

As soon as the ghost sat for a few minutes, a man named Kaiwei came in and immediately stood up.

"Well, sit down first and I'll ask you a few questions." Kaiwei was a careful man. Looking at the employment letter in his hand, he naturally knew that the boy in front of him was a newcomer transferred from the military department, but the ghost was neither strong nor tall, which made the captain who was used to facing strong men a little confused.

"Your original team is the Flame Fighters, right? Who is the leader?" The two sat down at the table. Keno took out a pen and asked the ghost over and over again what was written on the employment letter. According to the usual practice, he needed to verify the identity of the other party first.

"The leader is Bailos, nicknamed Hell's Three-headed Dog." The ghost said.

"Well, who else do you know in the team?" Kaiwei's mouth hung with a smile. The hell three-headed dog is a celebrity, and the junior officers know him.

"And Guern and Moser, Big Bear, Mantis, Bull and other teammates, I only know the nickname..." A Gui said.

"Well, you also have a nickname, right? What's your name?" Kaiwei continued to ask while recording.

"I'm crazy," the ghost blushed, and this nickname was really bad.

Kevin took a look at the ghost for a while, and then continued to ask, "What is your mercenary level?"

"Second-class silver badge!" The ghost said and handed over his mercenary badge to Kaiwei for inspection.

"Well, that's right, it's not easy for you to get such a badge at your age," Kaiwei wrote down a few more times against the badge, and then asked, "What's your samurai level? What level is it now?"

"Samurai level?" Agui was stunned for a moment. He was playing a leap-level challenge in the arena and didn't know what his level was at all. He could only ask hesitantly, "I don't know what level of warrior I am. How can I determine this?"

There has been no samurai guild on the mainland for a long time, so there is no formal place to test the samurai level. Generally, everyone uses the mercenary level instead of the samurai level. Of course, this is very inaccurate.

"Oh, didn't Burrows say what level of warrior you are?" Kaiwei was stunned for a moment. He estimated that the ghost was at most an intermediate warrior, so he asked in a different way, "Have you ever killed anyone? How many people did you kill?

"I have killed people~" The ghost fell silent, as if he was meditating.

"It's normal to kill people as mercenaries. You don't have to feel uncomfortable..." Kaiwei thought that the ghost was too young and hadn't thought about killing.

"Oh, I'm not uncomfortable. It's because there are too many people to kill. I can't remember how many." Agui smiled and said, "I have to think about it. It seems that there should be more than 50 people..."

Kaiwei looked at the ghost with a cold face. He really couldn't accept the brag in front of him. He had killed 50 people. Do you think you are a butcher? However, he did not scold the ghost on the spot, but wrote a few words on the employment letter and stroked it repeatedly with a pen.

For the little mercenary in front of him, Kaiwei's evaluation is young and peaceful, but he likes to brag. He really can't accept the ghost's answer about the number of killings.

"Well, you stay here for one night first. I need to verify what you said. If there is no problem, someone will take you to the camp tomorrow." After saying that, Kaiwei went out with a cold face and told the mercenaries outside the door to take the ghost to rest.

In the afternoon of the same day, the Mercenary Guild sent a document to the residence of the Flame Fighter Regiment, because there was a mercenary Guild, an organization all over the continent, and the mercenary regiments could also send letters to each other through the guild.