Kaeus's chess game

095 Self-deprecating

The cold north wind blew away the thick clouds, and a bright moon hung high in the dark night sky and scattered silver-white light to the ground. The wind on the ground was big and cold, but Alu was like a milky shadow, sitting quietly on the top of the cedar without any influence. The ghost has fallen asleep in the snow house, and riding the snow deer still affects his internal organs more or less. He needs to sleep to recover.

"I don't know when I will get the body, and I don't know what the demon world looks like now..." Alu sits in the void and looks at the moon above her head. Since she has gained the ability, she is most willing to sit in the void to absorb the essence of the moon, and her biggest dream is to have a real body.

The longer she stays in this world, the more she misses her hometown. Although the environment there is worse than this world, it is the place where Alu grew up. Missing is like old wine. The longer she grows, the stronger it gets.

On the white snow, the ghost was like a flexible swift, skillfully controlling the snowboard to avoid one cedar after another. Alu laughed and followed him closely, leaving a silver bell-like laughter in the woods. It took him a day to get familiar with the snowboard. As long as this thing is well balanced, it is really convenient and labor-saving to use. The speed is just like flying against the ground.

It has been three days since he left Beckman, but this uncle seems to have suddenly chased in the wrong direction. In the past three days, there has been no news at all. Aru has also launched a beast to help find Beckman, but there is no one within ten miles behind him!

Agui didn't know whether he was the second escape from Beckman. Anyway, before he found him again, Agui tried his best to go. With the help of the snowboard, it was faster than riding a horse. It took him another three days to get to meet the Yellow Leaf Brothers under Yunling.

"Mr. Bei came four days ago. He said he had to go first..." Huang Yejiao said to Agui.

"Oh? We have indeed been separated for a few days, and he actually came back first. Did he say anything? Agui is very curious about Beckman's sudden departure. It must not be easy to make a thing that Wu Sheng cares about.

Yellow Leaf Horn shook his head, and Beckman would tell him so much detail that he could tell Beckman a few words that had made Huang Yehorn excited.

"Well, don't worry about him. I'll take the littleViper over Yunling back to the south tomorrow morning. Are your brothers going back to Huangye Town?" Agui asked Huang Yejiao.

Huang Yejiao nodded with some regret and said, "Yes, our brother wanted to learn more from Mr. Bei, but he didn't seem to be interested. It seems that we have missed a good opportunity in vain."

"Brother Bei has encountered something urgent this time, or he won't be in such a hurry to leave, but don't be discouraged. Come out and run more in the future. Maybe you can meet him again sometime."

"Haha, let's not talk about that, Ghost Brother, our brothers are going to have a good drink tonight..." Huang Yejiao is also a cheerful man, patting the ghost on the shoulder and laughing.

Naturally, they will drink Agui's grassland spirits at night. The Huangye brothers are extremely yearning for the vast grassland described by Agui. They plan to go to the grassland after winter, and Agui also made an appointment with the Huangye brothers to stay in Huangye Town for a few days after coming to Riga.

After the day was completely lit, the Agui and the Huang Ye brothers, who had been drinking all night, left the town one after another. The A Gui took the little piper to Yunling, while the Huang Ye brothers returned to the Jeso people.

The gloomy Yunling Mountains are like a sleeping python. The continuous mountains completely separate the hot air in the south from the cold air in the north. When they go up the mountain, the ghosts and the doves still feel wet and cold, but when they climb over the peaks and go down, the temperature gradually gets hot.

Obviously, the mountain people living in Yunling will not embarrass the travelers from Riga, especially the empty-handed poor boy like Agui and Xiao Bai, who look like a poor boy who wants to go out to make a living.

"That's a really dangerous place!" Agui stood on the southern hillside and pointed to the desolate land of flesh and blood and said to the little Viper, "It's a special place. The people living there are fierce and desperate people. They will grab all your things and even kill you!" So when you go down this mountain, the others you meet not only don't trust them, but also try to guard against them!"

"Hey, ghost brother, I remember!" The little dope nodded and said seriously.

"Well, we are empty-handed, and generally they don't pay much attention to it, but remember that you must not get close to people in flesh and blood. These guys are sometimes quite irritable and will go crazy at any time! Let's rest on this mountain today and walk in tomorrow..." The ghost found a flat place to sit down and start to rest. The little vil quickly went to collect firewood.

"Ouch!" The little corpion, who had walked into the bushes, suddenly exclaimed, and the ghost grabbed the wooden crystal core and rushed over.

Behind the bush, the little cilies sat on the ground with a frightened face. Three or five meters in front of him, Sperder's eight pale golden claw feet were tightly tied to the ground. At this time, he was slowly leaning down.

The ghost stopped in front of the little one by a sudden step. He turned the wooden crystal core and looked coldly at Spader with a bronze mask.

"How could it be you?!" Spadel never thought that he was waiting for a ghost after waiting for so long!

"What do you want to do?" There was a strong hostility in the ghost's tone.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. I just want to see if it scared him," Spadel raised his body and stepped back a few steps and said sorryly, "I was in such a hurry just now, and it suddenly scared the child."

When the ghost saw Spadel speaking politely, he asked the little viper behind him softly, "How are you?"

"He suddenly jumped out of the bush just now, which scared me!" Xiao Bai patted his chest and said, "But he doesn't seem to have any malice, or he won't wait for you to come..."

"Are you all right?" Although the ghost spoke to the little cicada, he still stared at Spadel with a stick. He didn't expect to meet this spider man here. It was difficult for the ghost to rest assured of Spadel's extremely aggressive appearance.

"It's okay, I fell down." The little cibit stood up and patted his buttocks. As soon as Spadel came out just now, he was scared. He thought he had met some mutant monster!

"It's okay. Let's pack up and go back!" Then the ghost slowly put down the stick, and the little cilies quickly picked up all the scattered dry wood and followed the ghost back.

"Hey, please wait a minute!" Spadel hesitated for a moment and asked in a low voice, "Are you going back to Glen? Can we go together?"

Agui took a look at Spadel in surprise, hesitated, and finally nodded and said, "We will start crossing the land of flesh and blood tomorrow. If you want to go there, you can also make a companion."

"That's great," Spadel nodded with a smile. "I still have some animal skins over there. I'll pick them up. Let's enter that annoying place together tomorrow."

When the ghost raised the fire, Spadel moved eight big chelibutes and came out of the woods. He carried a large bundle of animal skins, which were all beasts he hunted these days. The meat had been eaten by him, and the skin was just about to be taken back to sell for money.

Since he got in touch with the family, Spadel has become the money-making machine of the Willis family. He can no longer bring glory to the family with his identity of Fanso, so he uses the body of this big spider to get as many gold coins as possible to the family. If a small family wants to prosper, gold coins are a very important foundation, so Spedel's He has always regarded the prosperity of the Willis family as his goal.

If he hadn't suddenly received the irresistible order, he would still be gambling and making money in the arena.

"These two leopard skins for you to keep out the cold," Spadel said, generously pulling out the two softest leopard skins from the animal skin bag and throwing them to the ghost and the little snake.

"Do you drink? I still have some wine and meat here. Come and eat some together," Agui said and took out some wine and meat from the wood crystal core. Of course, what he took out this time was all the wine bought from the Jusifang Restaurant. Although it is not as good as the grassland spirits, it is much better than the local barbecue in Riga.

Spadel hasn't had a decent meal for a long time. As soon as he heard that there was wine and meat here, he quickly went to the fire and sat down.

Agui handed him a jar of wine, and then asked curiously, "The last time we met was in Conoro. What are you doing here?"

Spider drank several sips of wine, then looked at the ghost and said with a smile, "If I said I was chasing you, do you believe it?"

"Why are you chasing me? I don't have many gold coins on me. The ghost's eyes lit up, and he and this big spider monster can be said to have a lot of grudges.

"Hey, let's not beat around," Spadel put down the wine jar and looked at the ghost solemnly and said, "I think you also recognize who I am. That time I was almost eaten by some spider god in the black elf's territory, but later I didn't know why, but it was eaten by me..."

Seeing the surprised expression of the ghost and the little viper, Spadel pointed to his head with a smile, "It's not eaten by mouth, but by spiritual devouring. I got a lot of benefits after devouring its spiritual power, but it has also been affected a lot. At least I'm like this now, and I can't be a noble mage anymore.

Agui looked at Spadel's huge curled feet and naturally understood his difficulties. With this visual impactful appearance, people will definitely regard him as a monster.

"But it's nothing. If you get it, you will lose it." Spader poured a few more mouthfuls of wine, burped comfortably, and then continued to say, "Recently, I've developed this body to improve. Look, I'm about to become a big golden spider now, hahaha..." He smiled and stretched out his front foot and shook. Continuing, against the firelight, the huge claw feet exude a faint golden color, like a heavy metal spear used by knights!

After putting down his legs, Spadel put away his laughing expression and began to be really serious. "The last time we met in Conoro, I improved it again. This time, not only has my ability has been greatly improved, but I also got a very important message." Spader's eyes flashed at the ghost.