Kaeus's chess game

110 Emilia

"In order to celebrate our fight again, I'll treat you. Let's have a meal together." After putting away his luggage, Silester took the initiative to ask Kosnolt to drink. The business-good prince ran to Gran and didn't even bring a servant, and his luggage was still carried by Agui.

According to Silestor, first of all, he doesn't want to be known about his whereabouts, and now his men are either stationed in the new territory to manage people's livelihood or connect business between various chambers of commerce in the mainland, so the eldest prince can only run to Gran alone to try his luck. If he hadn't met Kosnolt, he would have to go to the Fire Lion office to hire a few people. After all, there were all the people who came this time, and one person would suffer a lot.

Silester and Kosnort are also familiar with ghosts, so they both took the ghosts to sit together during the meal. They are also a few years older than ghosts. Kosnort has been living in mercenaries, and there is not much superiority or inferiority at all. Although Silester is a prince, he has been working on the mainland in recent years. Many times he is more like a businessman.

The price of restaurants in the rich area is not cheap, but Silestor still ordered a few big dishes boldly. Although Affinalius's expedition made Jadedette a little isolated, it did bring Jadedette's national strength to a large piece. The centuries-old collection of Cannon and McGrady alone made Jadedette's treasury large. It's enriched.

Silestor has always liked business, and this time he is more active in business dealings. Those goods that he originally needed to buy suddenly became his own things, and the cost savings alone made him a lot of money! However, Silestor is not a big man. He can't let Kosnolt eat this meal for nothing!

"Brother, you must have figured out the situation so early. Tell me, what's wrong with this girl?" Silesthe smiled and poured a glass of wine for Kosnolt. Although the two are of the same age, there is still a big gap in identity. In order to keep the ally, Silester tried his best to close the relationship between the two.

"I did check it for a long time, but the lady in the prime minister's mansion seemed to be a prisoner in a cage and never came out. I could only get some news out of my servants," Cosnolt and Silester continued after touching a drink and said, "This lady used to be a little rebellious and had learned martial arts. Skills, but people don't know her level, but this lady once sneaked out for a year or two, compared with two..."

Cosnolt stopped here and began to shake his head to evaluate the dishes. Syleste quickly poured him another glass and persuaded him to drink and eat.

Cosnolt is also teasing with Sileste. After drinking a few more cups, looking at Silesthe's anxious expression, he continued proudly: "That young lady should be good-looking. These subordinates praise her for being beautiful and grew up in the prime minister's mansion. This education should not be a problem, but I heard that the lady closed the door and thanked the guests after she sneaked out. She had been hiding in her yard and refused to come out, nor did she date those school-age men in the aristocratic circle. This time, it was also because Grand Duke Jodi was anxious to arrange this son-in-law selection activity for her, but it seems that the young lady herself did not object to it.

Every time Cosnolt said, Silester nodded. When Cosnolt said that the young lady would close the door after she came back, Silestor couldn't help frowning. He looked at Kosnolt and asked in a low voice, "Brother, you said that she was a little woman. After running on the mainland for several years, will you have a heartfelt or have..."

"Ha ha, I don't know that. These servants don't dare to chew their tongues," Kosnolt shook his head and ate a few mouthfuls of vegetables, and then leaned over and whispered, "I also doubt what you said, but since this lady agreed to recruit a son-in-law, it doesn't matter whether she has a good heart, but I don't know. Did she be bullied when she wandered on the mainland? As you know, this continent is actually quite chaotic..."

Siles didn't squeak his head, but his worried face. After the two drank a few more drinks, Silester whispered to Kosnolt, "I don't think we should worry about this lady. No matter what she is, she is the precious granddaughter of Grand Duke Jody. I think you and I are the same, but If you value her identity, will you care about anything else?

"Well, I'm a nobleman now, and I need to be responsible for my own family," Kosnolt laughed. "I'm also thinking about you. I'm a declining nobleman. Naturally, I don't care about this. You are the prince who wants to ascend to the throne. If the imperial concubine has any flaws, it will also be on your face. It's not good-looking..."

"Bah, don't talk about it. You think I'm still the stupid boy in the mountain nest," Silester laughed. "You're such a thief. We don't even know what the parents are now, so you start to stump me up! I have been living in the mainland for several years, and these have long been taken away. As long as she is a good girl, I will still marry her back to the palace! We Jadet is a small place. When we put it in the palace, who will know what she has done before..."

"Good boy, you don't care about anything for the throne," Kosnolt gave a thumbs up at Silester. "With your belly and mind, your second brother is definitely not your opponent!"

Silester shook his head and said with a wry smile, "It's really hard to say now. The second brother is surrounded by the madman Afnerius. This guy destroyed the two countries in two years, and such a result is more powerful than I earned back tens of thousands of gold coins! Unfortunately, I can't recruit such a talent several times. I don't know what's good about the second brother. I can make such a talent follow him with all his heart!"

"What's good about your second brother? Ha ha, what else can he do besides eating, drinking and having fun? I think that Afennaeus also takes a fancy to him. If Bridget really becomes king, you Jadedt may not listen to anyone at that time!" Kosnolt smiled and stopped talking. Some words can be said, but if they continue, they will lose their effect.

He also met Afnerius several times in Jade Cosnolt, and the short officer left a deep impression on him. His arrogance, selfishness, belligerence and endless ambition made Afnerius a double-edged sword that Bridget could not control at all. Whether Bridget held it tightly or let go, this sword would Hurt people. If Afnerius is under Kosnolt, Kosnolt will definitely not let him sit big enough to have military power. People like Afnerius can only be raised as dogs. If he has nothing to do, he will be released to bite people or look at home, but once he becomes the climate, he must be ruthlessly strangled, because Afennaeus is wild. The family must have the courage to usurp power!

Cosnolt knew that it was useless to tell Sileste. Now that although Afnarius is a major general in Jedette, two successful invasions have made him both young nobles and officers, as well as between soldiers and people. With great influence, unless the old King Jadet fights, the current Silester and Bridget brothers are no match for others even if they join hands!

Cosnolt had already felt some signs when he left Jedd. The old king of Jedd was obviously worried about Affinerius, the dog and was slowly starting to blackmail him. Kosnolt believed that if Affinalius did not leave Jeddett himself, he would die in less than two years! Kosnolt is well aware of the cruelty of power. No matter who you are or how capable you are, in the eyes of the emperor, you are a pawn that you can give up!

Cosnolt looked at the enthusiastic eldest prince in front of him and sighed slightly in his heart. If it hadn't been for the appearance of Afnerius, the eldest prince would not have been so enthusiastic about himself, and their friendship could only be maintained until Syleste ascended the throne.

No matter who, once you sit in that position, your family and friendship will be left behind. Your own interests and the interests of your country are the king who should consider things.

A ghost curiously watched the two young masters talk more and more silently, and gradually the two of them thought about their own thoughts and drank stuffy wine...

In Norton City, in the prime minister's mansion, Grand Duke Jodi sat quietly in the middle hall listening to his reports. The news was only released for a few days. More than 100 young people came quickly from all over the world. This time, he really wanted to give his precious granddaughter a hundred miles.

Grandpa Jodi is 70 years old, with two sons under his knees and five grandchildren, which makes his only granddaughter a treasure for everyone. Perhaps because the grand Duke's family is too masculine, this young lady named Emilia has been a boy since she was a child and followed her five brothers after being sensible. After learning swords and martial arts together, teenagers secretly applied for a mercenary status.

At first, people didn't pay much attention to Emilia's problem, but as the little girl became a little girl, several elders found that something was wrong. Other people's daughter lived in the backyard and embroidered the piano all day long, while Emilia was always dressed in samurai leather and greeted a group of noble children to go horseback hunting. The girl can be regarded as a different person in Glen's aristocratic circle.

Several elders immediately found some female officials to manage the wild Miss Emilia. First, her family confiscated all her weapons and samurai uniforms, forced her to wear soft and dragged women's clothes every day, and then began to arrange her to learn piano and painting every day. Finally, the stubborn Miss Emilia couldn't stand it. However, he secretly jumped off the wall one night.

Grand Duke Jody cherished this palm and did not insist too hard on this matter, so Emilia, under the name of Amy, became a free mercenary, and later "coincidentally" became a member of a mercenary team with strong combat effectiveness. It was not until Emilia came home two years later that this In addition to her, the silver badge mercenary regiment called Brave Guardian are all senior bodyguards secretly sent by Grand Duke Jody to protect her!