Kaeus's chess game

118 Field Legion

"Joyt, we will discuss this matter. You go out first," Bishop Sam did not protect Joey this time and directly kicked him out.

After the door was closed, Bishop Springer couldn't help saying, "That Anthony was obviously thinking about the power of Prime Minister Gran. Now he is trapped in it. Did he really send the Knights to find him?"

"No one knows how many people there are in the organization called Shadow and where they are. Going in casually can only create more assassination opportunities for them. Isn't the previous lesson enough? I think this shadow assassin organization is a dog trained by the Gran Royal, which specializes in opposition to our holy religion!" Bishop White whispered, "When the situation is unknown, I don't agree to send someone into Glen and talk about a small captain. It's not worth doing so!"

"Hey, I think Joey loves his brother. Anthony was taken care of by him a lot, but this time he pushed his brother into the fire pit with his own hands!" Bishop Springer laughed proudly.

"Okay, let's put this matter on hold and see if there is any new progress." Bishop Sam interrupted Springer's sneer, and the four of them decided not to pursue Anthony's matter.

With the end of the son-in-law election, the noble princes in Norton City gradually played enough and returned to their lives. Pagani finally decided to take Emilia to live in the grassland for a period of time, and then travel around, while Kosnolt followed Silester back to Jedd to continue to consolidate him. Throne.

Agui naturally wants to follow Kosnolt. Although Silester lost his qualification, he still earned a lot of gold coins through Agui, so he simply hired a small team of fire lion mercenaries and bought two cars of Nordon City specialties to take back.

Jedt's situation can be mixed for Sileste. On the one hand, Major General Afnarius tripled his territory in two years, greatly enhancing Jedt's strength. Now, Jedt can be said to be one of the best power in the Tianshui basin, but on the other hand, this Afnarius The major general has always been close to the second prince Bridget. As the eldest prince, Silester's several times of solicitation of the other party is always vague, which makes Silester very worried.

After several conversations with Kosnolt, Silester finally understood Afennallius's ambition. This man is a hero. Neither he nor Bridget can control him. As long as Afenarius remains in Jeddet, sooner or later the country will fall into his hands!

Silestor has decided to talk to his second brother when he returns home this time. No matter how his brothers fight, the throne has always continued the bloodline of their brothers, but if Afnarius controls Jedette, it is uncertain whether the bloodline of the royal family will remain at that time.

It is related to the safety of the blood of the royal family. It is a top priority for the royal princes for generations. With the help of the Kosnolt and the Fire Lion Mercenary Regiment, Silester is confident that he can cooperate with his second brother to do a good job with this devil commander.

The convoy did not stop too much in Glen and went straight to Jadet. Due to the continuous attack of Affinalius, the robbers in the Tianshui River Basin have been forced to leave Jadet's territory, so the convoy did not be harassed after entering the mountains, and everyone was much more relaxed.

The mountainous Tianshui basin is like a barrier divided room, which is often disconnected from each other for a few miles away. Silester also planned to widen the commercial road and build more post stations to attract merchants, but that must be his job after he took power. Now he only He can follow everyone's food and sleep like a businessman.

This time, Ghost is a servant of Kosnolt, so the outpost's work is done by the mercenary team. In order to cultivate the overall tactical view of the ghost, in addition to talking about politics with Silester these days, Kosnolt is teaching the ghost to play military chess, which is a popular training game in military schools.

The chessboard is relatively close to modern chess, but the pawn is an infantry, the cart is a light cavalry, the cannon is an archer, and the horse is a magician, like a heavy infantry, and the general is naturally the king.

"The infantry is slow, but the defense is good, so it is better to stand in front of the archer as a cover. Light cavalry have to take shortcuts to insert. They are knives, and they have a great effect on rushing into the inner abdomen! Magicians and heavy cavalry should not easily cross the border before the overall situation is determined. They are too restricted, and if they go rashly, they are easy to be ambush..." By the flashing bonfire, Kosnolt patiently explained the mystery of military chess to the ghost. Except for the sentry mercenaries, everyone else came to learn, even Silester. I am also very interested in this kind of military chess game that can only be learned by professional military schools.

Agui and Kosnolt slowly deduce on the simple chessboard temporarily drawn on the ground, while others are watching with half-knowledge interest. In recent years, Kosnolt has trained many generals and captains for Hasting with such simple teaching. Now they are either leading independent mercenary regiments or being sent away. I went to the Imperial Blade Legion of Marshal Penrose to exercise.

Everyone was still listening carefully to Cosnolt's analysis of the chess game, and suddenly there was a night owl's tweet in the darkness nearby! This is the code, which means that someone is approaching!

The mercenaries on the mission immediately dispersed to protect the carriage. The captain was a knife and shield. He held the big shield and stared at the darkness.

A group of people staggered out. Although they seemed to be wearing military uniforms, they looked like a group of newly defeated ruffians.

"Hey, friend, we're going to Jadet's caravan, and we're resting now." The captain shouted loudly.

"Hey, boss, it's a small caravan," the ghost was sensitive and heard the other party whispering.

"We are a team of the Jedt Field Legion and are now patrolling. Welcome to Jedt!" A man opposite shouted.

Cosnolt looked at Silester doubtfully and asked in a low voice, "Do you have a field army?" Why don't I know?"

"I don't know. I've never heard that Jedt has this legion." Silestor, who was not familiar with the army, was also confused.

"We often come and go with Jadet. Why haven't you heard of your legion? Who is your officer? Cosnolt shouted loudly.

"We are the subordinates of Lord Narius! In the future, our legion will be responsible for the safety of this road!" The other party answered righteously.

Cosnolt and Silester both frowned. This strange force is obviously not a regular army in the Jedett battle sequence. The ghost knows whether what these kids said is true!

"Thank you for your hard work. When we meet for the first time, can adults show us the military cards to avoid misunderstanding!" At the behest of Kosnolt, the captain walked over with a shield. As long as the regular troops have special military cards, ordinary people can't fake this thing.

The group really took out the military card of a field army. After careful examination, the captain made sure that the military card was real.

Although they were very suspicious of this strange legion, everyone still allowed these soldiers to come over, but when the fire shone, everyone couldn't help but thump in their hearts. These dozen strong men were full of flesh, and their eyes flashed with ferocity and wildness. Jedd's army uniform was crooked by them, if not With military cards, anyone who sees them will mistakenly think that they have met a group of bandits and robbers gathered in the roaring mountains.

Cosnolt and Silester looked like employers. A strong man came over and said directly, "I'm Xiaoshan, the head of this group of people!"

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you. Captain Xiaoshan has worked hard," Celeste said with a smile, and then immediately called the mercenaries to get some wine and meat from the carriage. These soldiers are obviously rough men, and the wine and meat should be in their appetite.

These miscellaneous soldiers laughed as soon as they saw the wine and meat, and they immediately sat around the fire to eat and drink.

Cosnolt made a cautious gesture to the mercenaries, and then walked aside with Celeste and whispered, "I don't know what's wrong with Affennaeus, but this Xiaoshan is definitely not a soldier. I think he seems to be a roaring tiger among the eight kings of Tianshui!"

"Then he is a bandit!" Silester was shocked that there were bandits wearing Jadet's military uniform and swaying on the business road with Jadet's military plate. If something goes wrong, it will be a big blow to Jadedet's business.

"It's hard to say now. I heard that except for a few people who ran away, the eight kings have been wiped out by the Devil Legion. There must be something in it that we don't know." Kosnolt squinted at the soldiers eating and drinking. Although these people were wearing military uniforms, they were still scattered and had no military training at all.

For good, these ruffians didn't go too much after eating and drinking. After a few words of politeness, they left along the business road. Kosnolt wink at the ghost, "Follow and listen to what they say!"

The ghost nod and stepped into the woods and ran without a trace. The night was not the burden of the ghost, but his best cover. With the help of the Ye jungle stealth, the ghost was like a shadow floating in the woods, closely following the patrol team.

" boss, this is different from being a soldier. You can not only lead the army, but also eat and drink at any time..." A boy said with a smile.

"Although it's not as comfortable as before, Lord Narius didn't treat us badly. Think about the iron monkey and wild boar, all of which were killed by the devil's army. If I hadn't been smart enough, we might be lying in which ravine now..." The voice called Xiaoshan was loud, and the ghost suddenly Recognize him.

"I heard that leopards and wild dragons have gone to the ghost place in the land of flesh and blood. Now in addition to the ghost-eyed eagle, there are only three tigers and wolves left in the Tianshui River Basin. Who dares not to listen to us now? Even if we cut down people, no one dares to care!" A ruffian bragged arrogantly.

"Well, don't shut up and cut people. This let Lord Narius know that everyone will be whipped again," Xiaoshan snorted and taught everyone: "We are now the field army under Lord Nareus, and we are the regular army! I said, "You should restrain me and don't hurt everyone!"

"Yes, boss, we remember!"

Agui smiled in the dark. It turned out to be a group of bandits who were recruited. No wonder they were bandits. They must be Nallius' own private army. As soon as the ghost wanted to leave, the Xiaoshan and the others suddenly turned the topic to the eldest prince. He couldn't help but follow closely and listen to what they said.