Kaeus's chess game

120 matrix protector

Three days later, Silester's motorcade finally entered Jadet's imperial city. On the surface, everyone still lived a leisurely life, but Silester and Kosnolt can see from the vigilant city guards and passing through many patrols on the road from time to time that Jadet still had something wrong.

Silester asked Kosnolt to send the carriage to his business, while Silester himself rushed back to the prince's house immediately. He needed to know what had happened as soon as possible!

There were soldiers patrolling at the gate of the prince's palace. Silestor hesitated for a moment, pinned the badge of the royal family to his chest, strode over, saying that Silester was also the eldest prince of Jadet, and these soldiers did not dare to do anything to him at all.

After successfully entering the mansion, Silestor immediately summoned the housekeeper and others to discuss. From their mouth, Silestor knew that his father was in a coma soon after he left. It is said that he was bitten by some kind of poisonous spider. The old king was old. Although he was detoxified in time after poisoning, he was still unconscious. News came from the palace. A few days ago, the old king suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, and then called someone to write an edict to directly set up the second prince Bridget as the new king of Jedett and lead the country's military and government. As a result, Bridget announced his succession in the morning of the next day with this edict. The old king was not dead, so Bridget can only be regarded as an heir. It is a succession.

Now the ministers and generals who supported the eldest prince Sileste were imprisoned at home by Affinalius with Bridget's edict. Several old ministers risked their lives to see the old king. As a result, they were killed in the forbidden palace by Afennaeus's men on charges of intending to disrupt politics!

Slest sat on the chair, and in just a few days, the second brother, with the help of Afnarius, took the throne so openly!

"How is my father now?" There is still a glimmer of hope in his heart. As long as the old king is not dead, Bridget will never be the new king!

"No one can tell the current situation. Some people say that the old king will never wake up, and some people say that the old king has now woken up and can't speak..." The housekeeper rubbed his hands anxiously and said aggrievedly, "It turns out that the nobles who supported you have either defected to the second prince or were imprisoned at home by Afnarius. We can't get any news here.

"No, I'm going to go to the palace to see my father!" Sirester suddenly stood up and walked out quickly.

"Young master! Young master! The officers at the door are not allowed to go out!" The old housekeeper didn't catch up with Xi Lester after a few steps, so he watched him walk out of the house.

"Hight!" Several soldiers came over with knives, "Now the whole city is under martial law, and all nobles are not allowed to enter or leave at will!"

"I'm the prince!" Silester straightened his chest, and the golden royal badge made several soldiers dare not give way or stop him.

In the stalemate between the two sides, a person came from the corner of the street. Seeing that Silester was deadlocked with several soldiers from afar, he immediately rushed over and squeezed the soldiers away and forced Silester out of the door of the house.

"Selester, this way!" Kosnolt squeezed out of the crowd, pulled Silester and ran to the side, and the mercenaries behind him immediately blocked the soldiers.

"When I arrived at the firm, I found that it had been sealed up. Fortunately, the people of our mercenary regiment had not left yet. I thought there was something wrong with your father, so I brought someone to have a look..." Kosnoltra said as he ran to Silester.

"My father was in a coma, and the second brother actually took the edict to claim the king!" Silestor found someone to discuss and immediately gave a brief summary of the situation.

Kosnor said, "You did the right thing. Now you have to go to the palace to see the situation of your father. I think the second prince and Afenarez dare not kill the old king!"

"Then let's go!" Before Silestor's words fell, he heard a bang, and a green light ball came out of Silestor's body and wrapped him directly in it, and even the Cosnolt beside him was squeezed out!

"Light God Religion!?" The ghost who followed them pulled out the ranger knife and stared at Silesthe in the green light ball. This situation is too much like the sacred guardian launched by the light knights, but why is the color green?

"There are archers over there!" Cyrester looked at an arrow in front of him in a cold sweat. If it hadn't been for the protection of the matrix, this arrow would have killed him! Following the direction of the arrow, Silester saw an archer with full armor standing in the opposite room!

"It's the archer of the devil's army! Be careful, everyone!" Kosnolt shouted, and his whole body immediately rolled over to the wall, where there was a dead corner. Unless the archer's arrows could turn, they could not shoot in at all!

The ghost standing behind Silestor also saw the archer. The ghost immediately turned his wrist, and the silver-bright ranger knife in his hand immediately turned into a silver steel bow, and his other hand had pulled out a steel-headed broken armored arrow and put it on the string!

With a bang, the ghost and the archer in the opposite room shot the arrow on the string at the same time. The ghost's arrow plunged into the armor first, and the archer's arrow only stopped on the green light ball on Silester's body and fell to the ground!

"Fight!" The ghost immediately pulled out another arrow and put it on the string and kicked it at the stunned Silester. Unfortunately, it was blocked by a green light ball. His kick was like kicking on a balloon, and the ghost had to take a step back!

Only then did Silester react and shouted. This gentle eldest prince was like a mad bull, covering the green light ball and ran towards the palace. Agui and Kosnort followed closely.

Agui's eyes scanned the roof in front of him like radar. In a few minutes, four archers of the devil's army appeared on the way from the prince's mansion to the palace! Fortunately, their first target was the running Silester, and the ghost had the opportunity to shoot them all one by one. Even the full armor could not stop the steel broken heavy arrows shot by the fine steel bow!

Everyone followed Silestor to the square outside the palace before stopping. At this time, in Silestor's sleeve, a huge emerald on the wrist guard smashed into a pile of dark stones and spread out along Silester's sleeve, and the green ball of light on his body also disappeared without a bang. .

"Damn, it's almost there!" The red-eyed Silester stamped his feet and said, fortunately, the matrix protector is self-protected, otherwise the first archer's arrow can't avoid it anyway!

Looking at the neat troops outside the palace gate, Silestor shouted angrily, "Bridget, how dare you send someone to assassinate me!"

"Forget it, Silester, let's find another way. They are on guard. We can't rush in!" Cosnolt pulled Sislet from his side. Cosnolt could see that Sislet was scared by the arrow. The eldest prince must have never experienced such a dangerous thing as before.

"No, we won't have a chance if we miss today!" Sislet said and took out a velvet bag from his arms. When he opened it, there was a beautiful gold necklace. Several colorful gems set off a huge emerald, which looked noble and elegant against the golden base.

"What are you doing?" Cosnolt is a jewelry ner, but he can't figure out why Sislet took out such a beautiful necklace in this situation.

"His grandma! Fight once!" As Sislet said the rude words he learned from mercenaries and vendors, he hung the necklace on his chest.

In the strange eyes of others, Sislet touched the emerald on his chest and said softly, "This was supposed to be given to my future wife, but unfortunately I haven't found her yet. I'm going to rely on this matrix protector to attack the palace!"

"Matrix protector?" Kosnolt's eyes narrowed slightly. This kind of thing has not appeared on the mainland for a long time. This necklace is obviously made in modern times. Is it possible that Jadet still has a tall man who can build matrix protective gear?

Of course, this is not the time to ask these questions. Sislet shouted, "Come with me!" The whole person rushed to the neat troops at the entrance of the palace like a running horse!

"Damn it! It's fucking crazy!" Kosnolt stamped his foot fiercely and waved his hand and rushed to follow Sislet. This necklace must be similar to the light ball just now. If it is really invulnerable, everyone may really be able to rush in with Sislet!

100 steps, 50 steps, 30 steps! Three arrows suddenly shot from the opposite side to go straight to Sislet's point!

The ghost who followed Sislet quickly pulled his bow and fought back. When the three hidden archers fell, a green light ball appeared on Sislet's body and blocked the arrows!

"Good! Go, go!" As soon as Kosnolt saw the green light on Sislet's body lit up, he immediately rushed to his hand and shouted, "Follow the green light ball!"

Everyone plunged into the palace gate like an arrow. Some Sislet opened the way with a light ball. Whether it was a sword or a spear slashed at him, they were all blocked by the light ball, and several unlucky people approaching were hit out by green light balls like elastic balls!

The military array at the gate of the palace was immediately messed up, and Kosnolt followed behind Sislet and really rushed into Jadedt's palace!

"My father's bedroom is there. There is not much time. Hurry up and come with me!" The royal blood in Sislet's body finally burst out. At this time, he was as brave and fearless as his ancestors, although he still rushed straight to the old king's bedroom like a soldier with his bare hands!

Kosnolt hurriedly followed Sislet with the mercenaries. No matter what was in front of him, the green ball of light bounced far away, and everyone rushed into the old king's bedroom again!

"Wait at the door!" As soon as he entered the bedroom, Kosnolt quickly arranged people to guard the palace gate. Maybe he didn't expect that Sislet could really break in. There was no soldier in the old king's bedroom except for a few maid eunuchs!