Kaeus's chess game

001 Return to Bay

On the dark clouds and surging Tianshui River, a fleet was sailing forward along the current. Silester stood by the boat with a blank face and looked at the flying scenery on both sides, and his mood was as depressed as the sky.

According to the tradition of the royal family, the first thing for the new king to ascend the throne is not to comfort the people, but to exile all his brothers who can endanger the throne! Unless the new king died early without offspring and the throne needs to be passed on to his brothers, his brothers will not come back in their lives.

Originally, it should have been the second prince Bridget who was melancholy on this ship, but due to the intervention of Afnarius, the eldest prince Silester has been exiled, while Bridget is sitting in the palace with a smile.

Silestel sighed a long sigh. He didn't expect that his poor move would make Affinaeus, an outsider, turn over. Thinking of those legends about the place of exile, Celeste couldn't help but have a headache. Almost all the losers in the struggle for imperial power for thousands of years were there, and the ghost knew what it would be like now. Son!

"The place we are going to is called the place of exile, also known as the devil's left ear, which is an overseas island!" Silester said calmly, and the ghost stood beside him and was now his personal bodyguard.

"For thousands of years, the royal family has never been allowed to kill each other, so they have used the damage of exile to avoid the rapid change of the throne. Think about it, for thousands of years, all the losers of the royal family have been exiled to an island. What will happen? Maybe we can still meet the ancestors of my Jaded royal family..." Sileste smiled bitterly. If he really meets the elders of his uncles, Sileste doesn't know how to deal with this relationship. Everyone has the same blood, but his father personally sent them overseas and will never return. Come on!

"Don't worry, who is against you? I'll kill him immediately!" The ghost stood quietly beside Silester and did not move. This was not the ghost's dedication, but the ghost found that he was not omnipotent. At least there were some problems on the boat, because he was dizzy!

Silester also did not believe that the problem of seasickness actually appeared on the ghost. After Jaded got on the ship, the ghost vomited all day long as if he was poisoned. Fortunately, the boy was very strong and slowly adapted to the swing of the ship two days later.

Now, although the ghost can live a normal life, he eats very little every day. Occasionally, the storm is so strong that he hides in the cabin and does not go out. Compared with other members of the Fire Lion, he is a rookie on the boat.

Cosnolt really kept his promise. He not only sent the ghost to protect Sileste, but also transferred an elite class from the Fire Lion Elite Team to Silestor as a bodyguard! You should know that such soldiers are already precious talents of the army, and only Kosnolt can mobilize them privately.

Bogert is the monitor of the elite class, nicknamed *. Every day, he carries his heavy knife and takes people to patrol the whole hull twice in the morning and evening. The ratio of this elite class is very even, with two wrestlers, three heavy swords, two archers and three scouts.

Cosnolt did not join the ghost in this team, but sent the ghost to Silester alone. For this reason, Kosnolt also specifically told the ghost about the exile place they were going to.

The royal family of each country has some legends and information about the exiled land. In order to ensure that his ally can survive, Kosnolt privately revealed some legends about the exiled land to the ghost: there is no hope, no trust, and no way. In order to obtain survival resources, those royal families and nobles exiled in the early days have long turned themselves into beasts. They are even more ferocious and more cunning than beasts, because only in this way can they survive on that island!

Sometimes you can really meet the remnants of the ancestors on the island, but never imagine that they will lend a helping hand. If there is no value, the people on that island are only willing to kill you to save resources!

Cosnolt's order to the ghost is to protect Silester's life. If necessary, you can use any means without any moral bottom line. On that man-eating island, there has long been no morality.

At the same time, Kosnolt also revealed a message to the ghost that he could not even confirm whether it was true or false. It is said that a unique life circle has been formed on the island. Only the most capable people can go in and live there, and there is a mysterious name heaven!

These news came from the royal families who were occasionally taken back to the mainland, but before they went to the place of exile, no one knew whether what they said was true or not. Hundreds of years ago, a lucky guy who was taken back from exile to inherit the throne was inadvertently leaked after being drunk.

The news hundreds of years ago, who knows what the island looks like now?

Under the escort of two escort ships, the boat safely reached the mouth of the Tianshui River - the Back Bay of Haot, where they will change into sea ships that can travel far away and really leave the mainland!

The group didn't even have time to see the Haot country, which is rich in beautiful women, and was caught up with the prepared sea boat. A large sea boat made of huge logs. The ghost who had adapted to life on the water was much more comfortable after getting on the sea boat. Such a large ship moored in the harbor rarely shakes, and the huge deck was stable. It's like land.

Some tanned sailors are trimming the hull. They either shovel off the marine shellfish attached to the ship with iron, or apply special black glue oil to the hull to waterproof it.

This is a sea ship specially used for exile. In addition to a large number of empty cabins, it is a storage room for water and grain. Agui leaned on the boat and looked curiously. Except for a sail and a tail rudder, the sea boat is not even equipped with oars. The boats on the Tianshui River have two rows of oars for countercurrent. Rowing.

"What are you looking at?" An old sailor leaned against the boat and smoked a pipe. Although it tastes very spicy, it is very popular in coastal areas, especially among sailors. People who have been wandering at sea all year round will go crazy sooner or later if they don't find some pastime to adjust.

"Why doesn't this boat have oars?" The ghost pointed to the boat that was turning next to them, and the boatmen on them were rowing hard.

"Ha ha, there is no need for that thing on the sea," the old sailor banged his pipe on the boat and pressed some tobacco to continue smoking. He spitting smoke in his mouth and said, "As long as there are business winds and ocean currents, our boat can go anywhere!"

The old sailor stared at Xileste, who was standing on the other side and looking at the sea, and asked in a low voice, "Is this an unlucky child going to be exiled again?" Which country's nobleman is this?

The ghost was coughed by the smoke in the old man's mouth and nodded with difficulty and said, "It's Jadet's prince..."

"Oh..." The old sailor smoked a few more cigarettes, frowned and asked, "Is it the Jadet in the Tianshui Basin? Some time ago, we just sent several nobles out, and they said that their country was destroyed by Jadet.

"That should be," Agui nodded. "Jedette did destroy two countries in the front days."

"Haha, that's very lively. If our boat runs faster this trip, maybe you enemies can get together on the beach, it will be lively..." The old sailor laughed.

The two chatted for a while. The old sailor stood up and prepared to do his work. Seeing that the ghost had chatted with him for a long time, before leaving, the old sailor specially instructed the ghost: "Tell your master to buy more fruits and vegetables and take it with you. You can't wander on the sea for more than ten days. You can't eat fruit."

Agui immediately told the news to Silester, and the two got off the ship with money to buy fruits and vegetables on the shore. Although the defenders on the shore stared at them, as long as they did not try to escape, the defenders did not prohibit them from spending some gold coins on the shore to buy goods.

There are sea boats coming and going all year round, and a large number of vendors * all kinds of materials are gathered on the shore. Although the price is 20% more expensive than that in the mainland, Silester knows that this is an extraordinary time and is too lazy to bargain with them.

Apple and Orange bought several boxes at a high price, and were secretly tightened in the wood crystal core by the ghost. His space props, Silester and Kosnolt, are familiar, but neither of them have asked.

The ghost doesn't care about so much. There are fresh meat, vegetables, spirits, and even people who buy bows and arrows on the shore. The ghost took the opportunity to buy a 30-stone recursive strong bow and some arrow feathers... As long as the ghost thinks it is useful, he will buy it immediately. If it hadn't been for Sislet's reminder, the ghost would even buy a few baskets of new fresh The fish is put into the wood crystal core.

At noon, the crew members who went out to hang out came back one after another, and Agui and Silester were also invited back to the ship by the defenders. With the gradually increasing trade wind in the afternoon, the huge sea boat slowly sailed away from the shore.

Agui and Sislet both stood on the side of the ship and looked at the busy port, and the Fire Lion team did not know when to go to the deck and stare silently at the shore.

"Look a few more times, and I don't know what kind of life it will be..." The old sailor also lay on the side of the boat and looked at the shore.

Sislet glanced at him and said nothing. Although he knew that he didn't know when he would come back, the eldest prince was still disgusted from his heart when he heard someone talking like this.

"It's called Back Bay. Every sailor who goes out from here has to look back at it. No one knows whether he can come back smoothly, so this is everyone's last memory of the land..." The old sailor turned around, leaned against the port and smoked his pipe.

Sislet looked hard at the fading harbor and walked back to the cabin. Monitor Bogart stood for a while with his men, and then walked back to the cabin one by one. Who doesn't miss the warmth of the mainland, but this task is very important, and they are also forced to I can only follow him to sea.