Kaeus's chess game

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Threatened by the ghost, the boss of the ribs couldn't wait to pour out what he knew. He really didn't want to stay with these people. They all looked very kind. Why did they do it so black and fierce?

The rib boss called the exile island Zuo'er Island, which is the left ear of the devil circulating on the mainland. It is said that this is the original name of the island. To survive on this island, you will be very rich. There are people who work hard for money on this island, or you will have strength. There are three major forces on the island. If there is strength, they will take the initiative to absorb you in as a minister, which is equivalent to bandits becoming a regular army and a backer.

Sleste immediately asked about the three major forces. The boss of ribs also lived on Zuo'er Island for several generations, so he really knew something about these three forces.

It turned out that the island was originally a little indigenous, but with the early division of the mainland heroes, the exiled nobles slowly formed their own circle on the island after enslaved the indigenous people. They were called the ancient country by the people on Zuoer Island. Thousands of years ago, the Hasting Empire burst, and a large number of nobles and royal families were exiled. As a result After they went to the island, they actually gathered under the flag of the exiled royal family of Hasting, forming the Hasting family opposed to the ancient country. The new royal family that had been exiled to the island for nearly a thousand years did not buy the accounts of the ancient country nor ignore Hasting, and insisted on establishing a third force on Zuer Island and claiming to be a new power.

The boss of spare ribs belongs to this new power, but unfortunately, no one in his family has the ability in several generations, so he has been wandering around the periphery of the new power as a repation.

As for those subordinates who followed the rib boss, they are all ordinary people excluded by the three major forces. Maybe their ancestors were a king or prime minister, or even a famous general at that time, but now they have become a group of skinny poor people, even worse than civilians on the mainland.

Silestor quickly analyzed his strength. With ghosts and elite mercenaries around him. If his small team is not full of food and clothing, it will be too wasteful. Everyone's strength should be enough to cope with life in the jungle circle. Maybe with the skills of ghosts and mercenaries, he can still be The three forces pull in.

"Bogert, send someone to the woods to have a look. Let's fix it for a day and enter the woods tomorrow." Xileste's words were ordered, and the two scouts of Boggetma* were sent out.

"Go away, don't harass me again, or I'll kill you all!" Silestor pretended to be fierce and shouted at the boss of the ribs.

The boss of ribs quickly ran out with his injured hand. He can't afford to provoke these people. Now it's important to save his life first.

It's not dark yet. The big ribs sat in the stone cave with his hand and looked at the clouds rolling in the sky. He has been living by the seaside since he was born. For so many years, he has not even crossed the jungle behind him.

"Kid, pack the rest of our dried fish for me and take them with me later!" Although his hands were still tinging, the rib boss decided to give a hand. Since God could let these people float to his beach, it would give him a chance. The rib boss did not know which lifetime of royal blood suddenly awakened. He felt that this was a rare good opportunity in his life.

Before the sun sets, the mercenaries have lit a bonfire on the beach. These mercenaries who have been sleeping outdoors all year round are very familiar with wild life and do everything in an orderly manner.

The two scouts have returned. They have explored five miles into the forest. The forest is very rich in animals. They even met a wandering leopard, but they have not been found. It is estimated that they will have to go deeper to find something.

Silester lowered his head and slowly drew on the sand. His heart was like a mess. The sudden change of these days made Silester a little uncomfortable for a moment. When he really sat in this exile, he really realized that he might not be able to set foot on the land of the mainland in his life.

Clester thought about the boss of the ribs lying in front of him today. Who knows if he will be like this in a few years? Although Xi Lester has great confidence in the future, it's just that he suppressed his inner fear. In the face of such an environment, who can not worry...

"Your Excellency, that guy is here again." Bogart reported in a low voice behind him. When Silester looked back, he saw that the boss of the ribs was holding his wounded hand pitifully, and behind him was an equally black and thin boy holding a bag of things.

"What are you doing here again?" Xi Lester asked impatiently.

"Your Excellency, I'll bring you something to eat," the rib boss ran over with a smile as soon as he saw that Silester didn't drive him away immediately. "This is the dried fish I stored, and you don't have anything to eat and drink. Let's use it to cushion your stomach tonight..."

Before the boss finished saying his words, he suddenly twitched his nose, and a wisp of barbecue rushed straight into his brain to wake up all his memories of deliciousness. This is not the monotonous barbecue with only a little salt, but a real barbecue fragrance baked with various seasonings.

The big man of the ribs swallowed a big mouthful of saliva. He looked sideways at the fire. A little deer was being roasted on the fire, and the little guy who broke his hand was sitting next to him with a smile and sprinkled some seasonings.

"Deer! Deer! You roasted it!" The rib boss seemed to see his father on the fire, and his black face suddenly turned white again. "Your Excellency, this forest has been occupied by a group of strong people. If anyone dares to fight wild animals in it, they will immediately come out to kill..."

"No wonder you are so thin. It turns out that you dare not eat meat." Celeste wiped the traces of the sand and asked with a smile, "How many of them are there? Is it awesome?"

"There are more than 30 of them, all young and middle-aged warriors. I dare not provoke them..." The boss of Ribs said helplessly.

"Last year, they came to us and robbed all the young women!" The boy holding the dried fish said quickly and angrily behind him.

Siles nodded, relying on the useless wood under the ribs. Compared with these warriors, they are a group of free-range livestock. They can come to exploit them at any time, but they have nothing they can do.

"Oc, go back. If they dare to make trouble, I will solve them..." Silester waved his hand and really didn't want to look at these weak exiles anymore. Time has long washed away the good quality of these people's bloodlines, and they can only be sheep in this jungle environment.

"Your excellency, let me follow you!" The boss of the ribs faced Sislet and knelt on the beach: "I, Lao Ge, am willing to follow the adults all my life!"

"What are you doing?" Sislet's face was a little unhappy. He didn't like people without backbone very much. Affinalius was full of bad water, but he was still unwilling to rely on him, which made Sislet like talents like him in his heart.

"Your Excellency, I will take these 30 of my men to join you. If I don't go with you, we will die here sooner or later!" Lao Ge gritted his teeth and said, "We are also the people of the mainland, and we still have some blood ties with the royal family, but what's the difference between us and the rats now? I want to fight with the adult. The adult must need manpower and a guide as soon as he arrives on the island. I, Lao Ge, am willing to be the adult's guide, and all my men are servants of the adult!"

Sislet really needs some manpower, but at the thought of Lao Ge and his group of refugee-like men, Sislet hesitated again. This group of people seemed not to be a helper but a group of burden.

Lao Ge is also a clever ghost. As soon as he saw Sislet's hesitation, he said, "My lord, I'm as thin as a hemp pole, in fact, none of them are more than 30 years old, and they are the oldest young people!"

"Oh?" To be honest, Sislet didn't take a serious look at Lao Ge's men at all. He didn't expect that the refugees who walked straight were all young people. He couldn't help asking Lao Ge, "What about the older people?"

"Your Excellency, look at my situation here," Lao Ge said with a little embarrassment: "I don't have much food here. In fact, these people, like me, are hungry and thin, so we don't have food to feed others. Those older people can only let them leave..."

Sislet nodded. As expected, it was the cruel heart trained by the cruel environment. Presumably, there must be these young uncles and elders among those who left, but these guys still tried hard to let them leave. Mentally speaking, they already have the cruel heart to survive in adversity, but rationally speaking, Sislet It's hard to accept such a cold person.

Seeing Sislet frown again, Lao Ge said quickly, "Your Excellency, don't worry, with me, Lao Ge, these kids will be 100% loyal to you. Even if you kill them, they dare not resist!"

"So you are the most important person," Sislet laughed and whispered in front of Lao Ge, "To be honest, my people have just discarded your hand. Why do you come to me?"

"Your Excellency, I want to live..." Lao Ge's voice became smaller and smaller in Sislet's eyes. Finally, he whispered, "It's useless for me to waste my hands. It won't take many days for these wolf cubs to kill me, so I have to find a way to live for myself! If there are adults who are willing to bring anything and exile, it means that adults must be very confident. Otherwise, at least they will have to eat and drink gold coins in those boxes. I want to live and live better, so I really want to follow adults..."

"Ha ha, you are smart," Sislet smiled happily. If he wants to become a king, he must be good at analyzing people's hearts. Lao Ge is Sislet's first experiment. He is also quite satisfied with old greasy Sislet like Lao Ge. He has not yet entered the state, so his body I also need a greasy old man.

"You are my entourage for the time being. Oh, bring all your hungry men. My new master has to make his men full..." Sislet patted Lao Ge's shoulder with a smile, and then got up and walked to the fire. The deer was almost roasted.

Lao Ge quickly commanded the boy to put the dried fish to the side of the fire, and then kicked the boy who watched the roast deer drool far away and asked him to call everyone else to visit the new master.