Kaeus's chess game

016 tiger skin head

I don't know if tradition is making a pious decision. The people in the axe camp actually live in a mud house similar to a cave made of yellow mud mixed with straw. Because of the size, each cave is very large, and the ghost does not feel bored when he enters.

In the middle of the room is a pit fire pond, which burns slightly smoky charcoal all year round. The tiger skin leader Zuola invited the ghost into his room and invited him to go to the south of the fire pond, which is already a very noble position in the axe camp.

"You guys go get some wine and meat, and I'll have a good drink with this brother..." After leaving the people who followed Zuola, he smiled and said to the ghost, "I think the brother is very good-looking. Did you just come to us?"

Agui nodded, raised his hand and took off the mask again. This Zola seemed to be a rough man, so there was no need to be too guard against him.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be so young, and your arrow is really handsome," Zuo La touched his beard and smiled, "I don't know if the little brother used to travel there before, do you have any support?"

The so-called dependence is an organization or force that defected to. On the left ear island, generally, warriors with good means have their own forces to rely on. No one is alone to break into the world, and their families have to rely on certain forces to protect them. This is also one of the means for some forces to attract masters. If they have no family members, they will even take the initiative to choose the most beautiful woman in the clan for you. Of course, first of all, you must make people feel that it is worth investing.

"I followed my master to the island just now."

"Oh, that's right. Then you must not have any territory. I think the little brother is good at it. Why don't you let your master come to our axe camp? No one here dares to bully you!" Zuola smiled more happily. Unexpectedly, he was picked up a master for nothing when he was made such a scene by the bandits. If there were more such skilled guys around the owner of the ghost, the strength of the axe camp would be even higher!

"Your camp is really good, but are those people just now?" The ghost was not happy, but asked in a low voice.

"They are all bandits, a group of rats everywhere!" Zuola spit and continued, "They don't have a fixed territory, so they often go to other tribal strong women. I didn't expect to dare to bully our axe camp today, but this is also my fault. If it hadn't been for the little brother's action today, I would have killed these bastards even if I sacrificed those women!"

The ghost also knew what the bandits were robbed women for, so he changed the topic a little: "I've been around for a few days, and the environment here is really good..."

"Haha, that's right. Our axe camp is the best territory within a hundred miles!" Zuo La laughed and said proudly, "We have been operating here for several generations. The fields by the river can harvest grain three times a year. There are endless fish in the river. Coupled with the beasts in the surrounding woods, you will never be hungry if you live here... Have you been to the territory of the wolves? Haha, they are just a big military camp, and there is no fun to live in it. Look at our camp, everyone can live freely..."

Before he finished speaking, several people had carried the wine and meat in. The rough clay jar was filled with self-brewed grain wine, and the hind legs of two half-cooked bison were worn on wooden sticks and directly set up on the fire pond.

Zola personally poured a bowl of wine for the ghost and handed it over. "Come on, try our self-brewed cereal wine. This is the best wine in a hundred miles."

Agui quickly tasted it. Although it was a little bitter, it was cool. After drinking it, he poured some grains and fragrant. Looking at the ghost and nodding, Zuola said happily, "This wine is even liked by people in the inner circle. We have to transport a batch to heaven to exchange things every year."

"Paradise?" Agui was relieved and didn't expect that the axe camp was still connected with heaven.

"Oh, forget that my brother has just arrived. Paradise is the middle of the island. It is built like a city. Only the richest people can live there." Zola explained quickly.

The bison legs have been roasted. As soon as they were slightly heated in the fire pond, they immediately oozed golden grease. They pulled out a dagger from their waist and cut off a piece of tender meat for a few times and handed them to the ghost. "Little brother, you can't eat this meat outside. Only such bison is found on the left ear island. Eat meat."

Agui took a bite and nodded. The meat was really tender. If Zola hadn't said it was wild beef, the ghost would have even thought it was some kind of fish meat.

"I don't know whether this bison was brought in or originally grown on the island. Anyway, anyone can praise the taste of this meat. Wild beef and grain wine are the specialties of our axe camp. With them and heaven, you can not only exchange them for cloth farm tools, but also weapons or manpower." Zuo La proudly shook the dagger in his hand to Agui, "Look at this dagger. It's made by Seiko. It's extremely sharp."

Agui has long noticed his dagger, which is well made, and the quality is similar to that made by senior blacksmiths on the mainland, but this thing is definitely a boutique on Zuo'er Island. If it hadn't been Zuo La, the head of the axe camp, would not always carry it with him.

"I'm still a gadget. The patriarch has a two-handed sword made by a real master in heaven, and there is also ice magic on it, which we exchanged with fifty bison and 100 jars of grain wine..."

"Sword with magic!" A ghost's eyes suddenly lit up. It was recorded in the Ye Code that there were weapons that could launch magic on the mainland, but with the time of burial, these magical weapons were rarely seen on the mainland, but he never expected that it could be seen in this small exile.

"Haha, yes, a cold sword!" Zola is a warrior who is fascinated by weapons like a woman. Obviously, he is also very concerned about this sword. "Unfortunately, it is the treasure of the patriarch. She said it was a gift for her man, ha ha."

"Her man? Is your patriarch a woman? Agui was stunned for a moment and didn't expect that these thick and bold men were ruled by a woman.

"Of course, the patriarchs of our axe camp are all women!" Zola did not shy away from this matter, but said seriously, "Only women can let the tribe continue, so the men in our axe camp are all soldiers, and we are the protectors of this camp!"

"You are indeed a powerful protector!" The ghost smiled and touched the wine bowl with him and took a sip. The ghost still remembers Zola's beautiful flying axe, which can throw a flying axe with such a tricky angle in that scene. He should not only have extraordinary courage and excellent skills, but also have strong self-confidence!

Zuo La laughed and praised the archery of the ghost. Then the two continued to drink. Zuo La began to constantly persuade the ghost to come to live in the axe camp. As the instructor of the axe camp, he knows the value of talents. If the ghost is willing to teach patiently, maybe for a few years. Later, a group of senior warriors who can shoot arrows and wield axes will also appear in their axe camp!

The two talked and laughed until dark. Although the ghost did not promise to go to the axe camp, he made friends with Zuola. The descendants of these mountain people are not as barbaric and uncivil as rumors outside, nor as cunning and treacherous as other exiles. For them, a stable life is the biggest demand in their lives. But who dares to destroy their lives, these men will still use axes to fight with each other. Fight to the end.

"The head of the clan, the patriarch said that when you have a good meal and drink, go to the ancestral house, and the patriarch will see the ghost brothers in person." A boy who came in carrying wine whispered to Zuola.

"Oh, you see, I said that the patriarch will also thank you," Zola smiled and began to pour wine for the ghost. "Children and women are our most precious wealth. Without you today, we would have lost a lot..."

"If the patriarch wants to see me, then I can't drink any more..." Agui blocked the wine bowl with his hand. Although the grain wine is not as strong as soju, it will still be drunk. Agui and Zuola have drunk four or five jars in one afternoon. He is also worried that it would be a little rude to see the patriarch when he is drunk for a while.

"It's okay. This wine is the adjustment of life. How can a man not drink?" Zuo La forced to pour another bowl for the ghost. He also said with relief, "Don't worry. Our patriarch is very enlightened. Besides, not only men can drink in our axe camp, but also women are often drunk. Hahaha, It's okay, it's okay..."

After drinking a jar of grain wine with Zuola, the ghost was taken to the ancestral house of the axe camp. This is the place where the axe camp sacrifices to the ancestors and is also the house where the patriarch lives.

"The patriarch is very easy-going, but sometimes his words are always cloudy and foggy, hehe" Zuo La's body has been a little shaken, and he looks simple with a big mouth.

Although the ghost can drink it, so much grain wine also feels a little floating. He smiled and lowered his head and walked in.

Entering the ancestral house, the ghost felt that it was somewhat similar to the temple of the steel clan. The same thick logs were used as the beams, and several bean-sized oil lamps were lit to make the whole room shadowy. Agui Zitong turned, and there was a sign on the opposite wall, which seemed to be the names of the ancestors of the axe group. There were many axes of different shapes against the wall, and I don't know if it was the weapons left by these ancestors.

"These are all our ancestors who died in battle!" Suddenly, there was a faint whisper next to him. The ghost turned his eyes gently and noticed that there was a black cloth hanging on one side of the room, and the oil lamp inside vaguely reflected a woman's figure.

"Come in, I don't want to chat with my ancestors' famous brands there..."

Agui gently lifted the mantle and walked in. The mantle divided the ancestral house into two parts. There were no signs on the wall here, only some strange pictures painted with red paint. A thick woman sat on the ground covered with animal skin and looked at a pot with only the remaining scorres.

Agui knew that this should be the patriarch of the axe camp. He looked carefully. The corners of the woman's eyes were not wrinkled and should not be more than 30 years old. The bones were thick and wide, and they should know some fists and feet, but when he thought of those women carrying axes against the bandits during the day The ghost was also relieved. As expected, this axe camp was full of soldiers, and even women were not good stubbles!