Kaeus's chess game

033 Barbarian territory

Following the escort team of the Axe Camp, Agui and Silester have been walking in the woods for five or six days. I don't know how many years the road of the Axe Camp has been. The forest road is repaired like a small commercial road. In order to protect this batch of goods, the Axe Camp sent more than 50 warriors, and there were even ten women in it. And Zola also followed the team in his tiger skin.

A Gui walked in the middle of the team with Silestor, surrounded by six ox carts. The car was an altar of milled wine. This jar is not a small wine jar that everyone usually drinks, but an urn with a big belly that needs two people to hold. The animals pulling the cart are the domesticated bison in the axe camp, followed by more than 20 bison. They are pure meat food and will be slaughtered when they reach the inner circle.

Agui and Silester sat on the ox cart because of their special identities and looked at the tough figures with big axes beside them. Agui couldn't help asking Zuo La beside him, "Do you go out so carelessly? Don't send an outpost or something to explore the way?"

"Haha, no need it," Zuo La waved his hand proudly. "We have been on this road for decades, and the forces around here know that this goods are the result of everyone for a year. If someone dares to grab it, our axe camp will fight with him!"

"How much can this wine and meat be exchanged for?" Silestor cares about the value of goods like a businessman.

"A cow can be exchanged for a set of armor, a jar of wine can be exchanged for a bucket of salt or a female slave, and sometimes three or five male slaves. Haha, there is a large slave market in the inner circle, which can be traded freely."

"In addition to slaves obtained in the war, slaves are no longer allowed to be traded freely on the mainland," Silester said. "However, female slaves on the mainland can still be traded privately."

"Women on the island are more expensive than men, and even a few jars of wine may not be exchanged!" Zuo pulled the tiger skin and then said, "We usually change weapons, armor and salt. Women have a high status in our axe camp, and even female slaves can't enslave them."

"Women have a high status. Why are there female soldiers in your team?" The ghost said and looked at the female soldier with an axe not far away. The two big braids were tied like two big black sticks and fell together on the big axe behind him with their pace.

"Hahahaha, that's the person in charge of spying on us!" Zola and Agui are already very familiar with each other and don't avoid anything at all. "The patriarch is afraid that we rough men will be reckless, so he specially sent some female soldiers to control them. If not, these womenless animals may really change a few female slaves to be wives!"

Zola's words caused several axe warriors next to laugh. Agui and Silester also knew that Zola was joking and laughed.

"Be careful, everyone, the front is the territory of the barbarians!" An axe warrior walking in front shouted, and everyone immediately put away their smiling faces. Many axe warriors even took down the huge axe on their backs.

"Zola, what's the situation ahead?" When the ghost saw that the atmosphere was a little tense, he asked Zola around him in a low voice.

"These are the indigenous people on the island belonging to the ancient power, a group of ignorant barbarians. There is no reason to talk to them. Every time they meet, they have to fight!" He stretched his neck and looked forward, and then whispered, "It's a little trouble. These barbarians will naturally walk away after being taught a lesson. We must not be soft with them. The tougher we are, the more afraid they will be."

The whole Zuo'er Island originally belonged to these aborigines, but the mainland kept sending people to the island, and some even brought their own guards and warriors. As a result, these aborigines who only knew how to use primitive tools were driven around by outsiders. After several serious conflicts, the aborigines were taken by established guards. A large number of people were killed with a sharp sword. In the end, the remaining indigenous people could only belong to these arrogant outsiders and become the humble subordinates of the first powerful to exiled to the island.

Generations of exiles kept grabbing the territory on the island to attract people, while the life circle of the aborigines was getting smaller and smaller. Finally, they had to rely on the power of the ancient country to grab a difficult survival outside the inner circle.

The business road of the axe camp is just about to pass through the territory of the aboriginals. This group of unreasonable barbarians don't care about the axe camp. As long as they see it, no matter whose team is, they will try to grab it. Anyway, the ancient country did not attach importance to these aborigines, as long as it is not excessively slaughtering these increasingly rare indigenous people. , the ancient forces would not interfere at all.

When the barbarian shouted and rushed out of the woods, although Agui and Sirester were prepared, they were still shocked by the costumes of these indigenous people: they wore colorful feather crowns made of various feathers on their heads, and their faces were painted with unknown white and red paints, and their whole body was painted with grass and wood ash. The gray-black aborigines are really worthy of being called barbarians. Both men and women only slightly covered their waists with huge leaves, and almost all of them ran out naked. If it hadn't been for the wooden stick stone in their hands, Silester would have thought he had met some strange nothingness. Hairy monkey!

"Brothers, don't be soft, kill these barbarians!" Zuo La shouted, and the male and female warriors around him rushed to Wu beside him. Hairy monkey.

The convoy was divided into two parts. More than 30 warriors in the front protected the ox carts with wine jars, while more than 30 warriors gathered the cattle and stayed firmly beside them.

Although there are more than a dozen barbarians who rushed out, the axe warriors can beat them around with both of them. The ghost stood on the car and stretched out his head to look at them. These barbarians were a little stronger than those lower-class people. No wonder the ancient country did not pay attention to them. These barbarians were not old and weak. One by one, they are like monkeys who go down to the ground. Except for screaming, they don't have much attack power at all.

Slester also stood on the car, pulled away the bow and arrow and looked around, then shook his head to loosen the bow, and slowly put the arrow back into the quiver. "These people are as stupid as beasts. It's better to shoot birds than to shoot them..."

In a few minutes, the axe warriors beat the barbarians crying and ran back to the woods. Even the female warriors with two big braids also beat away several barbarians. Watching them pull down the leaves to wipe the blood stains on the axe, the ghost couldn't help looking at the women in the axe camp with new eyes. The last time they were bandits At the time of the attack, some children were threatened. These women did not show much bravery, but today, looking at their action, they were obviously much better than Lao Ge's men!

"FortunATE, there are not many people this time. They will have trouble when dozens of people run out at once." Zuo La jumped on the car and pulled his tiger skin and put it on his shoulder. His axe was at hand, ready to pick it up and cut people at any time.

"You don't do it seriously. Why didn't you kill a few to scare them?" Agui sat down with a smile and took out a pot of wine from the wood crystal core to quench his thirst. Although this is not a grassland liquor but also a good wine in mainland restaurants, Zuola is now.

"Ouch, good brother, haha, what a good brother!" Zuola took the wine pot with a smile and took a big sip, and his mouth was full of praise for the ghost. Since drinking mainland wine, he has indeed been much less interested in mille wine recently.

"These barbarians are not worth killing at all. Just now, these colorful barbarians with flowers and hair on their heads are the least effective barbarians. Our soldiers can beat them away with only with their fists, but if we meet monochromatic feathers on their heads, especially pure white or pure black white barbarians and black barbarians, we will take it seriously." Zola took a sip of wine and then continued to say, "There are not many white and black men, but they are very brave and belligerent, and their physique is much stronger than these flowers. If you meet their ghost brothers, you can take action at will. We may lose soldiers in the territory of the barbarians before."

Agui nodded. No wonder all the axe warriors, although they easily ran away, they were not relaxed. They were all on alert with axes.

"You divide six people to help behind, and don't let these barbarians disperse the cattle!" Silester shouted at the senior warriors by the car, these are the people he brought.

Zola nodded gratefully to Siles. Although the axe battalion is almost full of soldiers, there are not many senior warriors, and there are only five senior warriors guarding the cattle behind. Now with several senior warriors supported by Silester, the cattle behind should be foolproof.

The wolf group has their own secret passages, several of which can bypass the barbarians, while the Axe Camp has only taken this road for generations, so they can only pass through the territory of the barbarians!

The ox cart squeaked on the road again. Zola chatted with the ghost and Silester while drinking wine. Both men and women of the axe warriors protecting the convoy kept scanning the woods around them. There were also strong men among the barbarians. The axe warriors who were already familiar with the barbarians knew that the danger had not yet arrived.

"This is the bow I got from the wolf group, about 50 stones," the ghost held the dome bow in his hand, put on an ordinary feather arrow and shot it into the woods in front of him.

Zola and Silester thought that the ghost was trying the bow, but they didn't expect that there was a wailing in the woods in front of him after the arrow was shot out. When the convoy passed, a colorful man was nailed by an arrow on a tree trunk and was struggling. All the axe warriors just looked at him like garbage and walked away. The ghost's arrow Only shot through his shoulder, and the color screamed painfully but did not dare to pull out the arrow.

"What kind of secret art are you? Why can't you see it and shoot it?" Zola had drunk the wine and stared at the colorful barbarians struggling on the tree trunk. He had long known that the ghost could shoot arrows, but he never expected that the ghost could shoot these short colorful barbarians without looking at it!

"This is called a forest arrow, and hunters in my hometown can do this." The ghost borrowed the magic swing arrow of the Ye clan. The Ye clan attacked the invisible enemy with swinging arrows in the jungle, while the ghost attacked with real bows and arrows. Their principle is the same, all relying on spirits. Sensitive hearing and perception.

Since the yuan god, Agui has finally been able to shoot the same forest arrows as the Ye clan. He used to be able to identify the approximate position of the target by sound, but now he can simply determine the accurate position and dynamics of the target through sound, just like aiming at the target without hindrance!

The ghost standing on the stillow is like a jungle prince. Each of his arrows seems to be guided by force. He can always shoot the invisible barbarians through the thick branches and leaves. Under the deliberate manipulation of the ghost, the barbarians shot by him basically did not die immediately, covering arrows one by one. Howling, several unlucky people were still nailed to the tree by the ghost, as if they were a living sign of demonstrating to the barbarians!