Kaeus's chess game

064 Mental break

"I'm a ghost, and it's an honor to compete with you!" After saying that, the ghost put a cross in front of his hands, and the bone mosquito needle pressed tightly to his wrist!

"We are all legendary warriors. Why do we have to fight like others?" The desert put one hand and said to the ghost with a smile, "Let me show you my situation first!"

Originally, a breeze suddenly blew in the windless arena, and the ghost did not dare to be careless. After all, the legendary warriors already belong to a high-end existence. Everyone has their own unique momentum. Sure enough, with a few breezes, the whole arena suddenly became dry, and the audience in the front row could even faintly smell the dry sand. !

The long gun in the hand of the desert slowly turned, and the surrounding air was like a sandstorm stirred by a strong wind, slowly forming a spiral cyclone. As the small sand and dust on the ground were attracted, a four or five-meter-high sand whirlwind was formed in front of the desert!

"Try my salon roll!" The slender star-shaped gun pointed to the ghost, and the shaking sand whirlwind actually rushed to the ghost!

This whirlwind is a little interesting, but the ghost really can't see any lethality of this thing. Its greatest ability is to fascinate itself, as if it is not threatening at all. But when the sand whirlwind blocked the desert, the ghost suddenly felt that his body was suddenly cold, and a cold murderous intention suddenly gushed out of the whirlwind!

The bone mosquito needle in the ghost's hand suddenly came to the front of him, and the purple pupil suddenly shrank into two small dots and stared at the roaring earthy yellow whirlwind. Although he had not found where this murderous intention came from, the sharp murderous intention had made the ghost's hair a little explosive!

Purple pupil accurately caught a faint light in the earth-colored whirlwind. The star-shaped spear was like a swallow flying in the whirlwind, and stabbed straight to the ghost's neck!

Mobilizing the power to cover the attack is the unique means of the legendary warrior. Before the ghost himself could figure out the situation, he confusedly went against his first legendary opponent! Fortunately, the ghost was originally a fast attack type. In addition, Zitong found the opponent's attack route one step in advance. Everyone only heard a crisp sound, and the star-shaped blade shrank back into the whirlwind.

Agui belongs to a melee warrior. If you distance himself from a gunner, it must be himself. The other party can actually shoot through the sand whirlwind. Naturally, Agui will not be trapped and give him a chance. With a hard foot, his whole body will fly out to the left like a tight spring, and the The star-shaped long gun was like an arrow shot from the wind and sand, and the ghost stared at his chest as soon as he soared!

There was another crisp sound in the field. Although the ghost's bone mosquito needle accurately stabbed the head of the gun, the horizontal sharp blade still brought a mouth on the ghost's shoulder! In addition to pricking, the star gun head also has the effect of cutting. Many opponents will be injured by it if they don't pay attention!

Agui's movement was forced to stop. He glanced at his shoulder and hand. This cut was not deep, but there was a big gap in his sleeve!

In the blink of an eye, the whirlwind swallowed the ghost like a dragon. In an instant, the ghost seemed to stand in the raging wind and sand, and could not distinguish the southeast and northwest at all. Although the fine sand kept hitting his face, it was not very painful, but it was difficult to open his eyes again!

At this time, Agui is really considering using his spiritual power to lock his opponent. The silver star gun in the desert seems to have the effect of fluctuating airflow. Every time his gun enters the wind and sand, the slightly weak wind and sand always rotates again. The ghost has decided to open the purple again. Pupil was a little difficult, and he had to start thinking about using his mental strength.

The calm spiritual sea is still as before, and the ghost's yuan god stood with his eyes closed as if he was asleep. Suddenly, the yuan god opened his eyes as if he woke up, and the blue spiritual power around him rushed out like a tsunami and spread around.

Agui closed his eyes and commanded his spiritual power to extend his tentacles around. First, there were countless rampaging sand. After the spiritual power was mixed in, the sand grains fell to the ground like wet flying catkins.

The desert, which was ready to take action outside, was shocked. He had long been prepared to defend against the ghost, but he never thought that the young warrior who had been suppressed suddenly thought of a way to crack his salon roll. Seeing that the wind and sand in front of him were getting thinner and thinner, the desert knew that he could no longer wait and shouted high. Jumping up, a shot hit the ghost's forehead!

With a soft sound, all the sand flying around the ghost fell into a regular round earth circle around, and the desert felt as if a veil had suddenly been removed. The boy named the ghost was standing in front of him with his eyes closed, and the smile on the strange mask seemed to be mocking himself. The means!

In the perception of the ghost, a vague figure in front of him is slowly jumping up, and a long pole is being pulled down by him.

"It turns out that mental strength can delay time." The ghost sighed gently in his heart, and it seemed that he had too little exploration of spiritual power. However, he immediately concentrated on dealing with the opponent in front of him. At the moment when the sand landed, the hot atmosphere that had been shrouded in the arena suddenly disappeared, and the momentum of the desert was inexplicably broken by the ghost!

Agui still didn't open his eyes. He waited so quietly for the sharp tip of the gun to get closer and closer to his forehead before slowly leaning. In the eyes of outsiders, the boy had just made an extremely dangerous decision. Unexpectedly, he could avoid it when the silver gun was about to stab him. Many people's eyes have even made mistakes. It seems that the silver gun has suddenly pierced the ghost's head!

Silver * The desert immediately adjusted his wrist to let the gun head sweep, trying to rely on the sharp corners to put the ghost's neck. Unfortunately, at this time, he was completely surrounded by the ghost's spiritual power, and every movement could not be slower in the ghost's perception.

The head of the gun slowly flipped and was ready to pull back. All the intentions of the desert were in the control of the ghost. This time the ghost would no longer give him a chance to be arrogant. He gently turned his wrist and grabbed the barrel of the gun, and then rushed along the gun to the desert that had just fallen!

"Go!" The desert roared for the first time, but he knew the terrible consequences of being caught in the gun body. The desert quickly raised his two thick arms, gritted his teeth to turn the strength that was supposed to sweep into a pick, and tried to throw out the ghost attached to the barrel of the gun with brute force!