Kaeus's chess game

074 My rules

One was responsible for delivering meat and wine, and the other was responsible for cleaning up the table, while Fat Raul stood at the door in person to maintain the continuation. Old Ilgert lay on the counter and didn't have time to come out for a long time. In less than three hours, all the prepared ten sheep went into the diners' stomachs. Fat Raul had to hang a sold-out sign in a curse. No matter how the diners who did not turn outside the door complained, Fat Raul had got into the counter to study today's income with Ilgert.

The diners who were hungry by the smell of roast lamb could only rush to other hotels on the street, and the income of each family increased this night!

"Haha, I sent it!" Fat Raul pulled the ghost's sleeve and asked him to look at the account book. Yesterday, several people set 300 gold coins for each sheep. If it was cut into plates, 50 gold coins per plate, so that a sheep could sell 100 more gold coins. As a result, in these three hours, ten sheep not only sold cleanly, but also made a net profit of 3,000 gold. Coin, unexpectedly, no one wanted the whole sheep and chose a plate of points, which made each sheep produce an extra profit of 100 gold coins.

Not only made money from roasting sheep, but even the bad local wine also made hundreds of gold coins, but many diners complained to Fat Raul that the wine was too bad. The fat man could only apologize with a wry smile. Originally, he also wanted to drink some good wine, but the ghost was determined to use these cheap bad wines, so that Fat Raul did not know how much he was scolded. Don't be black-hearted.

It was not until a few days later that the people sent by Xilesto sent to deliver a urn of grain wine to the backyard that the wine and meat family no longer sold bad wine. Naturally, the grain wine was much better than those crude miscellaneous wines, so everyone did not resist the high-priced sake with 20 gold coins per pot. As a result, it was originally a 200 gold coins. Zijiu forced the ghost to sell 600 gold coins!

Agui went to several slave markets in the inner city during the day. They not only bought a few slaves who can raise sheep, but also specially bought a few slaves who can brew spirits to let the warriors bring wine back to their territory. With the commercial sense of Sileste, he believes that Silestor will reuse this almost slaves. When all the raw materials become their own products, they will turn into shiny gold coins and flow back to Xileste's pockets.

Due to the lack of preparation at the beginning, the cereal wine sent by Xileste was sold cleanly without persisting for a few days. This time, Agui did not use cheap bad wine to fool diners, but bought some ordinary liquor*, but the price was not low. Grain wine is a large pot of 20 gold coins, and these ordinary drinks are 20 gold coins and a small pot are just enough to fill four cups.

Old McCarthy became a regular customer of the wine and meat family immediately after eating roast mutton. The ghost also had a good impression of the old man and only received half price every time.

"I said, kid, why don't you make money?" Old McCarthy, who had eaten roasted sheep, squatted not far from the stove and asked Agui, "You only sell ten sheep a day, but many people haven't eaten them. Look at these people outside. I don't think it's enough to sell 20 sheep a day."

"Ha ha, if you can't eat, come tomorrow. Our store won't run. They will always have a chance to eat it." The ghost smiled and quickly rolled the mutton in his hand. The flame in the stove was stirred by his spiritual power and didn't even need Xiao Zuo to help fan the wind. Only the fire controlled by the ghost could roast the mutton on the outside and tender inside, oily but not greasy.

This is a unique skill, with unique spices and super fire control. People who don't understand the truth can't imitate it.

Seeing that roast mutton is so popular, several restaurants on the street have begun to imitate and launch a whole lamb meal, but everyone who has eaten it shakes their heads and uses a recent sentence on the street: "If you want to eat real roast lamb, go to a wine and meat family. They are the most authentic!"

"Haha, you legendary roast sheep are famous now. I heard that you just chased away another group of trouble-s." Old McCarthy asked with a smile while picking the meat between his teeth with a toothpick.

"There are always so many boring people. Fortunately, my legendary brand is easy to use, or this shop would have been smashed by others long ago." The ghost smiled and pointed to the golden fighting card hanging on the edge of the stove, which actually became the amulet of the wine and meat family.

It turned out that the business of the wine and meat family is so hot that naturally aroused the eyes of their peers. As soon as several nearby restaurants inquired about it, the wine and meat family is now managed by several unrooted outside circles, and immediately sent people to bully them. At first, I was kind enough to persuade him, hoping to invite the 'little master' of barbecue to his store and promised a very high salary. But later, when he saw that the ghost was unmoved, he simply splashed. As a result, it was self-evident that the ghost didn't even use weapons. He beat the group of people with bare hands, broke their arms and legs, and threw them all on the street at the door to demonstrate.

The second group of people who came to make trouble didn't even dare to enter the door, because the ghost hung the golden fighting card on the edge of the stove with a rope. As long as the warriors in the inner city are not blind, they can recognize this fighting card representing the legendary identity!

So the roast sheep of the wine and meat family is called 'legendary roast lamb', because it is really roasted by legendary warriors!

Although unwilling people will still come to the door and say bad words to spread rumors, as long as the ghost stares, they will run faster than rabbits! No one will be full to find trouble for legendary warriors. They will really kill people!

The legendary roast lamb of the wine and meat family is becoming more and more famous. Even Nanchu of Qingsong Pavilion and Anne Cassie of Liuxiang Restaurant came to eat it in person, but the two of them never came back after eating. It is said that Nanchu commented that the roast lamb was a little greasy and the wine was too bad, but Anne Cassie shook her head and came out after eating all the plate. She The purpose of not coming again is very simple. I'm afraid that I can't help eating and become a fat man like a horse shopkeeper looking at the wine warehouse.

No matter how famous the wine and meat is, the ghost usually only roasts ten sheep a day and closes when they are sold out!

Although customers and old friends, even fat Raul, advised the ghost to roast a few more sheep every day, he was rejected by the ghost. Now he is the boss, so the decision finally belongs to the ghost.

But today, someone wanted to break this rule. Just after roasting the last sheep and was about to talk to old McCarthy, a gorgeously dressed old man came over slowly.

"Little brother, I heard that your barbecue skills are good. I still haven't been in line when I came all the way. I don't know if the little brother can bake a head for me again. I can pay ten times the price." Although the old man spoke politely, he showed an irresistible confidence. With brown brocade clothes and patterned crutches, this old man is the boss of the city's chariots and horses.

"Come back tomorrow and have your place early." The ghost didn't raise his head. He squatted beside old McCarthy and was trying to talk to him about asking him to help with knives and forks. It was really a little useless to cut meat with a ranger knife.

The ghost doesn't know him. Old McCarthy knows the old man Ma. He gently pulled the ghost's sleeve to make him pay attention.

Unfortunately, without waiting for old McCarthy's manual, the ghost's eyes have turned purple and staring at the old man Ma, and a cold murderous intention behind the old man is rising!

There are several degrees of human murderous intent, and the one behind Mr. Ma must be the kind of murderous intent that slaughters countless times. Only real killers can have such a strong murderous intent! And this kind of person is the type that ghosts are most interested in!

"The man behind you seems to be good. If he can fight with me, I will consider roasting more sheep for you tonight." Agui squinted at the old man Ma, and the murderous intention behind him had stirred up the ghost's fighting spirit.

Before Boss Ma answered, a cold hum came from behind him, and an unobtrusive dark shadow came out of Boss Ma's hand.

"I can only kill people and won't compare. If I kill you, no one will barbecue." The man in black looked at the ghost proudly.

"Ha ha, coincidentally, I also learned a killing knife, but I didn't plan to kill you today, so let's go to the alley there empty-handed and make two moves to fight. You should also like to fight secretly, right?" As soon as the ghost came out of the man in black, he felt familiarity. This man's way of fighting should be very similar to that of the ghost.

The man in black did not pay attention to a barbecue cook, but when he heard the ghost say that he liked fighting in the dark, his eyes fell on the ghost seriously for the first time. Soon he smelled the same kind from the young man. Of course, it was definitely not the pungent smell of spices.

"He is a shadow assassin!" Old McCarthy didn't care about angering the horse boss and whispered to remind the ghost.

"Oh? I have wanted to see the shadow assassins for a long time. Their names are like thunder!" The ghost smiled happily and got up like walking in the alley next to the pub, where the dark lights were blind, and ordinary people could not see anything at all.

If ordinary people can't see it clearly, it doesn't mean that the strictly trained killer can't see it clearly. For the assassins who are good at sneaking in the dark, the darkness is simply their coat. When the shadow assassin saw the ghost arrogantly walk into the black alley, he nods to Boss Ma and followed him in.

The light on the street disappeared a few steps away, and it always made people blind for a while. The shadow assassin squinted and stood at the junction of light and dark without moving. He quickly blinked a few eyes to adapt to the darkness in the alley.

"Come here, let's get started when you're ready!" The ghost stood in the black alley and waved to the shadow assassin. Purple pupil could see clearly even in a completely dark room, not to mention this dark alley. Even the shadow assassin blinked a few times, and the ghost could count it!

"Be careful, I have killed a lot of people with my bare hands!" The shadow assassin sneered, and his whole body was pushed against the wall after a few steps, relying on his feet to support his body and quickly rushed to the ghost in the air!